posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:23 PM
Hello. I'd like to share strange phenomena that have occurred in my life in hopes of getting solid opinions, being led in a productive future
direction, or maybe even gaining some peace of mind. I became an avid spiritual seeker during freshman year of college. Among the fall classes chosen
for me was intro to philosophy which caused a relentless barrage of internal chatter questioning why I/we/this is, what reality is, and other things
one would expect from that course. By January 2007 as I approached 19 years, I dusted off my Bible that I never read at the bottom of one of my boxes
to see what answers it held. I was raised Roman Catholic and so received it when I was confirmed (for the record I'm not a fan of the stagnation
organized religions can cause, just simply explaining the chronology of events). I had no idea what a severely haggard spiritual warrior cracking that
Book would cause me to be.
I started on page 1 with Genesis. My first round of strange experiences began before I made it to Exodus. As I read, I would get rushes of euphoria
and tears would pour out of my eyes inexplicably. This continued through the end of freshman year in May, when I had a good portion of the Old
Testament read. In April, my girlfriend at the time asked me if I believed in God. In lieu of my recent experiences, I said, "I think I do. Do you?"
She replied that she was an atheist but that if someone could prove to her that God exists, she would believe. Something clicked in my hopelessly
naive brain that very moment. I took her statement as a challenge and I quietly accepted something that is probably impossible to do through logic
On a Sunday in late May, what started as a normal day became the most profound life changer for me ever. I was quietly reading the Bible in my
girlfriend's room while she was at work. I was to get her after her shift to hang. I jumped to the Apocrypha of all places, at a time before I even
knew what that meant and read 2 Esdras. It was your basic man leaves people for wilderness, receives divine messages, and returns to the people with
said messages structure. In I believe the 5th of 7 visions, Ezra receives from Archangel Uriel a vision about an eagle which represents a nation that
is very small at first. My naive mind at the time continues reading with the lens of attributing this eagle to the USA. Because of said timing, I got
excited when the story mentions that the eagle turns on itself, almost destroys itself, but ends up becoming stronger than ever. Yes, now I'm
thinking that this ancient passage is prophesying the tale of America as highlighted by its obvious reference to the Civil War. By the tale's end
which finds the eagle being the strongest nation on earth tormenting other nations before facing God's judgment, I'm convinced that shoving this
convoluted story in my non-Christian raised atheist girlfriend's face will make her think twice about God's existence, so I leave her house early in
On the way, I started getting a subtle tingling sensation throughout my body. I think it started in my hands and worked its way throughout. It felt
phenomenal. I was so elated, so naturally high as I neared her work. As I waited at the last red light, it became stronger and stronger to the point
that I started thinking, "Boy, I'd better park soon," but I wasn't afraid. I just made it to a parking spot at her work when the tingling got so
intense throughout every molecule of my fiber, I remember my thumbs locking into my palms as my arms shook, my eyes rolled back and then everything
turned soundless and white.
"NO GOD PLEASE NO NOT YET PEOPLE STILL NEED MY HELP HERE!!!!!" comes flying out of my mouth as consciousness launches back into my body and i find
myself clutching my steering wheel as if I was fighting from whisking away to Heaven. I proceeded to crawl the toughest crawl of my life to force my
internally flaming body into my passenger seat knowing there was no way I was about to drive us back to my girl's house. She came out as I pointed to
the driver's seat, and drove us home very concerned as I sat in unbelievable amounts of euphoria.
That experience turned 5 months of intense spiritual seeking into a lifetime of it, with a hefty dose of questions, madness, and more bizarre
experiences. For the sake of time, and hoping I hold enough people's interest to learn something of merit, I'll only briefly cover the two strangest
of hundreds of spiritual experiences to follow and will answer any questions. A week after Father's Day, on June 25, 2011, I was bussing at my
restaurant job when for whatever reason, I looked down, and to my surprise, there was an almost clawing shaped red mark on my red apron just over my
heart. Then, I looked down to my right hand and across my palm, my skin was very red under the surface unlike I've ever seen my skin before. A
coworker even commented, saying, "What is that about?" I shrugged. My manager then suddenly popped out of nowhere, pointed to my apron, and said,
"You need to go change that." It was such a fast-paced work environment, I barely had time to inspect it, but all I know is that the only red stains
there came from the wine and this stain looked nothing like wine. It looked like blood and I did not bump into anything before that incident. Later
that same night, my friend invited me to a house I'd never been to before for a friendly gathering. As I was having some sort of metaphysical
conversation with a kind stranger I'd just met, I felt something that compelled me to lift my right arm and inspect it. Then, he and I both witnessed
as a rope burn-like wound manifested across my wrist out of thin air. As if this wasn't weird enough, the guy I'm talking to immediately says next,
"God wants me to tell you that this is stigmata. It's one of the most beautiful gifts you could get." After an obnoxious amount of internet
searching on that subject, I, as usual, was presented with far more questions than answers.
I had a few more experiences where red marks would appear on things around me that summer, but it went away with autumn. I spent just about every day,
now not only ruminating about the white light, but trying to logically explain away that June day. Other than my regular premonition dreams (which
started in 2008), nothing else spectacular happened until what was to me the most bone-chilling experience on October 16, 2012. I had met this guy
over the past year when he moved in with a friend of mine. In September of that year, my friend and I got lunch and began talking about his
house-mate. I said that I thought he was cool, but seemed odd at times. He would talk about being an old vampire, offered me blood wine the day I had
met him, and things of that nature. I said, "What's up with this guy?"