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Police swoop on the homeless taking sleeping bags and food parcels in co-ordinated raids in Redbridg

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posted on May, 26 2013 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by destination now
reply to post by SuicideBankers

My posts have not been off-topic, they were written to show a different side to the issue of Eastern Europeans who have come to Britain without work and without a place to stay and that some elements do this deliberately in order to milk the benefits system..a system they have never paid into.

And I don't see what is so shocking about asking people to read an article, I thought this site was about denying ignorance, yet you make it look like I'm some sort of nasty person because I suggested that people may want to read an article to understand both sides of the argument and as a result be better informed..Wow...just wow

I understand what you are saying but once again the topic has nothing to do with immigrant
homless versus native homeless. The topic is about police harassment of the homeless no matter what race or creed. As to making you sound a certain way. I don't post for you. So as crazy as it sounds it must be you painting your own picture with your thoughts and opinions. Don't you think you should read the article before telling someone else to?

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

Yes, I did read the article..I even apologised for missing the word eight when I read it...And notably the complaint was from one man, none of the other eight seemed to have an issue, they were moved on by the police and chose to leave their belongings behind...Not exactly a case of police brutality.

As for the thread being about the treatment of the homeless by police, I was challenging that statement, as I have never heard any reports of abuse of this nature to the indigenous homeless by the police in the UK...just this one Polish guy, turns out I was right to question it as it seems the truth is rather different from the account given by said Polish guy. Yes, I did initially post some information about the Romanian Big Issue sellers, which paints a rather different picture of homelessness among Eastern Europeans and as a result of that I questioned the validity of the report and it seems I was correct to do so..

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by destination now
reply to post by SuicideBankers

Yes, I did read the article..I even apologised for missing the word eight when I read it...And notably the complaint was from one man, none of the other eight seemed to have an issue, they were moved on by the police and chose to leave their belongings behind...Not exactly a case of police brutality.

As for the thread being about the treatment of the homeless by police, I was challenging that statement, as I have never heard any reports of abuse of this nature to the indigenous homeless by the police in the UK...just this one Polish guy, turns out I was right to question it as it seems the truth is rather different from the account given by said Polish guy. Yes, I did initially post some information about the Romanian Big Issue sellers, which paints a rather different picture of homelessness among Eastern Europeans and as a result of that I questioned the validity of the report and it seems I was correct to do so..

Sigh. So you have read somewhere that the other 8 had no problem with what happened? It is my understanding that the others involved haven't been interviewed. We really don't know how they feel about it do we? Lets go out on a limb shall we? What if they are afraid to be interviewed for fear of retaliation from police? Crazy man! say it aint so!

The guy being an immigrant has nothing to do with the topic. Maybe start a new thread voicing your concerns there?

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

It's got everything to do with the topic,,the OP even agrees, so I don't know why you've elected yourself as the thread monitor..

As for the other 8, they have no complaints because they've got nothing to complain about. They were sleeping rough in an area that for their own safety they shouldn't have been, the police moved them on, they decided not to take their stuff, end of story...It's not really difficult to comprehend when you see the true facts of the situation.

But this is ATS and the bleeding hearts brigade are out in force..After all, why let the truth get in the way of a morality outburst

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

What if they are afraid to be interviewed for fear of retaliation from police?

I don't know if you're from the UK but currently our economic situation is such that the police service is under enormous pressure from budget cuts etc, so think it highly unlikely they would have the time or inclination to retaliate against some homeless people who may make a complaint against them.

But like I said the truth of the matter is that the police did not come along and steal these people's sleeping bags and food, they moved them on and the people left without their belongings and the area then had to be cleaned...more expense for the tax payer

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:02 AM
Food, clothes, shelter, transportation, and medical care are the five things you don't want to take from any being in your own societies because those are the necessities of living for human beings. Taking away those details without an alternative available creates a bigger problem than if they were provided. Even if people are criminals in prison, they get resources to survive their sentences.

That is unusual police activity; the only thing worse would be if they raided the place at night and killed the people in their sleep, like Afghans once did to Russian immigrants while they were sleeping in their tents.

So now instead of having next to nothing the immigrants have nothing. They got robbed by police in the name of legalism. They were already worse off than criminals in jails, now they are stripped to the level of slaves in a land where there is no slavery.

Well some safeties are taken for granted. Now the homeless that would be sleeping in a bag, they are looking for replacements. When those ones decide to organize, there will be problems for that place.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by destination now
reply to post by SuicideBankers

It's got everything to do with the topic,,the OP even agrees, so I don't know why you've elected yourself as the thread monitor..

As for the other 8, they have no complaints because they've got nothing to complain about. They were sleeping rough in an area that for their own safety they shouldn't have been, the police moved them on, they decided not to take their stuff, end of story...It's not really difficult to comprehend when you see the true facts of the situation.

But this is ATS and the bleeding hearts brigade are out in force..After all, why let the truth get in the way of a morality outburst

HA! Yeah whats up with that whole morality thing?!? One more time. There has been no interview with the other 8. Speculation does not equate to fact. I haven't seen a post yet where the OP agreed that this is an immigrant Vs. native issue. You really shouldn't speak for others when you have no clue as to how the feel.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by destination now
reply to post by SuicideBankers

What if they are afraid to be interviewed for fear of retaliation from police?

I don't know if you're from the UK but currently our economic situation is such that the police service is under enormous pressure from budget cuts etc, so think it highly unlikely they would have the time or inclination to retaliate against some homeless people who may make a complaint against them.

But like I said the truth of the matter is that the police did not come along and steal these people's sleeping bags and food, they moved them on and the people left without their belongings and the area then had to be cleaned...more expense for the tax payer

I already posted that I wasn't from the UK. If you read the thread you would know this. Someone had mentioned about reading the thread before making comments. Maybe you should take their advice.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

And you are equally speculating that the other 8 did have an no difference. Maybe there is nothing to read about their opinions because they don't have one, just acceptance that they got moved on and left their stuff for someone else to clean up.

The only reason I mention the fact that it is a Polish homeless man is because I have never heard a story from a UK homeless person having stuff taken from them and the reason for that is because it hasn't happened. The truth of the matter is this guy made up a story about having his stuff taken by the police in order to gain sympathy..turns out he's lying, but not that it makes any difference to the majority of posters on this thread who are dissing the police left right and centre even though they didn't do anything wrong...Not much else I can say to that.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

I already posted that I wasn't from the UK. If you read the thread you would know this. Someone had mentioned about reading the thread before making comments. Maybe you should take their advice.

I don't have a photographic memory of every post in the thread and so many posters on this thread are not from the UK and notably the ones who are, are the ones who understand that there is an issue with homeless Eastern Europeans and as such it is relevant to the thread.

But not coming from the UK you probably don't understand how our police service works but believe me, they have neither the time or resources to go about hassling homeless people and the fact that the entire premise of this thread is based on a lie and that people are still defending the lie is quite astonishing.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Sandalphon

Err..the police didn't take the stuff from the homeless person. The police moved them on from an unsafe environment and they decided to leave their stuff behind and the police then had to clear the stuff away from the area so the guy was lying...

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by destination now
reply to post by SuicideBankers

And you are equally speculating that the other 8 did have an no difference. Maybe there is nothing to read about their opinions because they don't have one, just acceptance that they got moved on and left their stuff for someone else to clean up.

The only reason I mention the fact that it is a Polish homeless man is because I have never heard a story from a UK homeless person having stuff taken from them and the reason for that is because it hasn't happened. The truth of the matter is this guy made up a story about having his stuff taken by the police in order to gain sympathy..turns out he's lying, but not that it makes any difference to the majority of posters on this thread who are dissing the police left right and centre even though they didn't do anything wrong...Not much else I can say to that.

How do you know they didn't do anything wrong? Because they say so? If you would have read the thread you would see that it is my belief that the truth lies somewhere in between the two sides. Are you a cop? You seem very defensive when it comes to questioning the police and their conduct. No matter this is getting us nowhere fast. I am done talking to the wall.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

No, I'm not a cop and the only thing I will ever defend is the truth, no matter how unpalatable it may be, and in this case the police simply moved these people on and they decided to leave their stuff behind, The police in the UK have never previously just randomly taken stuff from homeless people before, it is not within their jurisdiction to do so and clearly they haven't started now. Like I said previously they have better things to do with their time and resources.

I can understand why you want to leave the debate because you really do not have any further points to make. Good talking with you.


posted on May, 26 2013 @ 12:30 PM
Tsk! If only people in the UK had guns, then the homeless could defend their rights against the tyrannical British cops etc etc.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Sandalphon

Yes, it means people will get off their asses to work.

The only thing the government should be doing is making it easier for people to start businesses.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

So how many homeless do you let camp in your yard? I bet not as many as you could.

How much of your hard earned money do you give just away to bums who might spend it on heroin? I bet not as much as you could.

Unless you give all that you have then you are a hypocrite. Do you pay for cable TV...or even have a TV? That money should go to the homeless. Do you have new clothes? Shame on you, give them to the homeless. One second of personal comfort must make you feel so guilty that you give all of your free time to working make the world a better place.

I'm not going to tell you my life story but rest assured that I could have become homeless several times. Do I have pity for the homeless people? Yes. Do I think one cent I've given to them (and yes I have given them money, thank you.) has bettered any of their lives? I'd guess no - but I'm not sure, I could go ask them...I'll see them later today still hustling the same corners after years and years.

$100,000 didn't help homeless man Ted Rodrigue who represent the average homeless person I'd say.

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