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China Destroys 3 US Shipments of GM Corn

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posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:12 AM
Unfortunately I think China has its own GM system. The fruits and veg I buy all seem to last forever and the fruit has no seeds in it. I find that very worrying. Even the water melon have very few black seeds these days (whereas a couple of years ago, they were throughout the watermelon) and the undeveloped seeds inside are - just that - undeveloped and soft.
You do get one or two black seeds inside, but only one or two.

Large grapefruit have had tiny seeds for years. I used to see normal-sized seeds, but not any more.

Basically, our seeds will soon be in the hands of GM companies and we will have to buy these seeds as the indians are doing for their cotton crop.

Tomatoes - the large ones, start to go mouldy in the fridge but only after 2 weeks at least and then they eventually go bad. I am used to these lasting 5 days tops.

Cucumbers has the yellow flowers still on the end and the flower does not want to fall off. That is just plain unnatural. I mean, that happens on all the cucumbers in the local market, not just some, so it must be something they are doing to them.

Strawberries last for ages even in the hot weather. I dont know what they are doing to them.

Basically, GM and food modification is everywhere.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by brandiwine14

They're the people that created DDT and Agent Orange. A ton of Monsanto employees have infiltrated various high levels of government for the sake of acting in Monsanto's interests. They created the Terminator seeds, seeds that produce plants which can't reproduce and that kill off everything else in the area... Meaning once you plant them, you have to keep paying them for new seeds, or else you starve. They have modified various animals, for example to produce more milk than they would otherwise be physically capable of, which caused widespread suffering.
And that's just the start.
Monsanto is determined to destroy nature in their quest for nothing more than money and power, and they've proven time and time again that they'll do anything to achieve that.

Just do some reading. Do some Google searches about why Monsanto is evil, you'll see.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:04 AM

illegal GM corn shipments

So US IS poisoning the world...

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by buddha

Yes, this isn't the first time Monsanto has been caught trying to sneak banned seeds into various countries.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:21 AM

It looks like the tide against GMO is starting to turn. China is one of the biggest importers of GM foods and they are turning their backs to it.

Much as you'd like to think so, I was just spending a few minutes looking at WHY the seeds were destroyed, and the third example is a really great example of media spin.

Corn seeds are not allowed to be exported from the USA to China, because of the risk of Stewarts Wilt.

Stewart's Wilt is a serious bacterial disease of corn caused by the bacterium Pantoea stewartii. This bacterium affects plants, particularly types of maize or corn such as sweet, flint, dent, flower and popcorn.

A quick google search finds multiple references for this ban, such as this document from the United States Department of Agriculture,

Corn and soybean seed from the United States and several other countries are prohibited from import into China because of quarantine restrictions on Stewart’s Wilt and Phytophthera Megasperma .

Note here that this has nothing whatsoever to do with GMO crops.
Its a ban on any type of corn seed.
It is not a GMO issue. Its a corn related problem.

So now, the Chinese find a hundred kilograms in the POSTAL delivery system, of corn seeds, and destroy them... as you'd expect them to do now that you know the rules.

And this gets reported in the Chinese news, and the reason is clearly given as corn being an prohibited import because of the wilt infection issue.

3. spin this into a GMO issue, because the seeds also happen to be GMO seeds.
Remember here that the reason the seeds were destroyed happens to be the Stewarts wilt issue, and nothing to do with them being GMO seeds, but pretends that it does.

But at least includes the full text of the chinese news, so readers could bypass the spin and have the opportunity to read what its ACTUALLY about, if they wish.

4. takes the article from but DELETE all reference to the stewarts wilt issue, and the prohibition on corn imports, and fully 100 percent lie to their audience and tell them it was GMO ban.

User trollz reads the trueactivist article, posts it to ATS, and completely spins this falsehood as

China is one of the biggest importers of GM foods and they are turning their backs to it.

Q. So what does this mean?
A. You've been lied to by the anti-GMO community.

There is much to be worried about when it comes to GMO food, but LYING to your audience isnt anything to be proud of. As I keep saying thread after thread, crucify people for what they've actually done, and not on the basis of fictional fairy stories.
Its a shame the anti-GMO community have to keep lying to get their message across. I would have thought they'd have enough genuine truthful material to work with.

edit on 24-5-2013 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:24 AM
LOL this is real funny China concerned about the health of their people by not letting in US GMO food while slowly poisoning his own people.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by alfa1
User trollz reads the trueactivist article, posts it to ATS, and completely spins this falsehood

I what? I did no such thing.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:24 AM
We need to find ways to change the law to fine those that lie about GMO content of their food half their Gross worth. Take their house and money first. A CEO of a corporation needs to be criminally liable for his deceit, why should the stockholders foot the bill.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:17 AM
This was likely a shipment of the new drought resistant corn that has been in the test plot process for a few years. China has been one of the biggest opponents to GM food of any type, and is always reluctant to approve new imported goods.

If this was your everyday bT corn, then this would not be an "illegal" shipment. Likely some corn from a stewarded research plot found its way into a grain bin somewhere. Like I said China is VERY hesitant to accept new varieties of GM crops, and sending this over there is actually a pretty big deal.

Wondering who's heads will roll for this?

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by alfa1

Ok, didnt realize it was 100kg. OP made it seem like they were destroying two container shipments of grain.

This makes me think its more likely that this was some of the new drought resistant stewarded grain that has been in the test plot stage. I would even go as far as to say corporate/industrial espionage, but 100kg is still a decent amount.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:36 AM
good - hope some/all are planing on participating in the world wide rally against gmo - me and mine will be there - it's this weekend.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 10:17 AM
Look at that, illegal shipments. There is your problem. The GM part isn't necessarily the reason for the destruction.

The Los Angeles port in USA does the same thing, either destroying the shipments or sending them back to where they came from. You have to have the right papers and import tariffs, labeling, and pass inspections.

Look, a similar article about situations in LA:

About 3,500 of them were refused entry because the food was contaminated with filth, pesticides, drug residues or traces of salmonella. Some of it contained unsafe color additives or was mislabeled. And some was poisonous.

Those were just the ones they catch.

So what was improper about the China destination shipments? Bugs? Mold? Too old? No proper papers? They said it was illegal. I don't think China's import policies deny GM corn. They research GM foods in China too.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by purplemer

China Destroys 3 US Shipments of GM Corn

According to a report released today by GMWatch, China destroyed three shipments of GM corn imported from the US.

The first two shipments are referenced on the website of the Zhuhai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, confirming that two illegal GM corn shipments entered Wanzai Port in Zhuhai City on May 7th, and were subsequently destroyed:

(visit the link for the full news article)

WOW! A communist country cares more for its people then the republic of the USA!

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Abstruse

Just the opposite! China has $3.4 trillion dollars thanks to our print and spend gov't and they just sent a team to NYC to discuss how to invest it in tangible wealth. That means buying businesses, farms, crops, PM's, etc. Thank Hussein who has quadrupled the currency since 2008. We will probably see our leading economic indicators go up ( just like Germany in 1922) and that will result in 400% inflation soon after (like Germany 1923); goodbye middle class standard of living. Ref: "China starts unit to diversify reserves from US debt, WSJ says"

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 11:04 PM
What?? LMOA!!!! China worried about that with all the lead they have in their paint with all the PCB's in their food supply?? Why stop here.

Originally posted by purplemer

China Destroys 3 US Shipments of GM Corn

According to a report released today by GMWatch, China destroyed three shipments of GM corn imported from the US.

The first two shipments are referenced on the website of the Zhuhai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, confirming that two illegal GM corn shipments entered Wanzai Port in Zhuhai City on May 7th, and were subsequently destroyed:

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
LMAO! Anyone who actually believes that Red China has not already allowed tons, and tons and tons and tons (I could go on all day long) and tons of Genetically Modified Food already into their Nation are complete mass media brainwashed useful tools.

Nothing happens without China knowing everything about any shipment beforehand. Think, just think, it's not that difficult. This is 100% bull#. Other motives are behind these lies. Someone didn't cooperate on a lower level, thats it!

The Chinese concerned about the health of their people? LMAO!!!!!! I have not laughed this hard for awhile! My god fix some of your brains. ~$heopleNation
edit on 23-5-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

Yeah but, just think for a minute. Who cares what the motive was. The action and the perception of the action is the important thing. This "news" is now lined up perfectly with anti Monsatan day, having the effect of energizing thousands of more people and giving GMO a negative spin in this news cycle. It's still a win. You take what you can get in any war.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by amazing
Yeah but, just think for a minute. Who cares what the motive was. The action and the perception of the action is the important thing. This "news" is now lined up perfectly with anti Monsatan day, having the effect of energizing thousands of more people and giving GMO a negative spin in this news cycle. It's still a win. You take what you can get in any war.

And thats exactly what I dont agree with when it comes to the anti-GMO movement.
They're fully prepared to LIE to their audience, because (as you say) the truth doesnt matter, the "spin" is more important.

IMHO, ruins credibility.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by amazing
Yeah but, just think for a minute. Who cares what the motive was. The action and the perception of the action is the important thing. This "news" is now lined up perfectly with anti Monsatan day, having the effect of energizing thousands of more people and giving GMO a negative spin in this news cycle. It's still a win. You take what you can get in any war.

And thats exactly what I dont agree with when it comes to the anti-GMO movement.
They're fully prepared to LIE to their audience, because (as you say) the truth doesnt matter, the "spin" is more important.

IMHO, ruins credibility.

Ah, but I never said the truth doesn't matter and I don't lie and I am anti GMO. You just called me a Liar and lumped everyone that has an issue with anything GMO in one basket. The Chinese destroyed three shipments of GMO corn period. We all know that GMO food is unhealthy and that Monsanto is a truly vile corporation in many ways. The spin machine in place for them and other GMO companies is so well funded and robust that its almost impossible to take on. If something like this headline grabs a little attention, it's a good thing and my commenting on it in know way shows me as. Dishonest person.
edit on 25-5-2013 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 02:12 AM
don't think China minds genetically modified foods since their own practices with food production are lax......

Food safety incidents in the People's Republic of China

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by alfa1

Its a shame the anti-GMO community have to keep lying to get their message across. I would have thought they'd have enough genuine truthful material to work with.

Making a quick buck off idiots is a tried and true practice. Look at Alex Jones, Icke and all the other jackasses hyping no news stories to appeal to the weak minded. Easy profit. Look at the circlejerk this article created here. "OMG China is so kewl!"

I read who the source was and was instantly suspicious. I figured someone would have done their homework so I read through the second page, lo and behold the BS was outed. Good job.

I'm skeptical of GMOs and Monsato, but these nonsense stories are just that, nonsense. They do everyone a disservice. Keep posting crackpot stuff like this with shady sources and pretty soon everyone is going to think that people against GMOs are all nutter butters.

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