posted on May, 26 2013 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Sankari
So you're upset that the government has chosen to do nothing, instead of interfering with people's personal choices?
It's not really the governments' job to make all your decisions for you. In fact the less the government does, the freer we are.
p.s., I never really understood the whole flouride thing - probably 99% of the water goes down the drain anyway, so even if it was beneficial, what a
colossal waste of the product
(this is not a response to the OP, I meant to include a quote from the reply where he said "I don't want a lynch mob ..." but I guess I don't know
quite how to do that
edit on 26-5-2013 by LanceCorvette because: add last sentence
edit on 26-5-2013 by LanceCorvette because:
edit last sentence