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Your Osirion

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posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:42 AM
I want to get past "Sourcing" for this particular thread. Sure it's pertinent to current affairs and politics, UFO debates and what have you, but looking further down the well, everyone has there own set of "Beliefs", "Rules" if you will. Now to the same extent all of us (nobody is excluded from this) have has some "form" of "Conditioning", be it your upbringing, the people you associate yourself with, the shows you watch, the purchases one makes, the "Life" any individual chooses to live. For this there is no sourcing, there's only "YOUR" story, "YOUR" "Beliefs and Rules". For that reason alone I feel there should not be any judges in this thread and NO DEBATES as how can you judge a individual when you have only walked in your shoes and "Individual" Conditioning is very different from the rest, though stories might be similar we are all on our seperate path's.

I'm looking to hear your story, the "Good, The Bad, The Ugly" (Not to be confused with John Wayne
) Why?
Because, I love a good story and feel it's important for everyone to have a voice and not feel the reprocussions or slating of ignorrant comments lashing back and curcumventing your beliefs, baisically belittling your views on life, religion and spirituality.

(Mods this is why I posted in the Gray Area because there is nothing that will transpire in this thread that is specific to any of the forums, posts can go from the Spiritual, Metaphysical, Religous, Atheist, Non-Demoninational, to the daily grind and changing of views from experiances)

So with that I'll share my "Conditioning" and where I am "Now"~

I was raised LDS (Latter Day Saint) Or how most know them: Mormon (And no I only have 1 fiance'). Yea, It's true
From the day I was born, I was active until I was 15-16yrs old. Then I started seeing and awakening in different areas of my life. My mother came out as a bonified "Seer/Medium" which was more than shunned by the church and my father especially. I wasn't very fond of my father growing up and even at the age of 30, I back my Mother every step of the way, IMO: how a great son should. The only part of the LDS Church I hold today is the Morale's, Family Value's, and Virtues that were instilled in me as a young boy. To me Truth can be found staring at a Rock and is not particular to any 1 Religion. To that end, I am now Non-Demoninational as I find truth(s) in many religions and have searched to find some truth but instead found "many".

Since the time of my mother, showing her true color's, She is now 1 of only 150 (part of the first class) who is a "Certified" Master Crystologist from Melody author of "Love is in the Earth". Additionally, a world renowned "Seer, Medium" (though she says she's not a medium she's a extra extra large" Inherintly I went through the required classes at a young age starting around the time I left or some would say abandoned the religion I was tossed into and became a "Master Crystologist" as well. Tapped into a strong spritual side, realizing I wasn't the only one hearing voices from beyond the "Veil" and learned to use my Intuition as a guide through this turbulant life.

The one truth I can say for fact is "When you stand in YOUR LIGHT and YOUR INTEGRITY even when the odds are against you, not even God or the Divine themselves can move that mountain" You become the light and embody the same energy as the Ascended Masters.

Definately not a easy journey for anyone on this Earth and mine is no greater or lesser than anyone else, I am just a man, the only power I have is to be the captain of my soul and where I decide the journey to go.

I've only recently started jumping into the Metaphysical Forum's dealing with the supernatural and "magic" and everything inbetween, I've just started to share the knowledge I've gained in regards to specific questions asked and have received positive feed back from which I learned at a young age and continue expanding on at the ripe age of 30yrs old.

Why did I make this thread? I HAVE NO CLUE~ I was prompted, so I obliged. I have left out a tremendous amount of material but I'm sure that too will come out in time.

So with that, I'd like to hear Everyone's story, NO JUDGEMENT, NO BELITTLING, EVERYONE HERE IS EQUAL.

Consider this your OSIRION and place of refuge to share a part of yourself.

With love and light,


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:54 PM
I wanted to reply to this because how striking your story is to mine in general tone.

I grew up Catholic and up until the age of about 14-15 was even considering becoming a priest. I still had a very ideological idea of religion at that time. Around this time though my mother who was always looking for something eventually became a Jehovah's Witness. In the process she made my little brother and I join also. We had to go so far as to renounce our baptism as Catholics to a Archbishop and even received a very guilt filled letter, basically excommunication.

Suffice it to say spent more time as a JW eventually moved on from them and was Ex-Fellow-shipped, or whatever they call it. This really soured me to religion in general because of loss of friends and family who where still practicing. At this time I was old enough to choose religion and decided against it all. Seeing scandals and hypocrisy in a lot of mainstream organized religion.

I've always had and open mind and spent years studying and looking into various religions, beliefs, metaphysics, and occult. But never really was fanatical about anything, and for much of my 20's considered myself a skeptic and atheist in general even though my soul searched and never really believed.

I had a few experiences along the way, tame in comparison to somethings I read, however when you see things for yourself its hard to dismiss. A dark Ouija board experience, strange occurrences at nights, and a uncanny ability to make it though life that some have called a guardian angel, things that when looking back provided a lot of reason to believe, even though I was afraid of the reality.

A few things in life however pushed at me and strained my logical and rational self to be far more open minded then I would have ever considered. I experienced a lot of strange strong emotions randomly, feelings of sadness or joy would overcome me randomly. I started a period in my life of great introspection, studying every minute detail of my past, my characteristics, even my thought process in an attempt to figure out what was going on and why this was. Early on I leaned on the idea that maybe I had an uncanny ability to intuit and read peoples feeling as I started beginning to place some of these wild mood swings. Eventually I even began to wonder if I had an ability to straight up read peoples emotions. I'm still on the fence with this but no matter how it happens its definitely less of a gift then one would believe as things can get really "noisy" in crowed areas.

Over the past few years I've delved deeply into meditation and metaphysics in general and only until recently shed the atheist and rational persona for a more deeply spiritual and truly open mindset. I managed to shut out much of the emotional noise, at the sacrifice of cutting out many of my own emotions. This however brought on other problems. I had a serious paradigm shift in my life that took me out of action for nearly three days of my life. Its hard to explain but it made me see the universe in a whole new light. Meditation has become hard for me due to pain in joins and sudden jolts back in to myself. I don't experience the pain any other time other then meditation. So I tend to shy away from it now, which has left me feeling incomplete and somewhat empty due to the absence of emotion. I also experienced some things with a friend that was so shattering to the psyche that he ended up hospitalized for months and is still not quite right(Or as it seems I'm not quite at his level yet.)

Now I sit at the age of 30 myself looking back at life and wondering what's really going on. There is a lot more to the story but I feel this has been plenty long and boring as is.

I'm curious if you have had events in life that have lead you to study, or question, beyond family and what you feel the overall purpose is.

Thanks for the spot to place stories like these.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:18 PM
I like the thread Title. Well I'v been all over this site telling people my point of views and my experiences.

Showing people links and showing them music, Spreading the word of knowledge and what i find is truth.

Many people get their knowledge from books. I did obtain a lot of information from the written words of man. But my own experiences are my own and no one can denounce me of that.

My dreams are webbed with other people. My experiences my desires. I have had visions where my friend had The same. And my close friends. We are drawn together as if we have known each other in passed lives.

We were all born in different towns but brought here to this small town in the mountains. I moved here when i was 12, but even before my alien experiences. I had felt the dark hand of the supernatural. And by dark i mean black matter and black energy.

Ahh demons. How little people know of them. How many souls have people shouted at in vain? Calling them demons. How many Angels of the lord have people cowered in fear over.

The lion breathing down their neck. The wolf at their door.

People know little and little is their world. I speak for the souls on earth who are not Liches. Those who did not create a tomb to house their vessel. Which helps retain passed memories and knowledge. Unlike us yogi, We know a thing or 2 about proper embalming.

So skin walkers. Anyone here ever seen one? Well they arn't what people think they are. And Anubis is not a Jackle. he is a black wolf. Jaguars and wolves. Familiar to so many myths out there. Maya, Christianity. hinduism, Lion vishnu.

So why a lion? well people know the crypto alien big cats. These are aliens from Orion. Tied to egypt. Made of black matter and black energy. they sail the underworld in their ships within eternal light.

The only way that would be possible is if they were made of darkness. Because once you trancend into darkness. You are the fire within it. How an atom is cut. that is not even a minimal fraction of the power condensed within a partical of dark energy so small there are trillions of particals in front of your face right now as far away as you are from the screen.

One particle has enough matter condensed in it to create planets. and stars.
This is because of the matter was not destroyed in a black hole but converted to the 5th elemental state. The only non physical state. This is why ghosts appear dark, or have dirty light. Is because of of the light within darkness flickering.

Humans are dead tho at that point and do not contain a vessel that can channel energy from the physical into the spiritual as fuel. Like a black hole. You have to be a living being within darkness. Then you can acomplish that.

The world has been led to believe that the light from the sun is the eternal light. Its not.

So i tell people my story. Im here to set things straight for everyone. Anubis of Orion are the skin walkers. And People need to be aware they are running around with metaphysical scales in their hands.

This is why people think they are evil. Because they seem so hostile. But the hellfire that burns in their eyes is the fire of the eternal light. It could devour your soul whole by reconverting the elements of your body and soul into black matter or more fuel. Like a black hole feeding on matter and reconverting it into darkness. This is what will happen. And so people should not shoot them. Instead. There is Satan people should really be worried about.

The greys or the reptillians. They are now the featherless serpents. Bald. And owl like. No longer does their reptillian dna allow them the teeth and colored feathers they had before.

As the pul pul voh goes. They were infected with disease by Jaguar and hunter with their blow dart guns.
the owls jeweled teeth feel out. So did his crowned feathers.

Bald ugly bird. lol. Grey. I havn't slept yet so im gunna have a nap il be back to finish my post.

All hail Orion

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Silencey24

You should know that your story is not long or boring. I actually got a lot from your posting. So first off Thank You for sharing

Eventually I even began to wonder if I had an ability to straight up read peoples emotions. I'm still on the fence with this but no matter how it happens its definitely less of a gift then one would believe as things can get really "noisy" in crowed areas.

I think this one comment struck me the most, Empathy is a gift most take for granted. True "Empath's" Don't like to sit or even be around crowded areas. I for one hate it. Your absolutely correct, they are just to noisy, but not in the sense that most perceive noise to sound like. When you can perceive and feel peoples emotions they tend to get us all discombobulated. Through my journey, and studies I hear that "True" hybrids exhibit empathy 10x maybe 100x more than normal. As in we not only understand but our "Soul" is crying for that person as if trying to lessen the pain that one individual may indure so they don't have to.

I'm curious if you have had events in life that have lead you to study, or question, beyond family and what you feel the overall purpose is.

Very much so, after diving into metaphysics and into my own psyche via meditation and different books, I honestly couldn't tell you what I was and still am looking for. A purpose? A meaning? A reason? The why's that have no answers. Until I found out the Why's are answered just not found in any book. They help but (and most people deny this) what resonates with you will typically help you get to the next piece of the puzzle one is looking for.

I was blessed as having a open door to the metaphysics, as I know individuals throught all spectrums of that realm and have helped me in one way or another. But even in Metaphysics not one discipline is greater than the last. Some become masters and some just want all the information because we are looking for that "Answer"

My purpose.... Wow... I'm not really asked that to often... I'm here to protect those that can't, and defend those who can't. I've done this numerous times in my life and continue to do so as if on auto-pilot when situations arise... If there was a incarnate Guardian Angel on Earth, I've danced with the devil several times to help those that can't help themselves. Love I found is something that can break all barriers. I really don't know how to answer this question... My response is more condrumbled.... Now I have more running through my head... Good question!

I loved your story and it's as you said very reminiscent of the one I stated in my OP!

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:56 PM
My mother was raised in a strict pentacostal home. My grandmother is still devoted to the same church I grew up in as a little girl. My step-dad is a chemical engineer and an atheist.

Once they were married, religious matters were only a joke in our home. It sometimes bothered me. They would tell me they did not want to force religion on me, yet I felt completely ignorant at the same time. They told me I would have a chance to learn those subjects when I was old enough to see past the bullsh!t.

I understand what they meant when I read through some of these threads. Some people are so closed off, so set in their ways. And that's okay. I'm not here to change anyone or tell anyone what to believe. I'm still in search myself and I would like to share my experiences. Some are not allowed here, unfortunately.

Although I think the environment in which I was raised has something to do with my "openness" for lack of a better word,
other members of my family have dealt with this from one degree or another. It's just that no one feels comfortable talking about it.

I'm not sure I'm okay with talking about it, lol. I don't think it's bad. I guess I just don't want bad things to come from it. And as long as you keep it to yourself, nothing bad happens, right?

Thank you for providing a place to share
I think I'll visit here often.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

I've ran into you so many times Southpaw and on many level's resonate with the words you say. I know many read in disbelief but what you are saying is true. There is a battle taking place and it is grand at that. Your thoughts though at times jump from A-Z-G-B I understand where your coming from.

I always tried to walk without being noticed, I never wanted to draw to much attention to myself. Stealthy in the fact I didn't want to draw any attention while I did my work on Earth.

My dreams are webbed with other people. My experiences my desires. I have had visions where my friend had The same. And my close friends. We are drawn together as if we have known each other in passed lives.

Your not the only one
Something is afoot and it's coming whether humanity wants it or not. I feel the final cards are getting ready to be played and when that final curtain drops. I will be right there with you.

A day is coming where humanity will find out the stories of old are not myth or legend.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by B1rd1nFL1ghT

Thank you for stopping in Bird! You are always welcome here

And as long as you keep it to yourself, nothing bad happens, right?

Sometimes keeping it inside has a way of eating away at that which needs to be spoken. I have a firm belief that many of the people I have encounterd in this life are here because they need to speek up. They need to be heard.

Growing up I was the quietest baby, I never cried! Not even when I was born, my Mother loves telling me, no health issues or problems. Growing up when I cried as a child all my Mother had to do was hold my hand and I would stop. As I matured, though small in stature people were amazed at how "LOUD" this small boy was. "Sounds like a elephant running up the stairs" / "How can one small boy be so loud" Dear god!~ I can hear the comments like it was yesterday. But I realized when I kept everything in, I always caused more "Stress" to myself than needed. It wasn't until I learned to use my voice that I realized part of me was here in the "Now" to be heard. For better or worse.

Soothe Sayers~ I call them and they are recognized as such because you can instill peace and tranquility just by saying a few words. You can also create and cause havoc when Royally Pissed off. Never a inbetween... I'm running off topic, my apologies.

It's just that no one feels comfortable talking about it.

That would be why, no? You don't talk about it, yes? People need a place to talk about the things that typically can't be talked about. There are people out there that are in it just for that reason, to let you know your not alone. Nobody is ever really alone.

I would love to hear some of your stories sometime, and I'm sure you can discuss them here, wording is always the key to T&C as I know some stories can be hard to articulate, Inside my Osirion everyone is safe.

Man is it hot in here~ I feel like I'm burining up today and it's a cold day in Chicago~

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by sulaw

As far as empathy goes, I can't say how gifted I am, but I do have some interesting stories

I lived in a low wealth apartment complex and the sadness of the place was overwhelming. So many "voices" crying, angry, upset so few happy. The mix of it tasted awful. That's when I really started actively blocking out general emotions except when close.

Except during major world events. News breaking events can still bring me too my knees. Worst part of empathy is its not a predictive ability. I can't stop anything, only feel the aftermath and makes one feel helpless.

As for purpose, at a young age I feel I've been driven to a purpose though I know not what. Hence when I find another searcher I tend to ask, because it may illuminate my own or at the very least provide a direction as its been my experience we are all heading down the same road. It's. foreign thing to me to see someone without.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by B1rd1nFL1ghT

I think bad things are what you make them. Sometimes it takes a negative situation to allow you to learn and grow. Since this thread is about Your Story you may find it helps to look at yourself though the lens of an observer rather then in person. You may see what was positive as negative and what was negative was positive. Yin Yang.

I like to think the answers are in the unknown and not the known as its already known. Any the only way to explore that is to dispel the fear of the unknown.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Silencey24

I see your join day was today~ Long time lurker? Just decide to start voicing?
Welcome to the fray, though I'm fairly new to "ATS" I've trampled around in front of many here testing the waters~ So with that you need a welcome gift!

For you!

A little empathy can go a long way and say a lot about anyone's charecter. Better to have a little and know your alive than to have none and realize your empty inside.

Your absolutely correct Empathy is not a predictive ability, I don't think it's meant to be either. But practice makes perfect, the fact that you were able to block it out says a lot. Only when someone was close and you were in there line of sight? Touch? Did you get these feelings? Means your developing nicely.

As far as being "Gifted" everyone is. Literally, I promise you everyone is. Some just decide to shut it out to feel "Normal" and not a outsider or how some would say "Freak". I hate that word.... Well atleast used in that context

Why do you think your here? And I'll give you a tip. You already know, as we are all on the same journey. We just had to wipe out the memory/mission before we came. That's why a lot of life feels like a dream we already "know about"

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by sulaw

I mostly lurk. While general things on ATS interest me, I don't feel its worth much effort to reply. I prefer personal contact usually over internet. I lost a previous account info and had to recreate unfortunately, hence the new status. but I've questioned and dabbled here on these forums.

Signed back up to actually try to get some answers to a dream... but that's another post.

As for proximity its less of a physical thing and more mental. I have to want to know how your feeling rather then just letting it all pour in and trying to muddle it out. As I said the side effect to this is most of the time I block my own true feelings out in the process, especially negative or bad. There is power in that, but its also very ... I'm not sure the correct word, something similar to dehumanizing but not quite that.

One thing that it is good for is identifying like minds. Last place I worked I found another developed empath, a shaman, and extremely well developed telepath. So yes everyone has a gift, and most will even relish to talk about it given the right prompting.

And well purpose, I may know it, but I have yet to KNOW it. It's a strange thing to know, you don't know that you know.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by sulaw

Eventually I even began to wonder if I had an ability to straight up read peoples emotions. I'm still on the fence with this but no matter how it happens its definitely less of a gift then one would believe as things can get really "noisy" in crowed areas.

I was so tired yesterday i didn't really share any of that information with people. But if this strokes your ego.

This comment is not only correct, this is how Anubis communicates with people in the waking world.
This is how people are paralyzed. Because they bomb them with fear and people cower at the sight of the father.

Within him is the spirit of God which is inconceivable. It is formless. Eternal and within it. The eternal light.

The only purpose, the only one that matters and will not end in fire and brimstone. Is our accession In the halls of Judgment.

I got bored yesterday ( well i was still somewhat delirious i just grabbed my note pad and started drawing)

Then when i looked at the end result. I realized that i unconsciously drew the Vision i had. Tho this is another location seperate from where i saw my vision. Similar events will happen all over the world.

lol. Gods mighty hand crushing the all seeing eye. Blessed are you, Children of the night, Children of the night.

So, My whole life i have felt ancient. And felt a seething rage within me. Like the fires of a Phoenix. But i have had since walked the earth, Seen many great things and met many great people. Humanity can be the most loyal at times. Defiant, and righteous. I have seen generosity and have felt the hand of love on more than one occasion.

I am here as a Judge Dread.

I always tried to walk without being noticed, I never wanted to draw to much attention to myself. Stealthy in the fact I didn't want to draw any attention while I did my work on Earth.

My Reputation perceeds me.
Somewhat arrogant am i, But Until i see man grow up my voice may be silenced but when i walk through those chambers. All that was and will be won't matter. Because il be writing the rest of the story as i go along.

Anubis my lord. Let these people know the truth of darkness and what man must to to elivate themselves passed it into the Eternal light. Where there is no darkness.

Only the fallen and the realms of mortals see darkness, and are surrounded by it. That is the deception.
The book has been purposely misinterpreted. Behold the deception. The light of Suns worshipped by all will be trans-mutated into darkness. Sorry for anyone who might not like this answer or had a certain fondness of the light. But this is just the element of fire. And fire did not create this universe alone.

Still. People need to wake up and realize this, If they confront a hellhound they need to understand this. So that their soul will not weigh more than the feather of Ma'at. You would understand that by darkness we are all one, and by darkness we are all the same. By darkness we all cower in fear. By darkness we deny its power. By darkness we will fall, and by darkness I will rise. By darkness i will spread the truth, By darkness i will be the light,. Forever more the Lantern of Osiris Shining bright in the realms of man. I walk this earth as a human, So that my story is written. I come before my kings and horsemen, arm yourself. Something wicked comes. Within the shadows a being surrounded by darkness but not born of it. A being cast down into darkness. Much like humans are right now.

Within the realms of Hades you all live in, and you don't even realize it. This my friends, Is the underworld. Look around you at the darkness that is just waiting to take up space ( by most common peoples perception) as soon as the light is turned off. But allas. This is not true, its no different Than masking the smell of rotting meat.

Youl still get sick if you breath that air in reguardless if it smells flowery. Why? Because overpowering sensations do not make matter suddenly flee. What im saying is, People think light chases darkness but this is false. The protons from light passes through darkness and is arbsorbed by it. This is why we cannot see every galaxy because of the matter in the way. Space is not empty obviously.. on the contrary. Since the universe is packed with dark matter and dark energy, as if we are living at the bottom of a deep ocean. Surrounded completely head to toe in particles of infinite density. The universe is actually crowded with dark energy. Its packed.

Now try to imagine try to imagine that each individual particle was formerly a planet and stars. We can assume life was sucked into these balls. So il bring something to your attention. You are very lucky to be alive. Considering all the darkness that's in the universe you could of had better chances being a rock or gas rather than a human. Let alone. Be the one sperm cell out of millions. And happen to be the one created around the time that your parents concived you. If you want to talk about god and precision. We have that right there.

And so with this process. Only the truly worthly are allowed to take up space in physical reality. Anyone who is useless is a waste of space and there are countless numbers of souls that could take their place. This is how worthless the human soul is, So make your soul worth sometime. Make god value it. Otherwise hes gunna boot you from the guild to make room for more active players.

edit on 23-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 09:54 PM
I didn't reply earlier because I wasn't sure how to take you at first. When you say people will disagree with you, that is putting it mildly. It's an almost visceral reaction of discomfort and ... sickness? Again that's not the right word and I apologize for any superficial offense it may cause, though I don't think you will find any.

I however read your posts a few times and listen to your videos and analyzed the picture drawn and can really find no fault in your words, which is even more off putting then the word themselves. I feel in myself there is a deliberate deceit in them, again take no offense as I feel it's part of your message. However it is unsettling, as I admitted earlier I find no fault.

I really wanted to reply more however to your direct comment made toward me, because I appreciate the fact you feel you must stoke my ego, and assign fear to my experiences in some way. I have feared, I have struggled with fear and I have overcome things that use fear. I have come to understand the fear and in many ways use it to my own advantage. There will come a time where I will fear again I assure you that, though it is not an fear itself that is the problem it's the ability to overcome it.

I also find the comment of stealth to be interesting as it contrast with my own philosophy and I wonder how it works. I have been confronted with things truly evil, as I said before the Ouija Board experience was one of great darkness. I've come to understand demons to a degree, though I would say I'm far from an expert, I've dealt with things far beyond what most consider. And it has always been bold, forthright action and belief that has prevailed. I won't kid myself and think for a minute that I've tasted any real test, however I am not afraid to start again if I am wrong in myself. This life or the next the odds are in my favor to be right at some point. With all that being said I would be curious to know how stealth as you call it works and if it is something to consider.

As a final thought, the picture was really striking to me, while the message you attempted to convey fell short of my limited understanding of this Verse, I have seen similar things in dreams and I'm quite unsure how I feel about that.

I would like to thank you for sharing and analyzing this thread. Your insight is something I would love to understand further if that's possible.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Silencey24

for sure!! and much respect brother. I just have some friends over right now and il get back to posting it as soon as i can.

Just letting you know that i read your awesome post and il reply to it soon.

This is a pretty good song. Sorry about the youtube spams for everyone else on their phones. I think im done posting videos of songs anything else il post will be more direct towards what i'm trying to say. I'm sorry you had to see the Towers too, but i had a clear cut vision of this and so have some other people. And i guess i am sheding light on peoples dreams. They should listen to the vivid ones.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

When you have time old friend I'd love a response, however revel in the moment for now.

As for the drawing and dreams, if I paid attention to every vivid dream I had I would go mad. However I would be disingenuous if I said I've seen the towers. I have however seen two pyramids one red and one blue torn apart, well before I understood the symbolism and the timeframe. The dots, I have drawn something eerily similar yet have no idea what they mean. And the overall tone of the drawing have felt in another dream. Hard to explain but it definitely seemed familiar.

Just something addition to digest when you are available to respond.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:06 AM
Good Morning! Outstanding! I love all the stories and insight that is being shared thus far! Thank you!

Intuition ~ A skill most learn to ignore in life but can also create serenity and peace of mind when listened to. Why do most turn away from intuition? Life, Money, Fictitious Values, Material Goods that don't mean anything, the list could go on but I feel the point is made. So, how do we tune in? Above you learned how to tune out and that comes easily. Shiver up the spine? Uneasy, quesy feeling in the pit of your stomach? Feels like someone is pulling you "right" and you go left even though you know that choice will lead to harm, whether it is physical, mental, spritual, emotional? There in lies your intuition and just like learning to walk we must crawl to hone that intuition until we can run with it.

Please Note: Intuition and following it, is easier said than done. Same as the hardest decisions are easier to go against intuition because they tend to show the path of least reisistance. But this is not so, and far from the truth.

Story: I finally after a long time built a company with a family member. For 3 1/2 years I worked my dupa off. I travelled from coast to coast in America. Financially (Material/Monetary) was as sound as a pound. Around 2 1/2 years into this adventure my fiance became pregnant (with my child =P ). I had many dreams plauging me, seeing myself relenquish that which I created. Moving in a avenue that did not feel right to me. Seeing Employees who I adored turn against. Very unsettling to say the least. Those dreams I kept to myself as I would worked daily, I found its sometime easier for me to meditate because I'm in a rhythm with controlled breathing so I space out but my body keeps working as if on cruise control. And the feelings I had about the dreams started to dissapate as if I "Knew" that I was supposed to stop what I was doing and become the father I am today. (Talk about a mind trip and throwing my world into a fritz)

Now I could have said no and walked away from my intuition. Nay would my Fiancee' and child ever have Monatary problems again but I would only be home 2 out of the 12 months of the year "IF" that, that's a big if. But the thought of not being present to "Protect and Love" my family "Unconditionally" daily through the good and the bad felt like a stab to my heart and crushing to my psychie. So I obliged my intuition, pissed of many individuals and oddly enough found my way to ATS... Weird.... Honestly, I have never been happier. Being present in the "Now" seeing my daughter grow daily is the best feeling in the world. I would have died internally if I missed any of it.

Intuition can lead you through many doors, all doors lead to the same exit. Some doors creat pain while other joy and harmony. You can't have one without the other and all lessons in each door are personal to the individual journey we all are on.

This is life, this is the test, live for and in the "Now" and don't look back because your moving forward and not backwards. The choices will be hard, some consequences harder to accept. Let your intuition guide you and stay true to the path you know your walking.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Silencey24
I didn't reply earlier because I wasn't sure how to take you at first. When you say people will disagree with you, that is putting it mildly. It's an almost visceral reaction of discomfort and ... sickness? Again that's not the right word and I apologize for any superficial offense it may cause, though I don't think you will find any.

I however read your posts a few times and listen to your videos and analyzed the picture drawn and can really find no fault in your words, which is even more off putting then the word themselves. I feel in myself there is a deliberate deceit in them, again take no offense as I feel it's part of your message. However it is unsettling, as I admitted earlier I find no fault.

I really wanted to reply more however to your direct comment made toward me, because I appreciate the fact you feel you must stoke my ego, and assign fear to my experiences in some way. I have feared, I have struggled with fear and I have overcome things that use fear. I have come to understand the fear and in many ways use it to my own advantage. There will come a time where I will fear again I assure you that, though it is not an fear itself that is the problem it's the ability to overcome it.

I also find the comment of stealth to be interesting as it contrast with my own philosophy and I wonder how it works. I have been confronted with things truly evil, as I said before the Ouija Board experience was one of great darkness. I've come to understand demons to a degree, though I would say I'm far from an expert, I've dealt with things far beyond what most consider. And it has always been bold, forthright action and belief that has prevailed. I won't kid myself and think for a minute that I've tasted any real test, however I am not afraid to start again if I am wrong in myself. This life or the next the odds are in my favor to be right at some point. With all that being said I would be curious to know how stealth as you call it works and if it is something to consider.

As a final thought, the picture was really striking to me, while the message you attempted to convey fell short of my limited understanding of this Verse, I have seen similar things in dreams and I'm quite unsure how I feel about that.

I would like to thank you for sharing and analyzing this thread. Your insight is something I would love to understand further if that's possible.

Okay so basically what your asking is if you can trust the things you see. Well il give you the best pointers i can.

All the visions i had that came true were not normal dreams. And i would know right away that it was not a normal dream. When i have a nightmare because of a message my subconsious is trying to convey my personal life. I Don't take those dreams as seriously. But the vivid ones that involve Future events i tend to pay more attention to because of the fact they are the only dreams ( oddly enough) that i have and can remember what happened from begining to end. The reason why i remember it like that i because the colors painted through the mind in a vision are extremely bright and vivid. That looming darkened colors you view in the multi realm of dreams and doors. We see that visions lack these. There are no *doors* ( when you walk to far beyond a point the dream scenario changes to locations that are merged together which geographically are not close at all in the real world. For instant seeing france then turning around and seeing the statue of liberty.

Anyways my visions never had any of the sort of feel to it. It was also playing like an interactive memory.
I can only control so much as i observe what the @#$$ is going on. I have summoned aliens before and im not lying about that. I don't feel the need to make up anything and i never ever posted bogus stories on the internet. Not even when i had acess to it when i was 11. I'v always tried to maintain an honest individual. Tho my code of morals and ethics has been quite strict in the passed. I have tuned and refined it since iv grown older. Only a fool would consume all his brothers in sisters. In a realm full of evil just waiting to squash the human race when it gets the chance.

No, we need to become a becon of hope and light for all oppression in the milkyway. We need to unite as one and kick any invaders out back to their sad galaxies. This is ours. We made it. We live here. We fight here, We die here. And no speculative bald owls are going to pry this blue rock from our legions cold dead hands. We will hold onto it with a clenched fist in death. so that they must sever the many arms fastly gripping the pale blue dot.

What can you do to get closer to God? and absolve your fear? Understand the concepts of Darkness. LOl damn friends are showing up now. Anyways, You should be able to find a nice dark spot outside with clear view of the sky. Say a prayer to Yahweh. Say something like. Yahweh. King of kings lord of lords. Show me a real being of Yahweh. Show me One of his angels. So that i may know whom i serve. I pray to thee Yahweh to not allow a demon of Ba'al to decieve me. I seek the truth Yahweh, give me faith Oh lord of truth.

Something like that may get a response. If you see a black being. And its eyes ARNT glowing red. Your off to a good start because its mouths are closed. Its not glaring at you with its mouth wide open showing you hellfire.
edit on 24-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

Just wanted to point out that you really shouldn't be afraid over all. wiether what set of eyes you see or don't see. Just know that these beings do not hurt you unless you are cursed. As in a former family member was a lucifarian. Or your a star seed. One of the 144,000. There are 2 legions. the star seeds of Ba'al and the star seeds of Yahweh. The star seeds of Yahweh do not channel. Where the star seeds of ba'al do. The star seeds of Yahweh have to figure out everything for themselves through cryptic messages, Esoteric themes. Showing you images and presenting events that allow your mind to expand rapidly. This will and always happens to those who do not have a nervious breakdown and develop a phobia of these beings. Anyone who avoids all this is good to go. So just know if it tries to indimidate you. BECAUSE THE POWER OBTAINED WHEN U MAKE THEM AN ALLY is very very powerful. You will be blessed by the the essence of the universe. And other people will feel this energy coming off of you.

edit on 24-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 11:32 PM
I want to reply to both of you, as I didn't get a chance earlier so I won't bother replying individually.

Firstly it amazes me that both of you are so sure of yourselves. In truth I find myself constantly asking questions because I seem to never have the answers. To see two individuals of different backgrounds able to speak so authoritatively, leaves me wondering why I lack such faith. I must understand less then I think.

Sulaw, intuition and me have a strained relationship. Overall it's been something I can't really control in the sense you seem too. You can recognize a thought or a dream as your intuition and use that. For me coasting in life has never lead me astray but anytime I try to actively influence events in life it never really pans out. I suppose it may mean I don't understand the overall direction meant for me but its frustrating. I've always wanted to be a priest, monk or someone who involves themselves wholly in the spiritual. However life as I have it right now is completely against such a thing. It would mean giving up on material things I've managed to accomplish, more importantly it would mean giving up family. Understand I have no children of my own, however to pursue the intuit path I feel in me would mean giving up most of those I love and cherish. I suppose after typing I do have a path but the sacrifice my intuition demands is too great.

Crypticsouthpaw, dreams can be a tricky thing at least in my story. I dream very strangely, as a wild example I've had dreams which have had commercial breaks ( this is as funny as it sounds) where literally my dream has gone from a story, then completely changed to something else ( as an example bears vs mammoths as a history channel special) then back again to the original story. I dream with, song, with vidid colors, with dull colors, with credits and intros, and reaccuring themes. If there is a message in dream there is no way I can sort it out from my regular ones. I understand what you mean, but too me things just aren't black and white enough to make sense. I feel for your message further when you say we must fight and be a beacon of hope. However as I've suggested in earlier post I really don't know the direction that should be taken. I have no gods to fight for, no belief to say this is the right way. The "gift" of empathy really makes it hard for me to say one way or another this is good or this is bad. As an example; I've spoke and thought at lenght of the "gray" and have even been able to understand somewhat there prospective. Even though the agenda seems to go against humanities, I can't help but look at it from their point of view and rationalize the actions. You see for me there is no good, no evil... When you can understand your enemy you realize they are just doing what they need as much as anyone else.

I won't take up anymore thread space with my own vanity, I'm glad to have read the stories here and hope to read more of people's perspective on life. Thanks for the replies.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 01:08 AM

this flew in my window a couple nights ago. My friend caught it and threw it out the window twice and it flew in each time on seperate nights.

Yesterday i went to turn my light back on after shutting it off for 5 minutes and there it was. sitting above my light switch. So i took a picture of it and it didn't move when i was taking a picture then after it flew away.

Iv never seen a moth with those kinds of symbols on them. Do you reconize any? Also it looks a lot like an owl.

But it also looks like rams horns almost like Ares... weird.

Now why is this moth still lingering in my room and making weird appearences? i had my window open all day and it made no attempt to fly away. I even saw it flying around in the day time then hide again.

So weird. So what's this moth trying to tell me?

edit on 25-5-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Silencey24
Crypticsouthpaw, dreams can be a tricky thing at least in my story. I dream very strangely, as a wild example I've had dreams which have had commercial breaks ( this is as funny as it sounds) where literally my dream has gone from a story, then completely changed to something else ( as an example bears vs mammoths as a history channel special) then back again to the original story. I dream with, song, with vidid colors, with dull colors, with credits and intros, and reaccuring themes. If there is a message in dream there is no way I can sort it out from my regular ones. I understand what you mean, but too me things just aren't black and white enough to make sense.

You can seperate the more important ones from the less important ones by how complete the dream is. If you have a dream that plays like an undisturbed length movie than move likely it is a vision. Dreams where the setting changes rapidly are usually created by your own thoughts lucid dreaming.

Its the dreams where you fall sleep and wake up to one scenario and one only. The only couple visions that where the dream consisted of multipul dreams in one dream realm almost like a hallway with many doors.

The dreams you should focus on are the ones that lack these features. The one i had involved me running from room to room acomplishing various tasks in order to get keys very much like a video game where mario jumps in the painting and goes to another world. Almost like that. At the end of the dream i saw an equation on the wall. Which was the key and i suddenly looked at my arm and there it was. The equation. Then a bunch of hooded people that were in the dream lifting up cushions and looking behind and in everything all suddenly turned and looked at me.

Then i ran outside and hooded figures appeared in front of my yard from the bushes.

Then i forced myself to wake up and did instantly before i could see what else would happen. I had a feeling those hooded figures were the illuminati.

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