posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Say I had the means (it does not matter how I got it; just that I do) for a
one-way trip to a new Earth which was entirely habitable, but
uninhabited and that I was able to take as many humans (animals etc) as I wanted - would you wish to come (free trip - all expenses paid; awake for 6
months; stasis of 2 years; FTL travel ) if I offered to have you on board?
Or would you respectfully decline?
(Hypothetically, if I did have such means, I would ask the world's poorest and most diseased, as I would hypothetically have the tech to repair their
DNA - i.e. cures etc, but only if they came; i.e. I shan't be giving out cures and repairing only for you then to remain on Earth).
edit on 5/23/2013 by HomoSapiensSapiens because: (no reason given)