posted on May, 25 2013 @ 09:44 PM
The secret police knows of hundreds that want to do the harm....whether that police is Britain, Canadian, or American.
If they acted upon EVERY suspected threats as a main threat.....sure we would be claiming that our countries due process is being violated. They
can't arrest all threats just cause. Those threats have to violate a law first. That is our current law. Can't detain those unless we know they are
bad....if not, the media would raise a sit storm.
If not, sure most of the ATS members would be detained. The MSM mongols would be detained cause they can be tied to people like us.
The real problem is your countries current policies. If the people have a REAL means of defending themselves, there would be no show boaters like in
the British rundown case. After the ambush, people would have defended their rights....there would have been phone cameras, but their would have been
armed citizens protecting their sovereign land. Those show boaters would have been dealt with.
If the Boston guys were to have a shootout here in the south....they would have been shot by a citizen instead of LEOs. If that rundown case happened
in the southern states, they would have been stopped by God loving citizens.
Not saying any one way is perfect, but sometimes common sense should the norm.