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Could Sasquatch Have Been A Human Lab Experiment...and Escaped...

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:51 PM
Hello Everyone...New here at this Forum.

I have questions on the Sasquatch/Bigfoot phenomena.

'Could the Bigfoot be somehow related to man's prying with science?'
'Was man doing experiments for whatever reason, and this thing
somehow have got away from them? Even more than one?'
'Was it a human type creature to begin with, and man's tamperings
deformed it, or altered the DNA?'
'Was man trying to create the super soldier, and the animals escaped,
now possibly with more intelligence?'
'Could the Government have already housed a captured Sasquatch,
and it somehow learned from us?'
'Did a Government somehow create the entire bipedal Sasquatch?'

Any other suggestions also, to this subject of a conspiracy...etc?

The reason I ask these questions as serious, is because I have read,
where a Sasquatch/Research Team, has had their phone lines tapped,
monitored, and even the technology placed on the telephone poles.
Also - equipment of a computer nature was taken, and other equipment
I guess, it could be rival organizations, disgruntled individuals, or other
reasons to a competitive nature amongst all their groups.

But, I'm still leary. Scientific Labs, Government Secret Agencies, etc... may
have played a role in producing the Sasquatch somehow. Could there be
other options to this entire phenomena? Has man intervened?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:59 PM
I think it's quite possible. But if he was an experiment 'gone wrong' and he escaped, then the government would have been on this from day one.

There would be no evidence because he would have been shot on site or captured. There is really no government cover-up on Sasquatch. At least not that I know of. I've heard about death threats given to people that claim theyve seen UFOs. But stuff like this just doesnt happen to people claiming theyve seen this creature.

Just imagine the headlines, 'U.S. military is breading super soldiers to fight wars!' That's like nazi eugenics all over again.

Oh, by the way since we're on the topic of eugenics, i just want to remind everyone that Prescott Bush (George Bush's great grand dad) funded Hitler's eugenic's program with Bush money. Deny Ignorance.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by plainandsimple
'Could the Bigfoot be somehow related to man's prying with science?'

Unlikely. I haven't done a thorough investigation, but I understand that legends of Sasquatch and the Yeti are fairly old... beyond 100 years old. In order to have a number of REAL creatures, that implies a reasonably sized breeding population. Since Sasquatches have been reported in a lot of different states in the US (and probably in Canada as well), that would imply a larger breeding population than the grey wolf or the grizzly bear.

Any other suggestions also, to this subject of a conspiracy...etc?

That the current sasquatches are hoaxers and misunderstood phenomina because we don't live in the wildnerness any more (an example was someone showing the bones of a bear's leg a few years back and claiming those were Sasquatch bones. However, I know bear skeletons when I see them...)

As the environment changes and global warming continues, we are seeing animals moving from their old environments to newer environments. We should be seeing them in new areas if they're real creatures.

The reason I ask these questions as serious, is because I have read,
where a Sasquatch/Research Team, has had their phone lines tapped,
monitored, and even the technology placed on the telephone poles.
Also - equipment of a computer nature was taken, and other equipment
I guess, it could be rival organizations, disgruntled individuals, or other
reasons to a competitive nature amongst all their groups.

One of the ways that hoaxers try to give an appearance of truth is by inventing drama. They'll tell you that the Men In Black have showed up on their streets, that white vans with people with computer screens are lurking across from their houses, that their school friends have been questioned, that they're in danger and may not be around much longer... etc.

You may be new to these tactics, but we long-time investigators always see red flags rising when someone starts reporting Drama. It almost always points to outright lies.

[edit on 5-11-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:05 AM
No, not hardly ....

Every tribe of red people have a name for bigfoot ... These names pre-date any lab you are thinking about....

Bigfoot is most likely a creature created by E.T.'s somewhere. He was created to enter our dimension and take air and possibly soil samples on Earth and then leave our dimension the same way he entered it ....

This is why he is usually always seen in mountain regions ...and why dead ones are never recovered on Earth ...

Ancient lure speaks of him carrying a metal like cylinder ....

[edit on 6-11-2004 by ShawNee922]

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:29 AM
A metal cylinder? I can't say I recall that bit of info being part of the legends I've heard before. My interest in the subject goes back over 25 years, but I don't claim to know everything.

Anyone else hear this before? Do we have any sources you can point to for me to see this piece of the puzzle (the info, not a picture of the cylinder)?

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 07:56 AM
HI plainandsimple,
intresting theory but i dont think so,the home of the abonimble snowman is Bhutan in the himalayas (land of the thunder dragon) theres been sightings there for thousands of years,pretty much knocks your theory out the window,as for sasquatch and bigfoot? possible?


posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:32 AM
Thanks for your comments and time thus far.

Yes, it seems the phenomena has been around for ever in some cases.

Concerning the Sasquatch/ may be possible that it was brought
up in conspiracy in the 1800's or 1900's? The reason I've asked these
questions, is because no one can seem to photograph the thing, really!
Even Research Teams aren't photographing or videoing the thing. Web-cams are everywhere, people are trudging the forests...and no pics! Thus
far, this creature seems to be the luckiest thing around? Even if it has a
gift for defense and hiding.

The reason I mention this, and because it can be seen, I've encountered
the thing in 1974, and again in 1985 in British Columbia. On the first, we
seen the Sasquatch for over 10 seconds...before it knew we were there.
On both occasions we saw extreme intelligence, as we were confronted,
and while it pursued escape. I'm researching a book on the matter.

Everyone really wants to know how something this large is avoiding the
camera lens? You can't be lucky 1000% of the time? Or is it...looks like it?

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:56 AM
There are reports of such a creature all over the world dating back hundreds of years as already stated along with stories of little people which we now know to be true. man28.html

The reason people may have had their phones tapped or equipment destroyed is because bigfoot is a very rare creature and if people knew that it definatly existed then there would be big game hunters from all over the place wanting one as a floor rug.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 12:09 PM
Almost everyone I know has a sasqautch story, almost everyone one has a person in their familly who's probably seem him. At least thats how it is where I live, (on a Reservation in Minnesota).

I've asked a few elders about bigfoot, and in my language (Ojibwe) we have a name for him. I forgot it, and barely could pronounce it, but he exists in our neck of the woods, at least I believe he does. I heard a story from my cousin (he works in Tribal Government), he told me that a guy he worked with was out in the forest alone on a fast. He was near a swampy area, and midway through his fast he saw Bigfoot walking through the swamp, reaching down into the water along the way and pulling up a certain type of weed and slinging it over his shoulder.

The weed from the swamp he was pulling out was supposedly some kind of herbal medicine used by Native medicine men.

And to feed some of you peoples interest in the possibility of a sasquatch and alien connection? The lake I live by (Red Lake) is one heck of a big lake, and if you sit out at the beach on a clear summer night you'll see lights over the lake. Everyone says they're UFO's, I believe that too. There was a UFO sighting in broad daylight a few years back, it was over the lake, people said it looked like a metal disc. Anyway, alot of people were reporting power outages and cars stalling on them around the exact same time.

I love living in this lively place...

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 02:25 PM
I appreciate everyone's time and effort into this thread...thanks!!


posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 11:22 PM
I agree with some of the posters here whom consider this unlikely.

For me, Yetis, Bigfoots or whatever you call them are probably rare creatures which have been dwindling in numbers due to the climatic changes.

They probably have gravesites as well that's why their remains aren't just scattered somewhere.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 11:48 PM
No Bigfoot gaurds the caves to the entrence where the reptilians live who also control are brains..

sorry man i read that somwere

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by TheDemonHunter
A metal cylinder? I can't say I recall that bit of info being part of the legends I've heard before. My interest in the subject goes back over 25 years, but I don't claim to know everything.

Anyone else hear this before? Do we have any sources you can point to for me to see this piece of the puzzle (the info, not a picture of the cylinder)?

I will try and locate something for you bruh....
Most of what I speak is hand me down lure ... I posted an experience my 'mohawk' father recited to me when I was a child in another thread ....
Can start here-
While this is far from proof and some say the whole thing was a hoax the notion he carries a cylinder is not new... Like i said, I have heard tale of it since I was a small child. I am not endorsing the guys theory, only using it to show I did not make this tid-bit up ....

Watch the actual video , maybe you can draw conclusion from that.. I do not know .. I will edit anything else i come across into this post for ya.....

[edit on 10-11-2004 by ShawNee922]

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Unnamed_One
I agree with some of the posters here whom consider this unlikely.

For me, Yetis, Bigfoots or whatever you call them are probably rare creatures which have been dwindling in numbers due to the climatic changes.

They probably have gravesites as well that's why their remains aren't just scattered somewhere.

Are you serious? ...

"No Bigfoot gaurds the caves to the entrence where the reptilians live who also control are brains..

sorry man i read that somwere "

Native lure speaks of bigfoot actually being reptilian in nature ...

The guy hunting the name used by his tribe can find it here, there are also some other interesting reading.

[edit on 9-11-2004 by ShawNee922]

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by ShawNee922

Originally posted by Unnamed_One
I agree with some of the posters here whom consider this unlikely.

For me, Yetis, Bigfoots or whatever you call them are probably rare creatures which have been dwindling in numbers due to the climatic changes.

They probably have gravesites as well that's why their remains aren't just scattered somewhere.

Are you serious? ...

"No Bigfoot gaurds the caves to the entrence where the reptilians live who also control are brains..

sorry man i read that somwere "

Native lure speaks of bigfoot actually being reptilian in nature ...

The guy hunting the name used by his tribe can find it here, there are also some other interesting reading.

[edit on 9-11-2004 by ShawNee922]

this stood out from that article

Sometimes we say that this One is a kind of reptile from the ancient times who can take a big hairy form;

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 03:04 AM
Hi! The Bigfoot idea was recently found out to be made up, by the same guy that supposedly capture the creature on film in 1974. He said on his death bed that he made the whole thing up. The footage was real, but it was footage of a man in a gorilla costume...


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 03:14 AM
There is already an escaped experiment much much scarier. Its referred to common man as John Kerry. Species of John Kerry are known as Reverend AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They have been spotted among the woods making no sense.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Brainiac
Hi! The Bigfoot idea was recently found out to be made up, by the same guy that supposedly capture the creature on film in 1974. He said on his death bed that he made the whole thing up. The footage was real, but it was footage of a man in a gorilla costume...

Lol, sorry, but that just wont fly in my part of the woods.

We've actually seen him, in the "flesh," not just a video. The stories of bigfoot, as previously stated, have been around for hundreds of years, not just since the Patterson film.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Brainiac
Hi! The Bigfoot idea was recently found out to be made up, by the same guy that supposedly capture the creature on film in 1974. He said on his death bed that he made the whole thing up. The footage was real, but it was footage of a man in a gorilla costume...

You should watch that video more closely i think your find it�s not a man in a gorilla suit.

The creature in that video has breasts and they swing very naturally as it walks along. Im sorry but if that is a suit its a very good one for the 70's, and to make those breasts swing like that, well i would like to see someone explain it. I believe they said it was a fake to protect Bigfoot.

To admit that this creature exists would be like signing its death warrant.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Brainiac
Hi! The Bigfoot idea was recently found out to be made up, by the same guy that supposedly capture the creature on film in 1974. He said on his death bed that he made the whole thing up. The footage was real, but it was footage of a man in a gorilla costume...

You speak of the guy people claimed made the suit? If so,

He said he did not make the suit and that nobody could have made it, iho

Someone in hollywood claims he admitted to them back around 1970 but if you read up on the subject you will see that he never denied it while alive because it was good publicy for him. Therefore, I figure he lied to his hollywood buddy to further his own agenda.

On his deathbed the guilt must have influenced his decision to tell the truth.

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