posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 11:33 PM
Yes the images we are getting hourly here in some reports are shocking and heartbreaking. No I don't like to watch them, but I do because thats part
of the choice I made that I have to live with personally. I just don't inflict it on my wife because her views differ, so why should she suffer?
Thats why I post here all hours.
And we are all selective in what we choose to accept as the truth.
I dont think Ive said anywhere there werent going to be bodies did I? I said we see enough of them (as in there are lots) but I don't revel in them
in like some or hope for them as if to prove a moral point, as some people on both sides of this debate seem to.
[edit on 7-11-2004 by craigandrew]