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UFO Photographed in Santee, California May 22, 2013

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posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:49 PM

I can't give an opinion because I just don't know. It doesn't seem to be CSI but I don't know.

There's a link on a news station but I've not found it yet - gimme a sec.


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:51 PM

SANTEE, Calif. - 10News went looking for answers after a local woman snapped photos of an unidentified object flying over Santee.

Ellen Henry told 10News her camera stopped working after snapping photos at a historical barn.

Henry said she is convinced that whatever she saw hovering over Santee's Edgmoore Barn is not from this world. She did not want to show her face on camera because she said she was still spooked by what she captured.

I'd be spooked too!

"Oh yeah, I do believe we are not alone out here, that's for sure," said one resident.

One thing I can agree with for sure!

edit on 23-5-2013 by silo13 because: link fix

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:57 PM
Could that be a Romulan warbird de-cloaking in the atmosphere?

No idea what it is. Could be a balloon for all we know or a prop for Anchorman 2?

Good find though as it's actually a daylight sighting.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:57 PM

That is impressive and YES! It's spooky. When these things start showing up in broad daylight like so - it doesn't bode well for us.

Not meaning they are the cause - rather they only seem to start taking an interest in us openly - when we humans are about to do something stupid and costly to life, or the earth is about to shake things up rather violently.

I tend to take such things that are genuine - as a warning. Heads up!


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:58 PM
lol she says it certainly wasnt a bug, which was a bug. Why say it otherwise?

I suggest she has taken pictures in the past with bugs appearing in the frame, so she knows its a bug given that, but she wants to make some money out of some gullible people. Why not say, it wasnt a plane...or wasnt a helicopter? Seems very obvious to me she knows its a bug and has seen it (the effect of looking like a ufo but being a bug) before in pics she has taken or seen.

It may not even be stationary, when she zooms out it gives the impression its in the same place, il find the pics and report back.

I was constantly looking up and around the area, including the sky's background, so I can get it just right, and not at anytime did I see anything in the sky, or heard a sound of an aircraft. I did however noticed a "speck" on my LCD screen after I took the shot to check for clarity, and only realized it wasn't a speck when I downloaded it on my computer.

She didnt see it when taking the photos. She took loads of similar photos in a short period of time, id love to see the EXIF data, bet the two pics it was in were fractions of a second apart or a second or 2 at most...more likely a fraction of a second.

If there was something clearly that large in the sky, and she was watching the sky for perfect conditions she would have seen it at the time. But that lie cannot work or she could have zoomed in more, focused, and took the first ever alien spacehip to ever be seen with perfect clarity. She couldnt though because its just a bug flying past!! We need the EXIF data, but im sure image analysis will also confirm its a bug.

Il try and find what kind of bug it actually is, someone else may be able to answer that first.

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by AmberLeaf
lol she says it certainly wasnt a bug, which was a bug. Why say it otherwise?

I suggest she has taken pictures in the past with bugs appearing in the frame, so she knows its a bug given that, but she wants to make some money out of some gullible people. Why not say, it wasnt a plane...or wasnt a helicopter? Seems very obvious to me she knows its a bug and has seen it (the effect of looking like a ufo but being a bug) before in pics she has taken or seen.

It may not even be stationary, when she zooms out it gives the impression its in the same place, il find the pics and report back.

Il try and find what kind of bug it actually is, someone else may be able to answer that first.

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

Maybe she reads ATS and knows the shills will come out and say it's a bug. So she beat them to it

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by AmberLeaf
lol she says it certainly wasnt a bug, which was a bug. Why say it otherwise?

I suggest she has taken pictures in the past with bugs appearing in the frame, so she knows its a bug given that, but she wants to make some money out of some gullible people. Why not say, it wasnt a plane...or wasnt a helicopter? Seems very obvious to me she knows its a bug and has seen it (the effect of looking like a ufo but being a bug) before in pics she has taken or seen.

Il try and find what kind of bug it actually is, someone else may be able to answer that first.

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

My husband watched it and he thinks it looks like a blimp! But at the beginning of the video - when I'm waiting for it to load up - he's looking at it and the first thing he says is - "What is it a bug coming off the branch of that tree!!!"

My question would be - how do you ever stop filming? And watching it until it is no longer visible? I watched the video - but no sound.

Are there any statements as to how long it was there? Did it ever move? And how did it exit the scene??? If I was party to witnessing one of these things, I'd never leave the scene - and if I don't have a video camera (which would be the case - I don't own a video camera and my cell phone is inexpensive) I'd still be on the phone to a friend or family member asking for somebody to get to me pronto - to video the darn thing for AS LONG AS IT IS THERE!!

It's frustrating. But I do hope this turns out to be a genuine anomaly. We shall see as the thread develops.


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:15 PM
Did she say that barn used to be a 'porn farm'?

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by AmberLeaf
lol she says it certainly wasnt a bug, which was a bug. Why say it otherwise?

I suggest she has taken pictures in the past with bugs appearing in the frame, so she knows its a bug given that, but she wants to make some money out of some gullible people. Why not say, it wasnt a plane...or wasnt a helicopter? Seems very obvious to me she knows its a bug and has seen it (the effect of looking like a ufo but being a bug) before in pics she has taken or seen.

It may not even be stationary, when she zooms out it gives the impression its in the same place, il find the pics and report back.

Il try and find what kind of bug it actually is, someone else may be able to answer that first.

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

or maybe someone that she showed it to claimed it was a bug. maybe even the reporter They do edit interviews you know.. There is no way you can tell us what her reasoning is behind the words she used to speak in that interview. try again.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

There is no video, they are pictures taken within a fraction of a second of each other, of a bug coming out of the tree to the right lol.

She doesnt say how long it was there, but she does say she never saw it...even though she was looking at the sky for the best conditions for a picture. I think it was there for half a second or so, and it wasnt high in the sky, it was a few feet infront of the camera'

There are a lot of people on here that wont see it for what it is, but their investigation stops until someone comes up with another crazy conspiracy or reason for it not to be a bug. Im pretty sure none of those so blind to whats going on actually go any further than watching a video about a picture or two, with a shady unknown person, and a story thats lacking any credibility to it being anything other than a bug.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

Ah I see. Thank you for giving me a good break down of the situation.

It probably is a bug! And, another one, and another one bites the dust...


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by DocHolidaze

I cant say for certain why she said it. But given she said it just adds more to the failed story she spun.her

How many of you are analyzing the photo or actually looking for other explanations?? None of you i bet, just going on one piece of shockingly bad piece evidence and trying to argue it is aliens...a ufo by your belief. Its for others that question it to prove otherwise, and even then because of your luck of understanding you still try and argue we are wrong. You cant even see the obvious, its shocking.

Let me guess, you cant take other evidence, ie the medias evidence as proof for disasters like the marathon bombing, but you will trust them and make excuses up for the ufo scene LOL...
now thats a huge FAIL for you guys lol.

Its entertainment to keep your mind off the real news, like most of the other stuff on there. The news are a tool for the government and elite. They know people want to believe we are being visited by other life, they use it to keep you occupied and dumb whilst the real news is avoided. You dont see the real news, its too shocking, death, destruction, rape, child molestation, animal abuse, oil spills, toxic chemical leaks, the destruction of the oceans, bent MP's and politicians worldwide, the abuse of vulnerable people, theres TONS of news not being reported.

edit on 23-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

I agree. To benefit and learn - it's always prudent to take a skeptical approach to evaluating evidence.

What struck me was the synchronicity of events I had when looking at the photo. At first glance, knowing no information other than the photo presented - without it being zoomed in - my husbands first instinct was bug!

I then scroll down and there is your post!

I believe in synchronicity. I'm hedging bets - it's a bug. Particularly if no other evidence or witnesses surface.


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:02 PM

No wings.
No legs.
No antenna.
No segmentation.

Yep, it's a bug.


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

Granted and agreed - we are exposed to a great deal of manipulation and ‘entertainment’ to keep us from experiencing the ‘real’ news.

But my friend, if this story was created to distract us or damage us then it was a massive fail by TPTB. Why?

Because what they left us with is the greatest gift of all. Hope.

peace to you and yours

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:09 PM

My first video embed, so I hope it works! This is a video of a remote control flying saucer. Only offering it as a option!

Well it didn't work so here is the link. DDULAxcweEXPjgf2AQLh1QeYhz1JOlpVXTZzIEXqaLCIgrBZmoWpda2jesdNdRrN4WPEHyV-4bCN6xbMk3WWe5Vp4xf2cDtmjQffxu7aehUh9C4eYrqx95UMHe4izUiLWNPIj6wo0JjT_AyWRE_wBo 4Au874bTD-bL5F4N627uSarPnYxlWSkH_yJHJmu7lyoClTsbi7vxVkYIfWdsmQClfUJsupV2CX4ebkTPFdBmDo_-fkYg3mcOs_EH08eYnQvOGxVVxujXpESz7iyiJuLAgJ9yb89GAJ0Hl3t3YhRdAa WE2WboWG2xD5k3TGuBQinwilpCOO-Fbre8gsmuN_yAYk1ipG_x1iorsFVtPK3EJ6esRh8Epl74lwo7veU4vA99IYH5NIhBbnTA1mQKJd_FQWOAkHEl20lksJQ6WWXjUespzHsLWL-bMuOdGgz30X9i pVy8ZPKnjNvA3i0tzr9qOoGN9H2ZYb3bbMNiI5QrdbHcgiX5MKgcKSFhZtk6tLB3L69NKzWtGOQ6J1x1mag7GvB2NBB80p6w0X3l5ck78nsXRnlqFOgn2Y6hNzUQDYTEr9thWcQTaFNNLHOrIFQJos 5andcENnsKLs3OMT6VXtGUpVZ9lGmv7YwzBP0wImblT32BaMqg1N2nSxt8x5gsB4xhbR1JryQ0rdIWgCbsZpmUYnYLsHA
edit on 23-5-2013 by Magister because: added link

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by silo13

Here's the thing, after having been witness to several different types of craft over the years, one characteristic that this ufo has that makes me think it is is terrestrial rather than extraterrestrial is the 3 dimensional effect.

Other worldy technologies seem to be surrounded by another set of Physics than what we currently use which in turn throw off a more hazy appearance.

Term: Etheric Plane

Etheric Plane: According to some (especially Theosophists), the Etheric Plane is the level of energy and existence between the Astral Plane and the Physical Plane. It is also seen as an intermediary level between the Physical Plane and the Higher Planes. It is often considered to be a sub-plane of the Physical Plane, rather than being a distinct Plane of its own.

Etheric Plane:

The Energy Plane between the Physical and Astral planes. Its energies are in constant movement, like tides and currents, ruled by the Moon, Sun, and Planets and moving in cycles. In theory and practice, the etheric is considered to be the upper "layers" of the physical plane and consists of substance and energy not perceptible to the "hard" physical senses. However, its substance and energy permeates the physical plane and the physical body to provide the life force—mostly "regulated" by the Moon and Planets—that enlivens all physical life.
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
edit on 23-5-2013 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by silo13

No wings.
No legs.
No antenna.
No segmentation.

Yep, it's a bug.


Well, I shouldn't be so quick to dismiss any mundane explanation, as our senses can be so easily fooled.

This ... a bird, for example, captured at the exact moment when the wings are along its body, like here:

Add to this a poor resolution, a non-original photo, plus probably some modification/compression/"enhancement"/whatever by anyone from the original photographer to the final youtube user (let alone zero informations about the camera model, the technical data (shutter speed, etc...)) and you have an UFO photo with zero chances to scientifically study it.

Here the interesting part of the aforementioned photo at its best resolution:

As you can see, now, it's more evident that it could very well be a bird!

Anyway, to sum it up, nothing useful can be extracted from this kind of photo/video, unless the original untouched photography is freely released.
I'm not saying that IT IS a bird, or a bug, or a UFO, but only that, without an objective and scientific analysis of the original document, what we can do here is only speculate.
edit on 23-5-2013 by elevenaugust because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:38 PM

One more try for my video from youtube. A remote control flying saucer.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 06:32 PM
Without proper analysis we'll never know on this one but I find it interesting she wished to remain anonymous

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