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Adam Kokesh Calls For “New American Revolution”

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posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:22 PM
IM not sure where to post this,due to the fact he is calling for action on the 4th of July,to coinside with his armed march in D.C,im guessing this is going to be an "event".

And due to the volitile nature of this "event",I thought this was something people could keep up on and post any news and updates to this.

I have no intention in taking part in this,but if anyone on this board decides to attend,perhaps the could provide updates,pics,or a video feed(if available).

(PrisonPlanet)-Imprisoned activist and former Marine Adam Kokesh – arrested last Saturday for exercising his First Amendment right at a protest – has called for a “new American revolution” to begin on July 4 with a march on all 50 state capitols.

The former Iraq war veteran was already planning to lead a controversial armed march on Washington DC on Independence Day, but has rapidly expanded the scope of his plans, calling on an, “American Revolutionary Army (that) will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property.”

Read Kokesh’s full statement below.

“When a government has repeatedly and deliberately failed to follow its own laws, violated the fundamental human rights of its citizens, threatened the sanctity of a free press, created institutions intended to eliminate privacy of communication, waged war at the behest of special interest that threatens the public safety, killed hundreds of children with drone strikes, imprisoned and destroyed the lives of countless individuals for victimless crimes, stifled economic opportunity to maintain the dominance of the financial elite, stolen from the people through an absurd system of taxation and inflation, sold future generations into debt slavery, and abused its power to suppress political opposition, it is unfit to exist and it becomes the duty of the people to alter or abolish that government by whatever means necessary to secure liberty and ensure peace.

“A new American revolution is long overdue. This revolution has been brewing in the hearts and minds of the people for many years, but this Independence Day, it shall take a new form as the American Revolutionary Army will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property. Should one whole year from this July 4th pass while the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, we may have passed the point at which non-violent revolution becomes impossible.

“The time to sit idly by has passed. To remain neutral is to be complicit, just doing your job is not an excuse, and the line in the sand has been drawn between the people, and the criminals in Washington, D.C. While some timid souls will say that it is too early, that we can solve this problem through democratic means provided by government, that current levels of taxation are reasonable for the services provided, and that the crimes of this government are merely a tolerable nuisance, it may already be too late.

“While there is risk in drastic action, the greater danger lies in allowing this government to continue unchallenged. So if you are content with the status quo, stay home, get fat, watch the fireworks from a safe distance, and allow this Independence Day to pass like any other. But if you see as we see, and feel as we feel, we will see you on the front lines of freedom on July 4th, 2013 for this, The Final American Revolution.”

Signed, Adam Kokesh, May 23, 2013 from a cage in the Philadelphia federal prison.

What do you think of this?

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:26 PM
Its an inevitable probability...

Will it happen right now, or later? I'm not sure about that one...

I think using the name Adam Kokesh in the title will detract from the amount of people who read the thread and take it seriously. Try changing your title to Radio Show Host.
edit on 24-5-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:49 PM
This is what they are afraid of a voice. And with them arresting him they prove it.
Now he should get his march with us all knowing this but it won't happen. I would like to see Oathkeepers get involved at least hope he was a member.
I'd be a member but don't understand why I should pay to help keep my Oath.

Sorry to bring the Oath keepers up but I read a flyer at the VA hospital yesterday that had me excited.
edit on 5/24/2013 by Connman because: changed a word

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

What do you think of this?

To soon and to much apathy in the country for it to really take off IMO. Still to many people who do not want to lose or risk what little they have on something that will not change a darn thing. People keep losing stuff or become hungry enough then all bets are off........Looked at another way at least someone is willing to make waves and try and get people to think....He was released today and the felony charges were dropped and as far as I can tell the misdemeanor charges were too....So why was he arrested..?... should be the first question any of us should ask or maybe I read his statement wrong and we can be arrested for ??

edit on 24-5-2013 by 727Sky because: ??

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:02 PM
Well at least he is doing something. I myself don't know where to start fixing the mess we have in DC. I wouldn't call for any armed protests.

I'm sure there are legal ways anyone holding a weapon could be classified as a "threat" or "enemy combatant" and legally be taken down by members of the armed forces.

I wonder when he will be classified as having PTSD.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:53 PM
March without weapons ASAP,

whats the hold up?

Symbolic yes, Independence day , but that's over a month a way.

If enough people believe this is the answer, to take back congress and what is rightfully within their jurisdiction to control, then organize now.

Why wait?, do not hesitate.

All the GOVT is going to do is waste more Time.

A lot of people are now thinking, Time to start doing immediately.

edit on 24-5-2013 by whatzshaken because: spelling

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:04 PM
Well this looks like it might happen now (I believe it would with or without him)...Adam was released today and apparently his felony charges were reduced to citations. His interview with Alex Jones was kind of scary a couple weeks ago. At least he plans to keep this issue civil.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by 727Sky
reply to post by Black_Fox

What do you think of this?

To soon and to much apathy in the country for it to really take off IMO. Still to many people who do not want to lose or risk what little they have on something that will not change a darn thing. People keep losing stuff or become hungry enough then all bets are off........Looked at another way at least someone is willing to make waves and try and get people to think....He was released today and the felony charges were dropped and as far as I can tell the misdemeanor charges were too....So why was he arrested..?... should be the first question any of us should ask or maybe I read his statement wrong and we can be arrested for ??

edit on 24-5-2013 by 727Sky because: ??

Maybe he got arrested for a chilling effect-- that could conceivably be a good thing
if you consider an armed large group marches willy nilly into the OK Corral saying
"We've got the right to do this", and the DC Police have other orders... and tanks,
and attack choppers, and snipers and maybe worst of all a planted trigger or two
in the crowd with the same orders as the DCP. I know that was a long sentence,
but the fallout of what that guy is trying to pull off is NOT how you fight a tyrant
with vastly superior firepower and no compunction over turning you into puree.

A good test of that chilling effect schema is how much airplay his RELEASE got:
compared to his apprehension. I didn't know he was back out until checking in
here again... and did any mainstream outlet disclose the charges? Oh wait:
there weren't any pressed.
Sponsored agent provocateur? You be the judge, but I judge a tree by its fruits. For
my take, it seems a direct frontal and suicidal assault on psychopaths with toys might
be watering the wrong tree.
But if Adam wants to be the server for a big tray of kamikazes, I'll take a pass. And if you
live through the 4th after The Mall gets a manicuring with Vulcans bet your butt they'll
be by to scrape up your iron later and take you camping, no charge. That is, if you're
even slated to make it to the train. I've heard active domestic resistance personnel have
in past takeovers been summarily perforated, and quickly. See White Army officer corps...
much less the grunts.

All I know for sure is an armed 'insurrection' is what TPTB have wanted for decades.
It's in all their policy papers since Kissinger still had some dark hair.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Connman

I'm not trying to be snarky but who are "they" in your mind? I don't really think anyone would view Kokesh as much of a threat. I like that he's active and fighting for causes that he believes in, but for some reason he really rubs me the wrong way and I believe this is true with many other people. I just don't see him ever becoming the figurehead of anything huge. I even agree with much of what I've heard him say he just seems slimy and I can't put my finger on it.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by derfreebie

Good points: I think you and I agree you do not confront a superior force head to head unless you want to die in some version of a sung ballad about glorious deaths.

The march is supposed to be peaceful and they will be told they can not enter D.C. and if they do they will be arrested if armed....some sparkle and not much fizz IMO. No where have I read they will push the issue..Surely they are not that stupid.

Yes a plant with an itchy trigger finger is always a possibility and many would not put it past some nefarious individuals, however, I would only assume everyone will be watching everyone else for such an event/individual. Whatever happens I doubt it will be covered in MSN unless it gets bloody and I assume we can agree we do not want that.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Domo1

The they I refer to would be the corrupt people running this country the ones he wants removed. The ones that seem fine with treating us like their meal ticket while stripping our freedoms away. The ones getting us into wars we shouldnt be.
I`m with you in agreeing with what he is getting at but I just don't think one guy is suddenly going to get us ready to take this country back. It will be a straw that broke the camels back type thing for me and I do feel that time is approaching with the camouflage of it's for our safety type coverups..
edit on 5/24/2013 by Connman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:52 PM

FOX News 131705 : DC will never be the same after Adam Kokesh

Adam Kokesh on CBS DC WUSA9 #OpenCarry130704

Veteran supports the march! #OpenCarry130704

Pro-gun advocate against armed march on DC? #OpenCarry130704

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 07:11 PM
Who is Adam Kokesh really working for? Why does he hate America? Why was he employed by PressTV, the anti-American government-owned Iranian propaganda channel? Why has he never denounced Islamic extremism?


posted on May, 25 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Adam Kokesh Exposed: Open Carry March On Washington Is A Trap!

^Oath Keepers & IVAW statements included^
edit on 25-5-2013 by Black_Fox because: Add

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 10:05 PM
I am sure that few are aware of this, but I have found indisputable evidence that "freeadamkokeshdotcom" was created 5 days BEFORE !!! Adam Kokesh even got arrested at that pot rally in philly !!!
Here is the vid:

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by hecabill1

Nice find!

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Black_Fox

There's some strange opinions being being aired in that video. Saying Government is given by God is a bad start for a libertarian position surely? If government is given by God, that would make America a monarchy with God as the head of state rather than the president. Strange for people who pride themselves on being a republic.

They take a shot at kokesh for being an athiest and question his moral judgement for this reason. It seems like just because kokesh is not a god fearing Christian, he is not to be trusted.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 03:31 PM
"Adam Kokesh: We're Already In An Armed American"
Published on May 30, 2013

WeAreChange recently took a trip down to Virgina to sit down with activist and professional rabble rouser Adam Kokesh. In this video Adam Kokesh explains how his recent felony charges were dropped, his philosophy and the decision to end the open carry march on D.C.

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