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Westboro plans to picket 9 year old's funeral in Moore, OK FRIDAY, 10 A.M.

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posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:09 PM
What is wrong with these people, God does not work like they think he does. Westboro you sadden me, Karma will come back on every last one of them 10 fold, by the power of almighty god.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:27 PM
Someone should get a group together, just walk into that church and start beating some serious ***. Those people dont deserve to live a life without *** whoopings.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:48 PM
Freedom of speech.

And with it, I'll accept that a sentence for putting as many of them in a special home for the remainders of their life, would be satisfactory.

Well, I guess that means that their freedom to protest, actually costs me my liberty.

Luckily it's all academic as we don't have those retarded lunatic evil swines down here in Aus. We've got our own, but even they don't go as far as to picket a damn childrens funeral.. and have such garbage on their website as "More dead kids in Oklahoma".. or some crap I'm trying to erase from my brain.

It won't be long before these deluded people do something barbaric - in line with world events - and I really hope that when it does, the direction of attention is at them entirely, and not 'what if' and disbelief.

God I'd applaud someone .. gah.. just .. argh. *punches chickens*

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Jedite
Being from here, I say bring it. With the open carry law, and damn near everyone in Oklahoma having a gun, and the fact that Moore was hit so hard, and all those little kids, tension is high. Just saying if a few go missing we'll know what happened.

I stand with Onyx on this to say it is a equally idiotic response to the WBC protestors. So you don't like what they have to say; just shoot them?

Somewhere out there is the average Constitutional loving American, it just isn't found here.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by ballymoney50
I think the 1st Amendment was for free speech not for hate spouting bigots spreading filth and lies, so i hope they get the asses thrown in jail for it.

Then you should do some more research on the purpose of the First Amendment. I do have to ask though, who gets to determine what is "hate", "bigoted", "filth" and "lies"? You do know that it is not a crime to lie right? Absent perjury of course.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Sankari
Two words: First Amendment.

Don't like it? Go live in Cuba.
With freedom of speech comes responsibility. With that said, if those bigots showed up at my child's funeral with that bu77s#!t, they, themselves, would be responsible for the world of hurt that I would inflict upon them. You must not have any children.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by poloblack
With freedom of speech comes responsibility.

Who defines what is "responsible" speech? The Government? LOL!

You have the right to voice your opinion freely. If someone doesn't agree, they too have the right to voice their opinion.

Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and/or limitation, including "responsibility."
edit on 24-5-2013 by Shimri because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by toastyr

I was kinda thinking the same thing. I always read the headlines and I wonder what the heck they are protesting. In this case I clicked on the link to the source article and I only see that they are doing it, not why. I wonder why someone would protest at a child's funeral, for any reason but especially in this case. So he died in a tornado, what are they protesting? Yeah, I instantly felt that it may be tptb behind this group. Or they are just complete morons, which I find hard to believe.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Shimri

Originally posted by poloblack
With freedom of speech comes responsibility.

Who defines what is "responsible" speech? The Government? LOL!

You have the right to voice your opinion freely. If someone doesn't agree, they too have the right to voice their opinion.

Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and/or limitation, including "responsibility."
edit on 24-5-2013 by Shimri because: (no reason given)
I never said anything about the government, so I have no idea where the hell that came from, and what's with the ''LOL''? I stand by what I said. Example: If I'm out with my wife, some guy has the freedom of speech to call my wife a stupid bitch. Now, that guy is responsible for the thrashing that he would receive for exercising his free speech irresponsibly. Sometimes it's not wise to do something just because you can. Sometimes it can come back to bite you in the ass. Do you understand now?
edit on 25-5-2013 by poloblack because: spelling error

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by KeliOnyx
How very American of you to say "If you show up here to picket this we will shoot you." Right now I don't know what sickens me more the sideshow known as WBC, or your not so lightly veiled threats to them. The cost of living in a free society is that the whackjobs get to exercise their right to speak and practice their faith whether or not the rest of us agree with anything they say or do.

Of course they are allowed to voice their opinions and practice their faith. But freedom of speech pretty much just means that the government can't do anything to silence them. Freedom of speech in no way guarantees that they are safe from the retribution of other citizens, however.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by EllaMarina

So in other words,they are like a small cartel of flopsies?You know, individuals who deliberately provoke some one's dog to bite them-and then sues the dog's owner?And I thought these creaatures were already as reprehensible+disgusting as its humanly possible to

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:39 AM

absolutly disgraceful

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:55 AM
From reddit

I really want to see car clubs get in on this.

"Oh fiddlesticks, all of our cars just crapped out. We think it was an EMP device from North Korea or possibly some HAARP related thing! I hope we aren't blocking traffic. That would be horrible! Especially if some group of jackasses get delayed! Oh heavens you only have normal tow trucks? What are me and my friends to do? Our cars are AWD! It IS strange that different groups of cars stalled out blocking all available routes, but again, HAARP. I guess the Corvette guys, Subaru guys, Jeep guys, Muscle car guys and classic cars are all having a bad day!"

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:13 AM
anyone know what they get out of all this protesting?

i doubt they get converts, donations or anything like that. so what is in it for them?
in fact the only thing i see is them getting negative pr, yet they constantly, and continually do it. it's almost like someone PAYS them for all the negative pr they can cause. perhaps the best way to deal with them is to just leave them be, at the same time giving them NO media attention or even acknowledge they were even there. see how long they keep it up without that acknowledgement. kinda makes you wonder if that organization is a big false flag to be used against other religious or ideological organizations, something people can point to and say "see that's why these groups should be dealt with". are we playing to somebodies agenda every time we get upset with them?

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by generik

A few in the upper echelons are lawyers, and I believe they have been rather sue happy (I feel like sue is spelled wrong... going with it though). Get a local govt. that fails to protect them, lawsuit, CASH. Piss someone off and they assault them, CASH.

As awful as they are, they have every right to do what they're doing. It's weird to love my country for something that pisses me off so much, but I do. I think they are truly disgusting and sick, but I believe they should be allowed to be that way and I'm very proud of my fellow countrymen for being rather peaceful.

It's f-ing hard to not resort to violence, but every time we don't, we're showing how strong we really are. If they protest near me I'm going to have a brand new car that mysteriously stalls. Weird how my baby decided to spin out and block a few lanes what with the all wheel drive.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by KaelemJames

I was listening to this song when your reply popped into my head-i believe when Bob sings "Have pity on those whose chances grows thinner" he was speaking of those like WBC.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
Of course they are allowed to voice their opinions and practice their faith. But freedom of speech pretty much just means that the government can't do anything to silence them. Freedom of speech in no way guarantees that they are safe from the retribution of other citizens, however.

Actually yes it does. The freedom of speech and freedom to exercise their religion does not only protect them from retaliation by the Government it also makes the Government responsible for protecting them from those citizens that would retaliate against them. They have made successful careers proving this point in court. "He called me names" is not an excuse for physically harming anyone.
edit on 25-5-2013 by KeliOnyx because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by KeliOnyx
Actually yes it does. The freedom of speech and freedom to exercise their religion does not only protect them from retaliation by the Government it also makes the Government responsible for protecting them from those citizens that would retaliate against them. They have made successful careers proving this point in court. "He called me names" is not an excuse for physically harming anyone.
edit on 25-5-2013 by KeliOnyx because: (no reason given)

I understand that, but that wasn't exactly my point. My point was that "freedom of speech" isn't some kind of magical forcefield that will physically keep angry people away from them. If several of these idiots happen to be walking down the street an hour or so after protesting a child's funeral, and another group of people recognize them and there are no cops around, you can bet they'll be sweating bullets, because (like I said) "freedom of speech" doesn't automatically guarantee your physical safety if you put your foot in your mouth.

I have the freedom to walk up to a 6'4 skinhead in a pub and call him a fruitcake, but there's no guarantee that I won't be carried out on a stretcher... know what I'm saying?

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by poloblack

I understand perfectly.

As I said before, it's not really freedom if there are consequences for exercising that freedom.

You kicking someone's ass because you did not like what he had to say is not freedom of speech, but is imposing limits based on your personal feelings.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

I would be relieved if all they were doing is provocation in the name of greed. The alternative is pure insanity.

Eh, let's face it. Rights aren't designed to uphold ethics. People would consider it to be an affront to their free will if any sort of harm were punishable by law. They justify feeling that way by using the old argument of, "Ah now, who is to say what is good or evil?"
That family of lawyers know exactly what they're doing.

edit on 25-5-2013 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

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