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Breaking News about Breaking Up Banks! Sen. Harkin Introduces Senate Bill 985 to Reinstate Glass-St

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posted on May, 20 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by DiscreteParticle
The jaded naysayers are probably right. The ideal would be to get rid of the fed as a previous poster suggested. Okay, so what do you consider something than would/could/or should be a step in the right direction. Do you all consider everything so woebegone that you are hoping for an armageddon-style restart? I am really asking is there any fiscal legislation you would like to see. Thanks in adavnce.

The point is that legislation comes from senators and representatives. These people are only guided by cash money. If you have big cash money then the issue is important to you. If not, you have to eat whatever the cash money congressional supporters want, since they pay to have their dude put in office, and they will get what they pay for, which goes against the 99 percent of the population of not only this country but the planet

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 02:35 PM
Jefferson once said, that we must water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrannts and I totally agree. We will never see any real change, until we send a message that shakes the very foundation to its core, any elected official found doing illegal dealings, or conspiring to effect the basic fabric of this great country should be tried in a court of law, with due process and Hung if found guilty. Lets shake that tree a bit, and get this country back on track. Its a free for all right now, to many people who just dont care to care.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 02:56 PM
It is a good start, but likely will never, ever pass.

Banks need to go back to being either investment banks or high street banks, and never the twain shall meet.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 02:58 PM
The person most responsible for the derivatives market mess is Gordon Brown, who first floated the idea when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury Secretary) in England.

The person who instructed the British credit agency to give derivatives an AAA rating as an investment machine was also ..... GORDON BROWN.

Of course, he also sold off all of England's gold reserves at $350 an ounce because "gold will never go higher than this".

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Glassbender777
Jefferson once said, that we must water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrannts and I totally agree. We will never see any real change, until we send a message that shakes the very foundation to its core, any elected official found doing illegal dealings, or conspiring to effect the basic fabric of this great country should be tried in a court of law, with due process and Hung if found guilty. Lets shake that tree a bit, and get this country back on track. Its a free for all right now, to many people who just dont care to care.

Can you define exactly what you are suggesting. People suggesting citizens go up against .gov with weapons is just what .gov wants, don't you realize that? Then they can control you better since you are a violent terrorist.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
The person most responsible for the derivatives market mess is Gordon Brown, who first floated the idea when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury Secretary) in England.

Good information. To everyone saying that its all out of control, here you can see clearly that this british .gov guy did this.

If everyone in england is mad why isn't this guy in jail.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by DiscreteParticle

Originally posted by LastStarfighter

I KNOW! Every time they cry for money I always volunteer dismantling Homeland Security but nobody has taken me up on it yet.

Good point, they should dismantle that with the postal service, the IRS, the state tax regulators, the people who make fraudlulent red light cameras, the people who get pay 80gran to write in cursive for the president.

Additionally they should initiate a program wherby people at the DMV are screened such that they must have at least a 7th grade mental capacity.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by DiscreteParticle

"It gave tighter regulation of national banks to the Federal Reserve System; prohibited bank sales of securities; and created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insures bank deposits with a pool of money appropriated from banks." - The New York Times

Read your own quote very carefully, that initial bill intrusted the Federal Reserve (Privately Owned) with leverage over our commercial banks.

You don't set up a Ponzi scheme to enrich the world, you set it up to get wealthy quick and leave poor hard working innocent souls to bear the burden. Our financial system is much the same. The International Monetary Fund (Privately Owned) now holds debt ownership in 193 countries, what this means is every government in the world minus 3 owes these people money. Add up the worlds debt, compared to the worlds GDP and we don't produce what we owe, which means that money doesn't exist because we didn't produce anything of value to create that wealth/debt.

What is happening now, if by good or bad intentions, is similar to what happened in 1928 when the markets crashed, people speculated and lost confidence in their currency. The debt owners (Private entities) owned everything of value, and the debtors (taxpayers) were left with the burden to deal with the consequences of having nothing, And the way that we deal with having nothing is by going to War.

In the 1400's issuing loans with interest was considered usery, and it was punishable by death, still is some rural areas in the middle east. But today we consider it a great business model and rely heavily on it to keep our economies functioning. These bills that they try to manifest will indeed one day wake the people, and they will finally come to the realization that they were robbed of their true wealth for worthless monopoly money, and they will be pissed off, and rightfully so, but that's when the confidence in our money is lost and everything reverts back to square one, the people are left with nothing, and the debt owners own everything of value. As long as we keep playing this game (their game) of usery, we will never remove the shackles that enslave us from actually being productive, like ending world hunger which would cost a fraction of Americas military spending.

This system of usery has been tried and tested thousands of times since the 1700's and its always ended in the same fashion, poverty and war, Only this time its special, because never in recorded history has all the worlds governments decided to convert their base valued currency to a fiat currency at the same time. Which suggests a really big war, a war that will make WW1&2 look like a fun day at the water slides.

With the amount of access to information we poses, I'm curious to see how people react, since we are considered a intelligent species, will we break off the shackles of usery, or go and willingly follow a chain of command to go fight and kill someone who has never harmed or violated your personal safety in any manner (previous to you invading his country).

Unfortunately, I don't share the same opinion of us being very intelligent, I think we are short sighted and have a shorter memory, we're self centered, conceived and paranoid, and I don't want to state the obvious, but also very violent not only toward ourselves, but our environment and every other animal life form on this planet.... and if we ever come into contact with a alien species if we haven't already, I'm sure we would try to harm them too. Those aren't the characteristics of a intelligent person, that's the characteristics of a Psychopath

In short, nothing will change, we are f*&^^* and we need to be ruled, because we know no other way. Politics is just that, politics, its all BullS&#^ governments are implemented to RULE us, and put us in jail if we step out of line, fine us and tax us, their not there because their concerned for our personal safety, if that's the case, people wouldn't be living on the street, people wouldn't have to sell drugs for a living, people wouldn't have to kill for the sake of providing (I seen a episode of the last 48 hours, a guy killed a hot dog stand employee for $80, pretty sad both ways) But we all live for that American Dream, and its just that, a dream, because in reality its a nightmare.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:34 PM
If I understand the majority of comments correctly, Reenacting Glass Steagall would just be playing the same game and the whole game needs to go. I think we can all agree the Federal Reserve needs to go, but you all are saying that truly the whole system needs to go without consideration of intermediate measures.Further you are saying that things are so bad, forget about fixing them; the people are not able to manage themselves even if we could remove the Fed.

Well, thank you all for playing and for your truly valuable and insightful and well-reasoned comments. I had hoped it was a bit of good news, but I see am I wrong about this particular bit of news. Bummer.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by BoogieMan911

The agenda has changed. Despite all of the efforts to prevent this action, Sen. Harkin has taken the initiative.

Sorry to put a negative spin on this but, if the Rothschilds didn't want this to happen, it wouldn't.

Just like Mamma Rothschild said, "If my sons didn't want wars, there would be none."

No Senator is bigger than the worlds only Trillion-airs, they control American and World Banking.

edit on 19-5-2013 by BoogieMan911 because: (no reason given)

why think that way?
I would never do so..

we can change this ship and we will.

I have no doubt

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by cornucopia

That's the attitude!

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 01:46 AM
While this is a great idea, I think it's a pipe dream if you think it will be passed. All the banks have to do is bribe Congress with a few hundred thousand and it won't see the light of day. They have more than enough money to spare, and they'll spend whatever they have to to put it down.

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