posted on May, 25 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by LEL01
One Oval Tesla ship was sighted by Lonnie Zamora landing, on land with two
passengers and moving up 100 feet before cruising the desert once more
and Ovals and Rex Heflin Disk Tesla ships were seen by Walton at a secret base.
At least Zamora was allowed to depict the ship.
This was given a story on Unsolved Mysteries.
The Hudson Valley sightings had a Wing Tesla ship as the same show had
one driver on the roadway behind it and stopped to see it in low level hover
with more witnesses.
The Wing Tesla ship also flu low level over a home as people watched.
Yeah and the Triangle Tesla ship was given the same treatment.
Perhaps the best unknown ships ever witnessed.
All the rest of the glowing ships or found in photos that was not there before:
all Tesla ships.
Dean has no Tesla ships except for the oval perhaps.
ED: And yes the Tesla ships can glow as the name implies light is involved.
Ed+ Glowing Tesla ships you do not go close to and so far has not happened as
that glow happens in hover due to buildup of air reactions. Walton got too close
to a landing ship and got knocked unconscious somehow.
edit on 5/25/2013 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)