posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:34 PM
I have been on this site since around 2005 and never once I have shared my UFO experience. Why? Well, because I have no proof, no photos only my
personal eye witness testimony.
I decided I would share not because it's relevant to anything but because to date I don't believe I have ever heard a similar story. So here it
One day about 7 years ago I was walking outside from work on a smoke break. As I walk outside down the rear steps into the parking lot I look up and
out on the mountain range in front of me is a glowing blue light flashing steadily and brightly. Although I caught my attention I didn't think much
of it at first. In fact, my first thought was that it was a beacon letting airplanes know "hey, look out below!". It took a few minutes to occur to
me that I come out here multiple times a day, every day and never once have I seen this light.
As this thought occurs to me, almost immediately I see a smaller red light that appears to come out of the blue light. This little red light circles
around the blue light about 3-4 times the detaches and flies at the same height as the existing light but travels along the mountain range. This
happens for about 60 seconds before the red light disappears behind a building from my point of view. The building in question was adjacent to the
building I was in, again looking out over the parking lot. Past the parking lot is a field, then embankment from there the Susquehanna River and over
the river is the mountain range in question. (Not nearly as far away as it sounds though). Certainly within a few miles away.
Once the red light moves past my line of view I continue my focus on the pulsating light. Nothing about it changes and it just continues to pulsate.
Currently and from the moment I experienced this I was the only one outside. About a minute later the red light returns from wince it came but
slightly faster upon return. The red light quickly circles the blue light in the same manner it did before and then merged back. The merging back from
what I recall was far more intense than how it separated. Once the two lights came together the entire light show lifted in the air (only slightly)
and jettisoned in the direction the red light had gone.
It was immediately after the lights merged that two other employee's came outside. They only saw the blue light fly away but even this caught their
attention. They looked at me and asked what was that? I stared at them for a few seconds wide eyed and in disbelief. I asked them if they seen it too.
They said: "The light?" Me: "Yes the light, did you see how the red light merged into the blue one?" "No" he says "I saw that light fly away,
what was that?".
That was basically it. I have no idea what it was nor have I seen anything like that again. I had thought at the time I should head out there and
check out the landing site. Needless to say I never did. I just left well enough alone.
Has anyone ever had a similar experience? Or can anyone share what they think it might be?
Stay Sacred.