posted on May, 31 2013 @ 06:55 AM
*scoop scoop scoop*
*dumps out coffee because he forgot to put a filter in the coffee pot*
*wipes eye boogers out*
Puts filter in coffee pot*
*scoop scoop scoop*
*turns on faucet and fills pot*
*pours water all over counter behind coffee pot*
*wipe wipe wipe*
*refills pot and pours in coffee pot*
*makes sure to turn coffee maker on*
*checks ATS and adds a few comments*
*pours himself a cup of coffee*
*finds coffee thread*
Good morning caladonea and everyone!
I really need that coffee this morning. It is going to be a stormy couple of days. Nothing to bad I don't think.
Just wet and kinda dark.
But it is FRIDAY!! YAY!!!
edit on 31-5-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)