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London Killing : Fact vs Fiction

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posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Dutcheagle

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac

Where are these fictious wittnesses you and other's keep quoting? Why are they not on record ?

Originally posted by deprogrammer
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

I still have seen no evidence of the 'Allah is God' claims etc and extremist nature.

Here you go skip to 00:19

''We swear by the mighty allah we will never stop fighting you''

Does that do the trick for you ?
edit on 22-5-2013 by Dutcheagle because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-5-2013 by Dutcheagle because: (no reason given)

Thank you for posting that. I agree that is fact now, no problem. Every view of that clip had a reporter voice over that part. However I don't see it contextual to being a terrorist attack. You don't find it disturbing how fast these things were being reported as fact ? For example there has been no confirmation to the victim as being as soldier even though likely. There is no evidence that the victim was not known to his attackers and that this was not personal. Look I will go as far as saying that all of the above is quite possible if not even a likely fact. However the media treatment of this is very disturbing and dangerous.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:51 PM
Yeah, yeah, find some typical liberal excuse.

Tolerate the intolerant who openly say what they're going to do before the time.

This cult has been allowed to run free for long enough amongst tolerant people in the West and moderate, decent Muslims.

They're leading this world to the mother of all backlashes and clampdowns, and they've been encouraged by one-sided, unbalanced ultra-liberals all the way.

Explain it away as you like.
It is exposed for what it is.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by mazzle
This appears to me like blatant propaganda.

A, How many of u wud stand there and film a guy (still weilding a murder weapon) who had just commited murder?

B, The media outlets would NEVER EVER normally show this kind of video over and over unless a backlash was exactly wat 'they' were after

C, Youd think after beheading a person youd have slightly more blood on you, in fact the way the carotid artery in the neck would respond to being slashed would be to literally squirt everywhere. As far as i can see this man has hands that are doesnt even look like blood, just red. Thered no visable blood anywhere else, granted the man is dark skinned and wearing dark clothes, surely we'd be able to see some dripping from his face or something?

They couldn't not show it. The videos went pretty much viral, so had do be addressed whether they liked it or not. Other than that, yes the incident is indeed a bizarre one. A woman calmly walks past the red handed, knife wielding nut case as if it was just another normal day in London. I think it is quite clear that very few people felt threatened by this incident. This in itself is strange, or is it? We have become that desensitized to violence that a man being hacked to death in broad daylight hardly raises an eyebrow.

There were eye witness reports that the police were on the scene within minutes. But they were unarmed and they hid behind bushes untill the armed response showed up some 20 minutes after the event.

If it was a black man parked on double yellows they'd have been there within seconds. Go figure.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by threewisemonkeys

Haahaa so true there, with the yellow lines.

Understand the video went viral...
Would they not do there normal trick of constantly removing the videos from anywhere they were posted....they do it all the time for pretty much everything else.

Surely no need to show it over and over n over?? Im sure that people are desensitised but not to that extent. Im sure, you, i or anyone else would still react in horror to someone being chopped up before our very eyes.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by mazzle

Without the Muslim related Radical Allah qoute: This is a local vile murder.

It has more undertones of the Toxteth riots than the Afghnistan/Iraq killing fields.

Those two horrible killers will have seen more recent mosqiutos than Mosques.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by mazzle
reply to post by threewisemonkeys

Haahaa so true there, with the yellow lines.

Understand the video went viral...
Would they not do there normal trick of constantly removing the videos from anywhere they were posted....they do it all the time for pretty much everything else.

Surely no need to show it over and over n over?? Im sure that people are desensitised but not to that extent. Im sure, you, i or anyone else would still react in horror to someone being chopped up before our very eyes.

It had gone way beyond the point of damage mitigation. Seen by to many eyes in too many places to be redacted. But.. it has shown us how the media reacts when caught off guard, unscripted. And they present themselves poorly indeed, as would be expected.

The visual repetition is standard practice, along with the emotive words used, also in repetition. That is text book Tavistock mind control. Keep the public in a state of "shell shock", submissive and suggestible.
edit on 22-5-2013 by threewisemonkeys because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 08:27 PM
As I said in the opening post. I talked about mob's, black and muslim bashing. Now two men in London have been arrested for trying to burn a London mosque. I think the street's are going to get restless. acks_RSS_220513

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 09:33 PM
As an immigrant, you come to a new country for a better life for yourself and your family.

By bringing your extremist religious and political views and ennacting them on citizens of your new homeland, you have not only signed your own death warrant, but that of innocent civilians of your own ethnicity where you now live.

Those suburbs of London will burn, and so they should.

The government inaction in regard to the influx of migrants from non-assimilatable ethnic origins has ground for blood on its hands.

This has been a long time simmering issue amongst English (aswell as other countries) but it looks like it will soon boil over as the public take government inaction into their overdue own hands!

You reap what you sow!

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 10:30 PM
Fact: The little to no coverage of this by mainstream media in the States proves US media, and in turn, the public are just a country of self-centered douches; when something happens in the States (no matter how minor) we make it a global news event, but when something truly horrific occurs elsewhere we basically ignore it. It really is a disgusting pattern of behavior.

Our collective American hypocrisy is baffling, when it happens here the media shapes the mouth breathing public to be are outraged, bloodthirsty and the coverage essentially makes them feel like they were a victim of the incident. Then these tubes want new laws and are happy to give up their civil liberties because it is easier for them to place the blame on entire groups of people or inanimate objects than to accept that there are people who are evil in, not only far off places, but in their own backyards. Furthermore, here in the US when no media coverage is given to such things as our own government's actions resulting in loss of many, many innocent lives; it causes people have to have no understanding of global affairs and disbelief at the notion that anyone would want to harm America for perceived atrocities.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 02:26 PM
i've just caught up on this after catching it as it happened. At the time I was confused, beheading with a machete was the headline, but there was a guy in the road, with a small amount of blood on the pavement. I was trying to find the head, out of sick curiosity, but there was no evidence of a beheading in any of the footage. Then on the news, people were walking through the scene, without a care in the world. Did none of the people gathered say anything as she passed them? nobody? then there's still footage of random people standing in the street with their hands in their pockets. I know you can't really make assumptions about a still image, but seriously, that's not the body language of someone who's standing face to face with a cold blooded murderer.
So... as already said here in this thread. where is the blood? unfortunately i saw most of the Boston footage, there is a lot of blood from limb loss, as I now know. A head, being hacked would make a mess. what is going on here?

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:10 PM
in response to my previous questions, here's the blood under the tree.

the behavior of the people is still weird though?
edit on 23-5-2013 by ceetee because: (no reason given)

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