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For example, just take a look at this clip from the BBC and ask yourself who or what this benefits. Because this is a disgusting example of Jones' behaviour.
Well, well, well... Where does one begin with this despicable, nasty, arrogant, vile man? Yes. Don't even get me wrong about where I'm coming from here, because if you in any way can't accept people "attacking" Alex Jones, and are happy to remain ignorant, then please just skip my post right now. It's not for you.
For me, Alex Jones represents everything that is wrong with conspiracy pundits who are placed up on a giant pedestal by their followers and are given a loud voice (in Jones' case, a very loud voice). It's difficult to put into words just how much anger I feel when I hear this man speak (especially on TV or to a large audience). He utterly disgusts me. And, by all accounts, he SHOULD disgust every single person who considers themselves a conspiracy theorist or "truther". I want no association with this man, nor have I ever attempted to ally myself with him. Yet, he claims to speak for ALL conspiracy theorists. Let's get one thing straight: he doesn't speak for me.
He's a rude, obnoxious loudmouth who acts like he is on crack, and I'm supposed to believe this is a GOOD thing for this "movement"? Get real, please. You might believe his act. You might believe that he is genuine. You might even believe that he has a right to be angry
But, the problem is, if you want to be taken seriously, if you want to be able to have a logical, intellectual debate about these subjects, you CANNOT fly off the handle every single damn time! There needs to be calm, rational, and level headed dialogue, NOT insane, vitriolic ranting and over-the-top, faux-dramatic outbursts! Alex Jones has the kind of attitude that is akin to a ten year old in a school playground having a tantrum. Just look at how he acts, look at how he treats people, and ask yourself: does this man hold the moral high ground in debates? Even if you think what he is arguing is CORRECT, that is a non-issue because he acts like a complete imbecilic moron. And doing so will NEVER help the credibility of these issues if/when they hit the mainstream.
does this man hold the moral high ground in debates? Even if you think what he is arguing is CORRECT, that is a non-issue because he acts like a complete imbecilic moron
Just consider for a moment why Alex Jones would be "allowed" (more on that later) to appear on TV, on networks such as Fox and CNN in order to go off on his ridiculous rants, and plug his website. Why do you think that the mainstream media would promote Alex Jones the most when it comes to conspiracy theories, rather than any number of calmer and more rational speakers? Do you think it's because Jones represents a "fair and balanced" view of the other side of the coin? Or do you think it's because he appears to be a raving nut, and by promoting him, they can project the impression and viewpoint that all conspiracy theorists are also crazy nuts or must also agree with this lunatic?
the issue with Jones is not necessarily what he says (although that is an issue) it is what he doesn't say. It is the information he omits from his broadcasts. It is the real powerful information that he will not touch, and he does so deliberately to keep people nicely wrapped up in their quilts
Now, when you watch this next clip, keep a close eye on Alex Jones assaulting a man saying the words "peace" to him. Just look at the attitude he is presenting, look at the things he is doing. Is this man aiding the truth movement? Is he doing more good than harm as many have argued when presented with the idea that Jones is a shill? If I'm being honest, I thought the fact that Jones was a shill became self-evident years ago, but apparently not.
lies that he spewed about Bill Cooper, his infamous Y2K broadcast and the absolute web of complete propaganda, outright fear mongering and total rubbish that he thrust upon his listeners causing many of them to head for the hills quite literally
Jones will never quite get there. Instead he perpetually leads people in circles, never going any higher than the Bilderberg Group, and always using innocuous terms like 'elites', 'globalists', etc., in order to make his points. This perpetuates the endless mystery of 'who' is at the top, whilst never getting you anywhere. It can be said that Jones has the uncanny ability to talk a lot, but say very little.
It can be said that Jones has the uncanny ability to talk a lot, but say very little.
originally posted by: SkepticOverlord
He's going out of his way to make online conspiracy theorists look like crazy fools by being the poster child of over-the-top imbecilic insanity.
He knows he can turn any event into a conspiracy theory and make it stick.
originally posted by: XxNightAngelusxX
Please read my other posts and try to understand where I'm coming from before you start calling names, thanks. Really shows me a lot about your arguing tactics. Your first sentence is filled with direct insults. Shows me a lot about you.
He should disgust everyone in the conspiracy community, huh? Statements like that disgust me. See, by saying this, you're suggesting that everyone should see Alex Jones the way you do. News flash; everyone in the world is NOT going to agree with you and you alone.
Its a basic psychological tactic to speak in a very calm voice when trying to mislead or subdue someone. And if you have a brain stem, you'll be able to piece together that this tactic is often used by mainstream media. Especially when a REAL crisis is going on, and the higher-ups can't afford for us peasants to spiral into panic.
Alex Jones--regardless of your opinion of him--does the very opposite when he speaks. No sugar coating, no manipulative soothing tone, none of that falsifying therapist-voice garbage. You can hate him for every other reason on the planet--but from a psychological approach, as far as "waking people up" is concerned, Alex ranting and raving is a very good thing. It breaks the trance, see?
Dear Christ, are you suggesting that he--and the rest of us--DON'T have a right to be angry? And you're telling ME to get real? Now its extremely obvious you're typing out of sheer emotional distaste. The more you learn about our government's secrets, the more angry you become. How do you expect a guy to act when his entire life revolves around covering those stories?
So everyone's supposed to be calm, cool, and collected when Obamacare is juicing the blood right out of us, while people are continuously being deployed to invade other countries for seemingly no reason? You're making me a bit physically sick now.
So the argument doesn't matter at all, because Alex Jones delivers the message in a less-than-calm manner? Shiza. Priorities are a thing, you know.
Ben Shapiro appeared on the Piers Morgan Show the day after Alex, and made almost the exact argument Alex made. He stated that Piers acts like a bully, and that governments tend to turn tyrannical, so he's all in favor of keeping semi-auto rifles legal. He even once said "don't lump me with Alex Jones" when Piers proceeded to call "people like him" paranoid and mentally ill, or something of the like.
Very few people I talk to on this matter know Ben Shapiro was on the show the day after Alex, and most conspirators I talk to don't even know who he is. He got very little credit or coverage for making the exact argument Alex made, and you know what? He was using that calm, rational debating method you mentioned. Didn't work out too well, did it?
You provide no examples or even suggestions as to what he keeps out of his show, so I'll go ahead and assume you're talking about the Zionist conspiracy, or how reptoids rule the world.
originally posted by: XxNightAngelusxX
I've seen every link you've posted here more than once.
He's not a shill, he's human. I'm not gonna advocate his screw ups--but that's all they are. Screw ups.
And unfortunately for him--unlike the rest of us--because of his position, most of his human screw ups are caught on camera.
I'm not on the Bill Cooper bandwagon, and I was about two years old when he was big in the world. But as far as the rest of this; now you're suggesting that he's spreading fear and propaganda? I thought he was lulling the conspirators to sleep, as you say, nicely under their quilts?
Tell me, what exactly is higher than the Bilderberg group? A secret meeting of all the top world leaders sounds like the highest of problems.
The mystery of "who" is at the top can be seen in the protest videos made during Bilderberg meetings. They make it a point to film or snap pics of the attendees, and many times, the pics disprove the *official* list of attendees.
If you think it goes any higher than that, you're either referring to God, or the aliens, reptoids, and Jews orchestrating our world and brainwashing everyone into bowing down to Satan (Gimme a break).
I apologise if I offended you as that definitely was not my intention.
Yes, 'should'; not 'have to', 'do', or 'would'. I know not everyone agrees with my position, but I am not forcing anyone to. People believe what they want to believe, however, believing strongly in your own stance in a debate and hoping that others may consider it and also agree with it is a natural view for a person to take. I'm not really sure what your issue is here? If wanting other people to feel the way you do about something is wrong, then what is the point of having a debate surely?
And, it is possible to be passionate about something and project yourself without needing to shout over people. I think you've slightly missed my point here, the issue is not that I think people should present their arguments in an uninspired manner; it is that Alex Jones regularly interrupts and shouts OVER people, and that isn't a legitimate debating tactic, it's just plain rude and obnoxious. You can be fired up, passionate, and yes, even loud about something without being an arsehole. Politeness is respected in intellectual debate.
There's a difference between being loud and proud, and loud and rude.
No. The point was the argument isn't going to matter to other people if Jones presents himself like a troll who has no control over himself. Again, it's not about him being loud per se, it's about him stepping on people and thinking that it's an ok way to act. There was no excuse for his actions at the Austin gun rally, and I can't believe people would step up to defend it in any way.
if Jones hadn't have been allowed to appear on Piers Morgan the day before, Ben Shapiro may well have got much more recognition. But as I said before, the issue isn't your own personal level of passion or how fired up you get about a particular issue, it's about how you conduct yourself when you do so. There is a right way and a wrong way to act in a debate.
No, and no. I fleetingly mentioned Zionism, but only as an aside and as an acknowledgement of what others have mentioned. I don't consider Zionism the be-all and end-all of anything. A part of the problem? Yes. But, like many parts, subservient.
As for Reptilian Shapeshifters, as much as we might disagree about Alex Jones, I think we probably can both agree that is utter stuff and nonsense of the highest degree. I'd like to think we could find a common ground somewhere, and as I said before, it's nothing personal, and I'm sorry if you were offended or took it be so.
But, how many times does a person need to screw up massively before it becomes too much of a habit? I don't know, I'm just conjecturing there, but personally I don't consider an assault a 'screw up'; it's serious business. The term screw up seems a little too flippant for some of these actions. And how can you watch this man shout in a poor woman's face about his 1st Amendment rights, when he is trampling over someone else's! She is simply trying to reason with Jones, and get him to come up to the podium and enter into dialogue with them. And also to stop shouting over THEIR demonstration! Why is it that Jones doesn't listen at all? He just completely ignores them, and like a rude arsehole continues to shout over them and doesn't go over to discuss anything with them! Now, why does Jones act like this, and then continue to stay near the road? Is it because he wants to be the first person people will see when they look over at the demonstration? Why did he hijack it, and then not listen to reasonable requests to cease his actions and talk to them? Just what the hell did he think he was doing?
Do I think it goes higher than the Bilderberg Group? Of course I do. Because it clearly does. I mean, just look at how well known and well covered the Bilderberg Group is now. There may have been a time long ago when Bilderberg had some level of importance and the agenda was actually discussed on some level there, but these days, I don't think so. I very much doubt ANYTHING of interest conspiracy-wise really happens at Bilderberg anymore. The group is way too high profile now for it to be in any way safe to use as a steering group for the "New World Order" (or whatever you want to dub it). I think it's just used as a distraction now; Bilderberg has become a pied piper of sorts, it's there to lead the rats astray. Keep the 'truthers' busy with Bilderberg whilst the real deal stuff goes on elsewhere. Like a magician, it's all sleight of hand and smoke and mirrors. A "look over there" tactic. I mean, the whole thing isn't exactly secret anymore. And I know one thing, if I was in charge, I certainly wouldn't be using it for anything anymore, and I would argue that they are smart enough to have come to that realisation too.
Jones is never going to deal with the subject in a frank and open minded manner; and he needs to if he is to maintain any credibility, as far as I see it.
originally posted by: Mokuren
I've been a lurker for a while but seeing these asshats defending and salivating over Alex Jones, just pushed me to join so I can come argue with you mofos~. I've been awake for quite a while, and I am an avid reader and book collector. Alex is truly cointelpro perfected, because of the inability of the public to discern whether he is truthful or not. Well, any good gatekeeper will feed you some truths, but deep down inside they're rotten to the core. Ever wonder why Bill Cooper is dead and Alex Jones is alive? Well apparently one of them was on the right track, I'll let you decide which one it was. I cannot bring forth proof he is a shill other than my gut instinct to detect liars, and my women's intuition (very valuable, btw). But as a person who has been around the internet a long time, I have been able to see how a cult personality is born and evolves, sometimes into something very dark and sinister. He will forever rage and harp on and on about this and that, but nothing ever changes. Where do you think all the money from the moneybombs, books, t-shirts, dvds, etc go? Sure he might be enlightening you a bit, but its just a taste of sweet information while he swindles you out of your hard earned money. Think he'll be a valuable resource when the civil war eventually comes to fruition? I highly doubt that~
feel free to flame me at my youtube channel~