posted on May, 21 2013 @ 01:17 PM
Don't really know what to write about myself , but I guess I'm here to talk to more people like myself, and maybe learn something knew from the people
here at ats
I'm 18 , I love people and life in general and believe humanity is on its way up, not at its downfall as people seem to believe these
days. I also think the rules should be changed on here so we can take about subjects such as psychedelics and such as these are very mind expanding
tools which actually fit in with allot of the other subjects talked about on here but I guess that's not going to happen lol I also feel like I have
allot to say but nobody will listen. I didn't do very well at school, thought it was all bull#, I'm one of the kids that reports always said "Has
great potential but wont apply himself" I just couldn't be bothered with it they teach the most boring things in school, I can quote bible like it
anit no thanng but yet I got a E in my RE GCSE as it asked stupid questions like, "What does it mean to be a catholic?" are some # like that, my point
is School is only important because THEY make it important. I was teaching my teachers # they never even knew...
Emm what else, what else... I think Jesus is the man , although i wouldn't say I'm religious and I seem to be a magnet for UFOs are at least live in
some sort of hotspot as I see strange things in the sky weekly and have also had a experience where I seen a group of UFOs two days in a row and on
the third day I went out around the same time to see if they where there again, they weren't; for some reason at the time I felt if I closed my eyes
and tried communicating with them like telepathically telling them to come they would and they did , 1 by 1 .. I was insanely high at the time , but
it did really happen, I was very surprised, lol guess it could be a coincident .. I lucid dream nearly every night and astral project maybe once a
week and have some crazy experiences doing so, I believe everyone should do it . I LOVE NATURE , being around trees makes me feel good, I had a crazy
mushroom trip in august and ever since then I feel emm grounded if you know what I mean , I feel connected to the earth; words cant describe how much
I love it haha Id pick up a leave and just look at it, baffled at how crazyy it is lol I'm not sure what else to say and I don't even think anyone
will read this sooo bye bye
sorry for bad English or any mistakes
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
edit on 01/04/2013 by Psych3d3licPsych3 because: (no reason given)
edit on 01/04/2013 by Psych3d3licPsych3 because: (no reason