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Video of Woolrich Attacker... Having a Conversation Literally Red Handed?

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posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane


Norway Bombings

Man Drives Car Into Clinic and Then Sets It On Fire. Thought It Performed Abortions. It Didn't.

Youth Pastor Watch

I'd need my own thread for Youth Pastor Watch. Dan Savage has been covering that for years. Unsurprisingly there seems to be a high percentage of pedophiles and perverts in youth pastor positions everywhere.

Now, are any of these things the fault of Christianity? No, of course not. They're the fault of INSANE people. Just like what happened in England.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:15 PM
So the UK has a BATH SALT problem too??

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by SixX18
So the UK has a BATH SALT problem too??

Nope. Alarmingly, neither of these people seemed to be under the influence of any intoxicant, other than their blood lust.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse

Originally posted by MegaSpace

Originally posted by abdel
reply to post by darkbake

If you look at the picture you will see that there's a notable absence of blood around the victim. You would have thought it would be like the floor of a slaughter house.
The racist thugs from the English Defence League were on the scene almost immediately.
I think this was a set-up to get the proles to kick the sh1t out of each other and be destracted from what's coming in the next phase.
edit on 23-5-2013 by abdel because: playing with it

The blood is on right side of the road flowing down the gutter, its gruesome, see where its pinkish red on side of road.

That is actually double red lines,painted onto the road as a sign to people not to park there.
There was blood at the scene on the news reports I saw though.
A better angle to see the red lines:

edit on 23/5/2013 by Silcone Synapse because: spaces

edit on 23/5/2013 by Silcone Synapse because: sp

Wait, what is going on here? Was his body severed at the waist?
Thanks for not flagging this, by the way, everyone. I don't really want flags for this.
edit on 23-5-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I'm pretty sure the woman who got off the bus and went to try and help Lee Rigby would have noticed if he'd either been decapitated, or chopped in half. It's interesting that the media have had her before the cameras and never asked her to clear up that rumour.

edit on 23-5-2013 by IvanAstikov because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse

Originally posted by MegaSpace

Originally posted by abdel
reply to post by darkbake

If you look at the picture you will see that there's a notable absence of blood around the victim. You would have thought it would be like the floor of a slaughter house.
The racist thugs from the English Defence League were on the scene almost immediately.
I think this was a set-up to get the proles to kick the sh1t out of each other and be destracted from what's coming in the next phase.
edit on 23-5-2013 by abdel because: playing with it

The blood is on right side of the road flowing down the gutter, its gruesome, see where its pinkish red on side of road.

That is actually double red lines,painted onto the road as a sign to people not to park there.
There was blood at the scene on the news reports I saw though.
A better angle to see the red lines:

edit on 23/5/2013 by Silcone Synapse because: spaces

edit on 23/5/2013 by Silcone Synapse because: sp

You're absolutely correct looking at the other picture. Thanks for clearing things up with a better picture at a different angle!!

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 06:51 PM
I don't believe this incident. For one, there are TWO videos of the attacker talking. One where his hands are very bloody (yet he manages to get not a drop of blood on his clothing after attempted beheading???). In the second video, he has absolutely NO blood on his hands.

I am not saying this fake, because I don't know. But it reeks of being fake. Lack of blood near the body. Anyone remember the Nicole Brown photos?? Even IF they killed this guy at the car, he would still have bleed out in the road. There is also the bloody hands, or non-bloody hands. How did they know THIS guy was a soldier when they rammed him? Why did a woman walk up to the "dead body" and lay down next to it. Never getting so much as a drop of blood on her?? Too many strange things here.

Who benefits from Woolrich?

Questions about the Woolrich slasher

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
reply to post by MegaSpace

You try negotiating with murderers holding knives. What else are they meant to do...

People dont seem to realise people do not react " normally" to these things, they dont all run away. People have very different instincts of what to do in a time of emergency or when their is a shooting and so on.

You raise valid points, whoever i for one believe the female chatting to the attacker with the black beanie / black hat whilst holding a machete with hands covered in blood was being careless & stupid. She is lucky she hadn't been hacked her self!! She was too close for comfort.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Happy1

The one black woman walking calmly by with groceries (?) bothers me but

put yourself in this dangerous situation by this insane, armed man. They are

all trying to not show fear, out of fear. But no one acted bravely, either. Like

lambs to the slaughter.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by abdel
reply to post by darkbake

If you look at the picture you will see that there's a notable absence of blood around the victim. You would have thought it would be like the floor of a slaughter house.
The racist thugs from the English Defence League were on the scene almost immediately.
I think this was a set-up to get the proles to kick the sh1t out of each other and be destracted from what's coming in the next phase.
edit on 23-5-2013 by abdel because: playing with it

Dead people dont bleed heavily. The guy was killed on the pavement and dragged to the road dead, most of his heavy blood loss was on the pavement, by the time he was dragged to the road he was already dead.
Dont tell me this ones actors such an idiot

EDL wasnt there immediately either.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by AmberLeaf

Originally posted by abdel
reply to post by darkbake

If you look at the picture you will see that there's a notable absence of blood around the victim. You would have thought it would be like the floor of a slaughter house.
The racist thugs from the English Defence League were on the scene almost immediately.
I think this was a set-up to get the proles to kick the sh1t out of each other and be destracted from what's coming in the next phase.
edit on 23-5-2013 by abdel because: playing with it

Dead people dont bleed heavily. The guy was killed on the pavement and dragged to the road dead, most of his heavy blood loss was on the pavement, by the time he was dragged to the road he was already dead.
Dont tell me this ones actors such an idiot

EDL wasnt there immediately either.

So they let him bleed out before moving him? Cutting the carotid on either side of the neck results in rapid blood loss. The average male body has about 6 pints of blood in it. Even after the heart stops pumping, blood will leak out. From the cuts in the neck, or the injuries from the car hit. Yet we see barely any blood on the sidewalk, and NO blood on the street.

We see people lying down next to this victim and getting up with NO blood on their clothing. People in the streets seem to react as if it is a stunt, or a movie.

*warning - graphic*
This is a person (Nicole Simpson) with their neck cut

I would just have expected to see much more blood, around the area, or at the very least, on the perpetrator.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
I don't believe this incident.

Tell that to the dead man's family members.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by DerekJR321

Was Nicole Simpson also hit by a motor vehicle at about 30mph plus, before that happened, or was her heart beating rapidly in fear, knowing what was about to happen?

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
I don't believe this incident. For one, there are TWO videos of the attacker talking. One where his hands are very bloody (yet he manages to get not a drop of blood on his clothing after attempted beheading???). In the second video, he has absolutely NO blood on his hands.

I am not saying this fake, because I don't know. But it reeks of being fake. Lack of blood near the body. Anyone remember the Nicole Brown photos?? Even IF they killed this guy at the car, he would still have bleed out in the road. There is also the bloody hands, or non-bloody hands. How did they know THIS guy was a soldier when they rammed him? Why did a woman walk up to the "dead body" and lay down next to it. Never getting so much as a drop of blood on her?? Too many strange things here.

Who benefits from Woolrich?

Questions about the Woolrich slasher

If you look at the 2 seperate videos, the one with him with no blood on his hands, both the bus in the background and the red lines on the road are wishy washy orange, someone has taken a red filter to the video and removed it, hence why the bus and lines are wrong. He's been called out on youtube for it as well.

the blood is on the pavement and not the road, there is another pic showing that within the thread. they dragged him into the road after they'd cut his throat or whatever
edit on 15/09/2011 by FFS4000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:48 AM

So they let him bleed out before moving him? Cutting the carotid on either side of the neck results in rapid blood loss. The average male body has about 6 pints of blood in it.

Even after the heart stops pumping, blood will leak out. From the cuts in the neck, or the injuries from the car hit. Yet we see barely any blood on the sidewalk, and NO blood on the street.
We see people lying down next to this victim and getting up with NO blood on their clothing. People in the streets seem to react as if it is a stunt, or a movie.

I would just have expected to see much more blood, around the area, or at the very least, on the perpetrator.

You would expect that given you havent got a clue what happened or how it happened

There was a pool of blood where he was hacked to death, he lost most of his blood there. There was no blood pressure to pump it out when he was in the road, and given the little blood remaining in his body there was no leaking.

The pavement/sidewalk was covered in blood, you just failed to look for the images, rather just jump on the conspiracy bandwagon with half the facts missing.

The stain to the left is the guys blood, under the trees. There is probably more that cant be seen in this picture, but what you do see is a lot of blood. Arterial blood is thick and dark, unlike blood from a normal cut that is quite runny.

Look at all the facts, not only the ones that fit your conspiracy mindset!

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by DerekJR321

Dude, go look again at the video with no blood on his hands, the bus in the background is orange and should be red and the lines on the floor should be red and not orange, this just goes to show someone playing with a red filter and with what has been released just recently i would say a muslim attendee of a uni in London that has been linked with extremism in the past

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