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Sweden Muslim Riots, called a City of Fire

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posted on May, 26 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by winofiend
Stop hassling the poor muslims.

If you would just stop killing innocent babies with drones, none of this would ever have happened .

or as I like to call it, in before already posted, thread closed

-- tried to find the thread that was pointed to yesterday when another thread on this topic appeared but was closed. Samuru says no. So..

I guess.. Oo

edit on 26-5-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

I love folks like you, always with the excuses.

You are still approving of their actions, irregardless of past transgressions. The case isn't closed, and people like me won't let it be closed. There is an evil core to Islam, one that will do anything to further its cause - a world under Sharia and Islam.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by winofiend
Stop hassling the poor muslims.

If you would just stop killing innocent babies with drones, none of this would ever have happened .

or as I like to call it, in before already posted, thread closed

-- tried to find the thread that was pointed to yesterday when another thread on this topic appeared but was closed. Samuru says no. So..

I guess.. Oo

edit on 26-5-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

so let me get this straight
it's just 200 local hooligans...
that just happen to be muslim?

no wonder it's being given so little press. [see tinfoil below]*

ROFL so it's yet another case of the elephant in the room Brother Corruption Exposed in his " serious incident " thread [which turned into a bnp/edl rally faster than you could say "muslamic rayguns"] where a little event is blown out of proportion ?

also,don't you find it funny how multiculturalism is a failure only in the west, whereas elsewhere and elsewhen it did work ?

reminds of the race riots of the 60's-70's
lots of "send them all back to africa" talk back then

[puts tinfoil hat on]: say wino, didn't Libya and Egypt go through similar destabilization recently?
[note also how a page from the playbook was dropped into the thread regarding power grabs and hastily ascribed to clerics who are more often than not found to be funded by "the great satan" ? ]

lots of ignorance of history regarding who started what as well, and full of convenient blank spots [pun intended]
[many seem to have been converted to Dhummi-tude** recently ] [** not a mistype]

nice to see you feeling better
[and getting back to being your usual "crazy" and "unreasonable" self]

edit on 26-5-2013 by TheMagus because: added edit & comment

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by TheMagus

Exactly, its what I said if they dont talk to the youth how do they know what they want.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by TheMagus

What do you mean tinfoil what has that got to do with the riots?

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 01:11 PM
There are always two sides to every story. Nationalism has been increasing across Europe since the financial crisis of 2007/8. When the economies crumble, it is almost always a natural tendency to develop a "take care of your own first" and, through xenophobia, develop a negative attitude towards immigrant populations or even go so far as to blame them for the economic woes. We did the same thing back in the Great Depression with Hispanic immigrants and the Great Depression, itself, was a driving factor for the growing popularity of the Nazi party aka the National Democratic Party of Germany.

The National Democratic Party has been on the rise in many countries across Europe. Essentially, it's the rise of Neo Nazi groups. Golden Dawn, Generation Identitaire, and various other forms of the NDP have been gaining political momentum. Not all NDP are Neo-Nazi but in Europe, quite a few are. What needs to be remembered, lest history repeats itself, is what is at the actual root of the economic woes. It's not immigration. It's a combination of the activities of banks, governments, and rating agencies in the Financial Crisis of 2007/8, a deportation of labor to third world countries, austerity cuts and an addiction to aesthetics within society itself. It's just far easier to blame the group that is different, isn't it?

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

Yep, but the muslims in Sweden arent being segregated or unfairly treated there.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by LeLeu

I 100% agree. In the UK they did this with the London riots, they arrested and convicted as many people as they possibly could. The Sweden government needs to do the same, although I am not sure if they have CCTV to the same extent as the UK does.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 01:43 PM
Why are you directly assuming that the emigrants are all Muslims? Just because someone looks like a foreigner, does that mean he's a Muslim? You're trying to paint a fake and absurd picture of Swedish Muslims. I live by their side and belong to their heart. They're the most peaceful people on this earth.

The riots are nothing but kids running around and vandalizing others property for fun. The cops aren't doing anything because they are benefiting from the violence. Now the Swedish government can show it's inhabitants that emigrants are like "animals" and don't belong in Sweden. Is this the same picture you're trying to paint? Let me tell you, whatever country it may be in the world. Without emigrants, it would be nothing other than a country full of rotten people. The Swedes are a very cold people, not so social. The Swedes have loads to learn from the emigrants and vice-versa. Stop saying "us" and "them", we're all humans and many of us do mistakes and there are different mistakes.

I hope you really stop this war on Islam, it's never going to benefit you. Just like you did in 9/11, now the number of Muslims are increasing more than ever. And you're telling us that women are oppressed in Islam, bull#, most of those who convert are women. Surprise?

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Misbah

yeah sure....

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Mamatus
No we do not ALL share the same common goals. Sharia Law is an excellent example of how many people do not wish for equality, honor killings, nope no peace there either. Maybe stone a raped woman to death, yup we all want that.....

When this entire war with Muslims thing kicked off I felt that the West kinda deserved what they got as we really did push an illegal war with zero proof. We continued that war in Afghanistan.

However they more I have learned about Iran, Iraq, Sunnis and Shiites and that pig humping prophet Mohammad I decided to say no to ethnic mixing. Were I in Sweden and making the rules I would round up each and every rioter, their families and send them all to a nice friendly Muslim Country.

Until religion dies many people will. I see no reason to invite someone into my Country that is going to make trouble. Give them Africa for all I care. Build a wall around the backwards idiots.

1. We do share common goals in life, but unfornately, many do not seem to use their naturally given intelligence to find them, as your rant post reek of ignorances atrociously proves.

2. Sharia law, if you had comprehended our common Creator's sent divine messenger prophet Muhammad had taught, is not as you blindedly presumed it to be, either by just reading the sacred Koran, or worse, let your personal thinking to be influenced by others whom may not had your interest in mind, except as a symbol of a fool and cannon fodder to be manipulated, used and tossed aside for them to gain power.

Sharia laws are only based upon principles and are moral and ethical guidelines, which came from the same source as Christianity and Judaism - our common Creator. Only the radical militants, the ignorant village idiotic imams and the evil had sought to turn back time to the 7th century and based sharia law upon that era, when we modern mankind had evolved far beyond that time and progressed much from nomadic barbaric culture to one that had stepped onto the moon and aimed further.

Their laws are contextually based and will FAIL in this growing and modern era, for the population had grown and had evolved beyond tribalism chauvanism with far more pressing economic needs to progress than a camel herd or caravan thievery escapades for survial. But far more are evolved, for example - Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.

3. It is folks like you that caused muslims in christian lands to not mix, simply because of the ignorance, the discrimination and the bullying your kind does to others IN OPPOSITE of what our Messiah had taught.

And then, you had the cheek to claim that they do not mix or integrate with the societies they live in. Be honest. Much of radicalisation happened thanks to skinhead supremacists white groups that bullies immigrant youths, so much that instead of aclaimitazition into the host country, they had to find protection within their own, the way gangs are formed, and easy pick for radicalization agenda driven folks to manipulate.

4. As you hoped that religion dies, that only is evident you are an atheist, and knows no moral and eithical guidelines that had been passed down for generations from our cave dwelling ancestors whom only knew the jungle law of rule of might but evolved to rule of law for civilisation to grow which resulted in you being born into this world of plenty.

THus it is presumptous on your part to comment on others' religion and their motivations, coupled with your intellectual lack, it only shows clearly your personal mentally, and for others reading your post unless they are equally mentally challenged like you, to disassociate from such stupidities and self centred rant as yours, that contibutes nothing constructive, only ensuring more blood be shed from all sides in such uncompromising and utterly ignorant based stances.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
reply to post by TheMagus

What do you mean tinfoil what has that got to do with the riots?

just read the bit regarding destabilization efforts
just find it amusing how westerners feel that sort of thing only happens in 3rd world countries...
and never in their own or other western/1st world countries.

but pay me no mind, as i am quite "insane".

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I’m not religious; I would say I am more spiritual. And I am a fairly peaceful man. But that said...

Who are you to say that I don’t have morals and ethics when it comes to living a good life? Anyone, and I do mean anyone who tries to cram their godforsaken heathen ideas down my throat have another thing coming.

I don’t care what religion or political ideology you come from. If you come to my neck of the woods trying to push that crap. You’d best be prepared to fight.

edit on 26-5-2013 by TDawgRex because: Just a ETA

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Yep, exactly this the issue people think without religion there are no ethics.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by WhiteAlice
There are always two sides to every story. Nationalism has been increasing across Europe since the financial crisis of 2007/8. When the economies crumble, it is almost always a natural tendency to develop a "take care of your own first" and, through xenophobia, develop a negative attitude towards immigrant populations or even go so far as to blame them for the economic woes. We did the same thing back in the Great Depression with Hispanic immigrants and the Great Depression, itself, was a driving factor for the growing popularity of the Nazi party aka the National Democratic Party of Germany.

The National Democratic Party has been on the rise in many countries across Europe. Essentially, it's the rise of Neo Nazi groups. Golden Dawn, Generation Identitaire, and various other forms of the NDP have been gaining political momentum. Not all NDP are Neo-Nazi but in Europe, quite a few are. What needs to be remembered, lest history repeats itself, is what is at the actual root of the economic woes. It's not immigration. It's a combination of the activities of banks, governments, and rating agencies in the Financial Crisis of 2007/8, a deportation of labor to third world countries, austerity cuts and an addiction to aesthetics within society itself. It's just far easier to blame the group that is different, isn't it?

quoted for truth

that said the "cold" Swedes are at the forefront of free love and sexual equality
why they'd allow bronze age patriarchal misogynists free entry into the country is something of a mystery
unless it's for scapegoat purposes.

it is within possibility that the Swedish authorities are so liberal that they're just letting these youths blow of steam
and only certain ethnic nationalists are making a "big" fuss over the matter.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I’m not religious; I would say I am more spiritual. And I am a fairly peaceful man. But that said...

Who are you to say that I don’t have morals and ethics when it comes to living a good life? Anyone, and I do mean anyone who tries to cram their godforsaken heathen ideas down my throat have another thing coming.

I don’t care what religion or political ideology you come from. If you come to my neck of the woods trying to push that crap. You’d best be prepared to fight.

edit on 26-5-2013 by TDawgRex because: Just a ETA

Far from being a peaceful man as you claimed, you want a fight with another instead of listening out first, as no way in my post did I say I personally will force religion down your atheist throat. So quit your duplicity to being a man of peace, or have any shred of knowledge on moral and ethical guidelines, and be whom you truly are - an ignorant ranter and a bully, a follower of the rule of the jungle, where might is right, as proven by yourself.

may you look in the mirror seriously, and not flippantly, and know truly where you had been standing all along, and delude yourself no more. Be part of the solution, and not the problem.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by paraphi

Originally posted by winofiend
If you would just stop killing innocent babies with drones, none of this would ever have happened .

Oh, that old excuse! The fact that the vast majority of Muslims are killed by Muslims in their internecine warring with each other is often conveniently forgotten. The Taliban and other extremists have taken and currently take the majority of civilian deaths in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Iraq has been a tale of endless killings between the Shiites and Sunnis.

The problem with Sweden and a number of European nations is that they have taken Muslims in with good intentions, as they (the Muslims) have often been fleeing the barbarity of Muslim countries. Unfortunately two things have happened. Firstly, the host nations have not been capable of absorbing a foreign culture which has been remarkably unwilling and unable to integrate and secondly, the host nation has just not been able to provide gainful or luxurious lives for these people.

One thing is for certain. If the Muslims fail to adapt to their surroundings then they will forever be marginalised and within the societies which chose, in all good faith, to take them in and feed and clothe them. Of course, this may be exactly what the Islamists want, because integration into the host society will result in loss of control.

I pity Sweden. Such a tolerant society being battered because they wanted to help, by people who don’t want to help themselves.


edit on 26/5/2013 by paraphi because: typo

If Sweden now wants peace with it's Muslim population, each and every Swede must do the following:

Say, "This is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet." Once they do this, there will be peace.

They unleashed the "monster" and now they must live with it. It is too late for Sweden other than to become a Muslam nation. I hope the banner of tolerance was worth it. Their culture has been ravaged and will not recover. Heed the warning Europe, or you too will have to say, "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.", or...die. It's just that simple. Do you think it is just Europe who is in danger? lol. No, its the whole world. Islam is not just a religion, it is also a political philosophy. People must realise this. It intends to create a global calipnate. Sharia will be the law of the land. Women, non-muslims, homosexuals, blasphemers, the future will not look good for you.

The only was to save your heads is to resist Islam; there is no other option.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Siberbat

Well Sweden, needs to ask these fools what their problem is. I mean if they want more jobs surely they just have to calm down. Why dont they give them voluntary work? Whilst they wait for brighter opportunities .
edit on 26-5-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Siberbat

Another hater spewing more filth.

Had the muslim population, 500,000 said that? None, so cut the BS, fear and anti muslim hatred. They are only 6% of the population and even if they grow quickly, can they even reach 70% of the population realistically to change the constitution?

End your bullying and separating the peaceful community in Sweden. If you hate your fellow human brother of the islamic faith that much, join the army and fight the radical militants, if you had that kind of courage instead of merely finger muscles to spew your personal anti fellow human agenda against an innocent community.

Whom next will you hate even if you futilely booted out the muslims? Jews? football crazy brits, john wayne americans, epicurian french, or anyone that does not have blue eyes and blond hair? Hatred seems to run deep in your sorry life to come out with such an anti-human rant.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I'm not a atheist. I do believe. Just not in organized religion so much.

I always listen first. To not do so would be stupid. I have spent three years in the Middle East. I have no fear of the average Muslim as they are like me. Trying to live their lives and raise their families.

However, I have also had the unfortunate encounter more than a few times with the radical minded. They won’t listen…they just want to dictate. Those I have a problem with.

An analogy. My family is PC beyond belief. I am not invited to family gatherings that my Aunt, who is a Jehovah Witness too. Or vis-a-versa. We are like water and oil.

During gatherings, I rarely talk about politics at these events and never religion. But she does non-stop.

She knows that she is not welcome in my house unless she can be civil. She refuses; says it is her mission.

Why should I accept that kind of claptrap in my house?

Once you know who the instigator is, why is it bad to do what you can to disarm them? Its for the common good after all isn't it?
edit on 26-5-2013 by TDawgRex because: ETA

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Come back to Islam brother. Allah hakbah!

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