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Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun?

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posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by macman

What is Steven Miller doing now? Did Obama find him another gig or is he unemployed now?

Obama is bullet proof in the eyes of many and he can do no right in the eyes of others. No one in today's world of politics gets to the office without the ability to hide those skeletons. In this respect Obama is no different than the rest, however I think Watergate was minor compared to the scandals that have unfolded.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by jrod
reply to post by macman

What is Steven Miller doing now? Did Obama find him another gig or is he unemployed now?

Obama is bullet proof in the eyes of many and he can do no right in the eyes of others. No one in today's world of politics gets to the office without the ability to hide those skeletons. In this respect Obama is no different than the rest, however I think Watergate was minor compared to the scandals that have unfolded.

This isn't watergate at least not yet so don't be so dramatic. That's one of the reasons so many politician get away with what they do because people increase the burddon of proof. Look whan enough people scream about watergate etc the administration no longer has to defend their actions only show its not that bad. And when they do that people go see I told you it was nothing.So by blowing things way out of proportion this only helps them not answer tough questions proverbial bait and switch.

Here's some questions that needs to be asked after I saw the directors testimony.

So which is it rogue agents or a mistake in the process?
You said it was investigated correct? And you assure us they were not being targetted it was a mistake in the process and you grouped them together to make sure they were treated the same correct? How did you know these were right wing organizations so you could group them together?
Back to the two rogue agaents you said there was no intent or malice how do you this when you can't provide there names and can't remeber who did the investigation

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by neo96

I didn't buy Obama knew nothing clear as day that the teaparty was a serious threat to him in 2010, and could be for the 2012 election.

Obama didn't know anything. Just like Ronald Regan didn't know about arms for contra.

The president is always the last to know the details.

What the president knows in advance of these events, is generalities. The president never wants to know details. He gives general instructions, to do so and so, and leaves it up to his subordinates to work out the details of how to accomplish these things.

The president sets the general objective. At the meeting, he'd say something like, "We should aim for a cohesive policy, anything you can to to support the plan, and help us attain our goals would be appreciated. Thank you Mr. IRS."

Then Mr IRS would think to himself, "What did he mean by that? Why did he specifically say this to me, all I know is IRS stuff. Does he mean the IRS should put pressure on opponents? That must be it, otherwise, why call me in for a meeting? I will see what I can do to help."

That's the sort of way these things work. The president would never directly instruct the IRS to target the Tea-Party.

Remember, all Ronald Regan told Oliver North was that he was free to find a way to support the contra rebels, to help out, but Regan never told North to violate the US Laws in selling arms to the contra. Regan didn't want to know the details.

edit on 21-5-2013 by SQUEALER because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-5-2013 by SQUEALER because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by neo96

I didn't buy Obama knew nothing clear as day that the teaparty was a serious threat to him in 2010, and could be for the 2012 election.

My Friend neo96, you want to know what the Real,,,,Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun is?
As of today

WASHINGTON — A top IRS official in the division that reviews nonprofit groups will invoke the 5th Amendment and refuse to answer questions before a House committee investigating the agency’s improper screening of conservative nonprofit groups.
Just Who Do Yoooooouuuuu think their Protecting???? I have a Good Guess and it's Not Bush

edit on 21-5-2013 by guohua because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-5-2013 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by guohua

Oh wow i missed that today pleading the 5th is a bad move then that pisses congress off and makes them go hey this is bigger then we thought, And next thing people will start screaming about appointing a special prosecutor.And this thing drags on cant believe there going to go that way considering end this quickly is in there best intrests.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by guohua

So now what there is obviously something that he figured congress knows about and is going to ask him it makes no sense to jump the gun you only take the 5th on a particular question not to get out of testifying completely unless you knew what they were going to ask you weird.
edit on 5/21/13 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 07:56 PM

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 08:05 PM


posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by guohua

Oh wow i missed that today pleading the 5th is a bad move then that pisses congress off and makes them go hey this is bigger then we thought, And next thing people will start screaming about appointing a special prosecutor.And this thing drags on cant believe there going to go that way considering end this quickly is in there best intrests.

I'm sure by now you've found the thread:

I think they have the Smoking Gun,,, She knows more than she has told every one and she is Protecting some body,,,, Don't you think?
You have nothing to Hide, you've made a Stupid Mistake, Own-Up to it and take your punishment.
But I think we've all noticed,,, Obamas Cronies are just like Obama,,,None of them admits to mistakes!!
edit on 21-5-2013 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:36 PM
ah yes, the daily right-wing rants about the evil Obama. do you guys go to right-wing blogs every day to get your talking points, and quickly bring them over here? have heard about the boy that cried wolf too many times...soon nobody paid attention to him, and he was eaten by the wolf. to further mix metaphors, you've become a broken record playing one song.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
ah yes, the daily right-wing rants about the evil Obama. do you guys go to right-wing blogs every day to get your talking points, and quickly bring them over here? have heard about the boy that cried wolf too many times...soon nobody paid attention to him, and he was eaten by the wolf. to further mix metaphors, you've become a broken record playing one song.

Please try and stay on topic,,, you can do that by going to Obamas web-site, I'm sure he's got plenty of excuses you can use to derail a Scandal or Two,,,,,,

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by guohua

I think they have the Smoking Gun,,, She knows more than she has told every one and she is Protecting some body,,,, Don't you think?


Lois Lerner didn't have to come out publicly and make the statement she did before the Inspector Generals' report was scheduled to be released last Tuesday. The report didn't point the blame at anyone in particular.

Steven Miller admitted that him and Lois Lerner worked together on intentionally releasing this information.

Now, neither have much to say, even though they went out of their way to make it public!

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
ah yes, the daily right-wing rants about the evil Obama. do you guys go to right-wing blogs every day to get your talking points, and quickly bring them over here?....

Nope, we don't need blogs to give us points to argue with.

**bring in DailyKos, Media Matters, Code Pink.........**

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by SQUEALER

Still doesn't remove responsibility from the person "Holding the highest Govt seat" in the land.

He is either the President, or he isn't. You and others backing him need to make up your mind.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by macman

You and Squealer both have a point on this one. It's sad when there's so much corruption and so many investigations going on that you can't possibly make the President aware of all of them, yet he still should be held responsible for making it right, taking action against the responsible parties after he finds out who they are or taking the fall for it himself, regardless of who's behind it. Take your pick.

ETA: I think Squealer is right that Presidents have a tendency to make general statements, give a wink, and the lackeys take the ball and run with it. There's a chain there somewhere in which it gets handed down without the President having to say much to in order to avoid persecution themselves. They all know how to work that system, I'm sure.

edit on 22-5-2013 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
ah yes, the daily right-wing rants about the evil Obama. do you guys go to right-wing blogs every day to get your talking points, and quickly bring them over here? have heard about the boy that cried wolf too many times...soon nobody paid attention to him, and he was eaten by the wolf. to further mix metaphors, you've become a broken record playing one song.

Maybe if Obama states that he is 'out of the loop' and 'didn't know anything until I heard it on the news' enough times, people will think that he doesn't have any business sitting in the highest elected office in the US.

Either he is lying..... or he is out of the loop. If he is out of the loop, well that's not much of an executive.

ETA: Think about it, he has supporters trumpeting on the news shows that the job of the President is just too big for him to do.... he can't handle it. What other President has relied on that excuse?
None that I can think of.
edit on 22-5-2013 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 12:46 PM
Well well, what a suprise we learn today :

Newly Released E-Mails Suggest Report On IRS Misdeeds Was Repeatedly Delayed

Promised updates to the House Oversight Committee were apparently not provided either.

E-mails show the committee staff asking if the report would be released in September, to which the TIGTA responded that field work was still going on. A December e-mail asked if there was any update on the investigation and TIGTA responded that it would be ready by March. A February email similarly received a response that went be ready if April or May.

On May 10, an e-mail from Oversight to the TIGTA relayed disappointment that the committee had not been briefed despite the information being public, and repeated requests being sent

How convenient!

It all fits like a puzzle, this was kept under wraps until after the election.....

Of course, no one was in one knew.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by SQUEALER

Reagan owned up to Iran Contra whereas the current potus just uses the schultz excuse.

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