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Ghost Hunting Weather Report

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posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:29 AM
As most folks at ATS probably know, I live in a haunted house. A really active haunted house. Not like Amittyville with bleeding walls and the such ... but in a house haunted by both residual and intelligent spooks. Usually we hear them. Voices. Footsteps. Things knocking around. Kitchen cabinets and drawers opening and closing .. and then opening and closing again. Items on dressers being played with and moved. Childrens toys, and the dogs toys, being played with in the middle of the night with no one near them. 'Someone' walking up the stairs every morning at 1:35 .. heavy labored tired footsteps and whoever it is leans on the banister ... and then goes room to room checking things and puttering around. etc etc Rarely we will even see movement or little balls of light (or black) zoom around.

So anyways, Sunday night ... I'm sitting in my living room and TWICE I saw one of our spooks. And it happened again Monday morning. It was a column of light colored smoke. And the smoke was moving in the column. And it was like the smoke was rising quickly within the column. All three times it was in the living room. The column of quickly moving smoke breezed through the living room and vanished. No outline of a person. No distinguishable features. No additional happenings except after seeing it Monday, about 5 minutes later there was a lot of activity upstairs in the room I'm sitting in now. Lots of heavy footsteps and something 'moving'. (but that's what we usually get around here .. lots of activities like that .. so I didn't really pay attention).

It was the best physical sighting I've had in our house to date. (we've been in this house 12 years). And I got to thinking about the solar activity and how we are at a maximum now. (the last solar maximum 11 - 12 years ago we weren't in this house) So I checked the Ghost Hunting Weather Reports for this area and it said that we were having a solar storm with a class M flare and that conditions were excellent for high spook activities and ghost hunting.

So ... have you all noticed an increase in your ghost activities during this solar maximum?
Increase in activities in your home? Increase in good ghost hunts?
Have you ruled out any other influences in your increased activity .. or do you think there
is a correlation? Or is it the same activity/nonactivity as usual?

Just wondering ....

Additional links for those interested ...
Ghost Hunting Weather

The above solar x-ray flux status indication reflects activity during the past 24 hours as assessed by the NOAA Space Environment Center. The key below illustrates the five possible levels. At M-class flare level and above there exists anecdotal support for a notable increase in ghost activity and manifestations.

More Ghost Hunting Weather Reports from around the country -
(feel free to add more if you like)

EMPS Online - Ghost Hunting Conditions - Eastern Montana

Ghost Hunting Conditions - Lehigh Valley

Ghost Hunting Weather Report - Erie PA
FUN site!

Louisville Ghost Hunting Weather Report

Ghost Hunting Weather Report - Moon Report

Article - Ghost Hunting and the Weather

Lots of other Ghost Hunting Weather Report sites out there ...

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:42 AM
Wow, I live in Erie. I had no Idea that there was a ghost hunting weather report! Thank you.

Btw, almost every neighbor on my block has a story of something supernatural happening in their homes.

I did a quick google search once for Indian burial grounds and I found 2 very close to my home. The Dollar Tree sits on one site, about 4 blocks away. O.o

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:14 AM
Very interesting!

Solar flares have a huge impact on electromagnetic fields. High electromagnetic fields can cause hallucinations and a variety of physical issues - often mistaken for the paranormal. On the other hand... some people also claim that a high EMF can attract or give energy needed for paranormal phenomenon to manifest. So both sides would have an argument for why solar flares lead to an increase in paranormal activity. I'm not surprised that there is a correlation, but I never thought of making the connection.

I hope you are able to take the opportunity to try to capture some evidence in your home - if you are so inclined.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Interesting, I didn't know solar flares could influence paranormal activity.
Luckily I don't have any of that where I live.
Just curious, have you ever tried ridding the house of them? Or they don't bother you?


posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Interesting theory ... something I will be paying more attention to in the future when I'm doing investigations ... not just the obvious conditions like electrical storms / solar flare activity but a wider variety of weather conditions too. S&F

Thanks for this. Woody

edit on 21-5-2013 by woodwytch because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by VegHead
Very interesting!

Solar flares have a huge impact on electromagnetic fields. High electromagnetic fields can cause hallucinations and a variety of physical issues - often mistaken for the paranormal. On the other hand... some people also claim that a high EMF can attract or give energy needed for paranormal phenomenon to manifest. So both sides would have an argument for why solar flares lead to an increase in paranormal activity. I'm not surprised that there is a correlation, but I never thought of making the connection.

I hope you are able to take the opportunity to try to capture some evidence in your home - if you are so inclined.

Your theory collapses in the same moment it collides with the magnetosphere.

Sorry pal, the energetic particles coming from the sun during a CME do not even come close to where humans walk around. Otherwise seeing ghosts would be the least of your problems.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

So add weather to the list. The full moon, electric storms, hi quartz content in the local geology, past traumatic events (like Gettysburg) for instance, ritualistic ceremonies, earths magnetic (field or lay"lines").

I'm sure I left out other spirit barometers.

For me, having had a number of encounters, I would say the one that stands out the most is solar activity, as in the lack of it. All of my experiences have occurred at night, except one. The only thing I can attribute that to is manifesting in our world requires significant energy. Since manifestation has to do with seeing with our eyes it would follow that the easiest time to manifest (requiring the least amount of energy) would be when its dark. Even dark in the room for that matter, Or underground like in a basement or cellar.

More powerful spirits of course are capable of more. Your house seems to be quite an adventure. I take it none of this activity is harmful... so far.

Do they ever watch TV? Like you come in the room and the TV is on? or goes off suddenly? Out of curiosity, what channel are they on when you discover this?

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by H1ght3chHippie

Sorry pal, the energetic particles coming from the sun during a CME do not even come close to where humans walk around. Otherwise seeing ghosts would be the least of your problems.

Agreed. Besides it requires more energy during daylight to manifest than at night. What about electrical transmission wires, electrical wiring in the home and batteries? Or lightning? May there be any assist there?

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by athousandlives
Just curious, have you ever tried ridding the house of them? Or they don't bother you?

We've smudged (which quieted things down and worked for a few months) and had
the house blessed etc etc ... but they always come back. So we just put up with it.
If it was 'evil' .. we'd probably do more to be rid of them. But we kind of gave up ...

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
Do they ever watch TV? Like you come in the room and the TV is on? or goes off suddenly?

They like to turn my big light on in my bedroom .. in the middle of the night ... when I'm sleeping. It's a very bright light and it wakes me up when they do this. I've had it checked by an electrician. ALL the wires checked as well. The electrician said nothing was wrong with the wires or the lighting .. and then he added .. 'youve got a ghost'.

As for TV. Nope. Nothing with the TV. No channel changing. No on and off. Nothing.
I haven't even caught glipses of the spooks in the reflection of the TV when it's off.

ETA .. but the goldfish like to watch TV. They hang out at that end of the aquarium when
the TV is on Big Bang Theory. (it's a 50 gallon tank .. pretty big one)
edit on 5/21/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by VegHead
I hope you are able to take the opportunity to try to capture some evidence in your home - if you are so inclined.

We've done EVPs in the house ... caught a voice saying 'he wants you to' or 'he wants you too'.
We have no idea what that means. Also on the EVP .. we have caught the bath tub and shower
running, but the tub turned out to be completely dry and no water was running. Strange, eh?

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

ETA .. but the goldfish like to watch TV. They hang out at that end of the aquarium when
the TV is on Big Bang Theory. (it's a 50 gallon tank .. pretty big one)

Maybe the ghosts spend time in the goldfish... Thanks for your reply. I was curious because of some ideas I have floating around. I lived in an "occupied" house too, for eight years. What you have said rings true with my own and others personal stories about the phenomenon. I mean personal experience (just so others are clear). So I have more questions...

Do you find yourself changing more than a usual number of lightbulbs in that house? How about batteries in cell phones and remotes or whatnot? Do you find that a fresh set of batteries has gone dead of a sudden? Any other electrical problems like flickering lights or circuit breakers tripping? How about static discharges or smell of ozone?

And no harm has come to you right? Just these unordinary occurrences, like someone is 'living there' or still "living there"? I have more questions but will take my time asking you so I don't overwhelm the thread.

They like to turn my big light on in my bedroom .. in the middle of the night ... when I'm sleeping. It's a very bright light and it wakes me up when they do this. I've had it checked by an electrician. ALL the wires checked as well. The electrician said nothing was wrong with the wires or the lighting .. and then he added .. 'youve got a ghost'.

Freaky, I know.

If you know, When the light does comes on, is it at the same (time by the clock)?

The house I lived in I finally asked an old man that lived next door if he knew who lived there before and he said that a lonely lady did and that she died in the house. Then he looked at me and said, you do know that place is haunted right? Those are eye opening moments.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Do you find yourself changing more than a usual number of lightbulbs in that house?


How about batteries in cell phones and remotes or whatnot?

Yes. Absolutely. A sure sign of spooks ...

How about static discharges or smell of ozone?

We get phantom smells. But this is tricky because now I have autoimmune disease (sjogrens) and that gives me phantom smells as well. We got phantom smells before I came down with Sjogrens, and whenever I get a phantom smell I'll ask if anyone else smells it. If they do .. then we figure it's the ghosts. If they do not .. then I figure it's my sjogrens.

And no harm has come to you right?

Nope. Just a few nights when I can't get back to sleep.
But nothing like Amittyville or anything like that.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 01:07 PM
Your house gets active with lots of things I bet.
Seems If I remember correctly during hurricane Sandy you also had strange things happen?

That is really interesting.

I don't have an answer for you, but I am curious to see what you kind of determine.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

We get phantom smells.

By Phantom, do you mean mold, sulfur (or burning) or perfume and or tobacco?

Do you ever have any experiences away from there?

Have you looked into at all the history of who lived there before?

How old is the place again?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, sorry if it is off topic.

In the house I lived in I was a manager that rented rooms to people out of the classified adds in the local paper. Over the years people that I did not know (and never knew each other) reported similar experiences about sounds, footsteps, things moved, name calling (thats a good one) and actual contact. One person said they were woken up from sleep by an old lady that kept shaking them and saying you have to get out of here, you have to get out now.

Cost me a lot of extra money and time over the years to run ads and interview people because others just up and left (without their deposit even) because of stuff that happened to them.

Never saw her myself, but that must have been quite an experience for you to actually see that apparition, lately. Usually there is a reason for that. What do you attribute that to (seeing that?) Increased activity is often a sign that they are maybe displeased with something new about the house... alterations, new people, for instance.

After all they may still think it is their house. And spirits are just people without bodies. They used to have bodies, but are still here for some reason, just puttering around.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I had no idea your house was haunted! How eerie that your so casual in speaking about it!

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
Seems If I remember correctly during hurricane Sandy you also had strange things happen?

My thread just after Hurricane Sandy ....
ATS Thread - Strange Thing Happened During Frankenstorm
Enjoy reading ... pretty strange ...

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
By Phantom, do you mean mold, sulfur (or burning) or perfume and or tobacco?

Tobacco. Perfume. Foods.

Do you ever have any experiences away from there?

Every house I've lived in has been haunted. Every one of them. And one workplace as well.

Have you looked into at all the history of who lived there before?

Funny ... we were getting a new kitchen put in and when we were getting the contractor he looked at the address and said .. I lived there as a kid, we were the first owners. We asked him about spooks and he said it was haunted from the first day they moved in. Apparently, it's always been active.

How old is the place again?

Almost 65 years old. But that doesn't matter. When we lived in Alabama we built a house and it was haunted. It turns out that the cotton field that we built the house on was a place where the slaves used to sit under the trees by the stream and rest. It seems that some of them liked us building a house there and so they 'moved in'.
So age doesn't matter much with haunted houses ...

edit on 5/22/2013 by FlyersFan because: fixed quote

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
I had no idea your house was haunted! How eerie that your so casual in speaking about it!

Casual? Well .... it's just a part of life and, after living with spooks for 50 years, you get used to it. I am now of the opinon that EVERY place has spooks. It's just a matter of paying attention sometimes. But they are there ... always.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:30 PM
CME incoming and Solar Radiation Storm in progress
Here we go again. So .. today and tomorrow may be active 'spook' days.
Everyone pay attention to what's going on around you ....

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