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Obama Scandalpalooza: SCANDAL #4: EPA-Gate

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posted on May, 19 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by elouina

Their "facts" are highly suspect. Where did they get these "facts" from? What "independent" organization did they use?

These are the same people who stated as a "fact" that Obama was born in Kenya. These are the same people who stated as a "fact" that Obama's trip to India would cost over 200 million dollars a day, and that they would dispatch 10% of the Navy to escort him.

Yea, these are the "facts" that conservatives like to use.

The only "facts" conservatives use are ones that come from the closed circuit ecosystem that is the conservative information network. They verify each other, and the only fact checking that is ever done is to make sure to spell each other's names right.

Besides, lawmakers of all sides lie as a matter of course. It's actually a tactic taught in high school civics class. You use a statistic no one can verify to bolster your point. Statistics are highly susceptible and extremely easy to skew to fit one's political bias.

Let's take the IRS scandal, which seems on the surface to be a genuine scandal.

Except when you look deeper into what these conservative groups were trying to get tax exemptions for. They were trying to hide their donors. Why on earth would such groups want to hide their donors? Maybe because if the truth was really known that big business actually funds and supports the TEA Parties for their own personal gain, the TEA Party wouldn't be as influential as people thought.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Wow, now isn't this idea that, "the facts are highly suspect", sounding downright silly. Like a formal investigation committee can't go and review the same data stright from the EPA, a second time. Plus wouldn't the accusers risk wearing pie on their face, along with risking a lawsuit for slander, if they didn't have good data to back this up?

Oh you must be losing the argument again, here comes the "birther" and other slanderous bull again.

Do you have proof to back up your claim that the conservative's, "only fact checking that is ever done is to make sure to spell each other's names right"? It looks to me like they keep trying to find out the truth but get blocked by silence and "I don't knows". I can offer proof of this, by the way.

About your next paragraph mentioning the statistics. Please reference my first paragraph.

Ok on to the IRS scandal. Did you know that organizations are not required to expose their donor records to public scrutiny? It is none of anyone's beeswax who you donate to, or your religious or political beliefs. This is not the Soviet Union here. Exposing donors would hinder the freedom of expressing ones free right to donate to groups and charities that they support. And without fear of religious or other persecutions, I may add.

Part of the IRS scandal was exposing confidential tax forms to the public. These were forms that only the IRS would have. For example, how may I ask was NOM's private IRS schedule B released to the public?

edit on 19-5-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by DarthMuerte

It isn't a joke. We didn't get mad at Clinton, we didn't get mad at Bush, and not we have dear leader destroying what's left. We should be F'n pissed off.

Who's we?

I got mad plenty at BOTH Bushes AND Clinton! As a matter of fact, now that their presidencies are over, and more information is coming out, I am despising them for their globalist agendas just as much as our current Potus!!!

I feel the same way, and yet......Obamas' up in the polls 2 points. (Poll was taken on Friday!!). I just can't understand how his approval rating could have gone up with all that is going on, unless people are more blind than even I imagined.

Actually, after further thinking.. I don't/can't believe that these numbers at the polls are even real. I call BS

I've heard it reported that the WH is in full speed with their PR and talking points, and surely they have some of the best think tanks working to restore the peoples believe in our President, but certainly actions speak louder than words-no?

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by RobinB022
Obamas' up in the polls 2 points. (Poll was taken on Friday!!). I just can't understand how his approval rating could have gone up with all that is going on, unless people are more blind than even I imagined.

Or more likely most people realise it is just republicans throwing mud and hoping some sticks (without much success it seems)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by elouina

Oh you must be losing the argument again, here comes the "birther" and other slanderous bull again.

Sorry, that's the horse you all bet on. Y'all probably should have done a better job at debunking your own ranks, because you didn't, means that you all are birthers.

Or are you part of the #itscalledthewhitehouseforareason crowd?

But no matter how you slice the crazy pie, the piece is the same.

These series of "scandals" are only coming to the forefront because the birther thing fell through. Then, the American people saw through the four years of lies, and obstruction by the GOP and re elected Obama. That is when you all jumped off the crazy train and straight into insaneville.

Because no conservative has any clue how to fix this nations economy, they instead opted to myre this administration in scandal.

You do all remember that's what GOP lawmakers were actually elected for right? Under the promise of jobs? How's that working out for you?

Y'all's thought is, if you can't beat him through policy and sane legislature, you will beat him down and try and force him to resign or try and pin enough on him by throwing everything and anything at this administration in a desperate and petty attempt to see what sticks.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Sorry, that's the horse you all bet on. Y'all probably should have done a better job at debunking your own ranks, because you didn't, means that you all are birthers.

Does that mean that all Christians hate gay people, that all Muslims believe in Sharia law? That all Democrats LOVE Obama???????

Your logic is disgusting!

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Is this all that you can bring to this debate? A bunch of slanderous hot air? I call this attempt to talk around the issues an epic fail. Next time consider some facts.

edit on 19-5-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

Does that mean that all Christians hate gay people, that all Muslims believe in Sharia law? That all Democrats LOVE Obama???????

Your logic is disgusting!

That's what you all believe anyway. I'm through mincing words with the right wing of this country anymore. I am sick of the xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic, people of FOX Nation. (or whatever hate propaganda media is your favorite)

These people can't spend day in and day out spewing thinly concealed hate and prejudice and then be all aghast when someone finally gets sick of it all and calls them out on it.

And this series of "scandals" are just the latest petty attempt at trying to remove Obama from the white house. It's petty, pathetic and sad. And I cry hokum on it all. Y'all aren't really concerned with the details of the scandals, you all don't really care what kind of scandal it is, all you care about is whether or not it gets you closer to your goal of removing Obama from the white house in the most shameful way possible.

Don't think for a moment I care how a group of hatemongers and petty political thugs feel. I don't pity your "hurt feelings" I don't have empathy for your fake rage. You all made your bed and filled it with the most hate filled people in the United States. Might I suggest you lie down in it?

This is the exact same tactic the GOP used during Clinton's second term. They couldn't oust Clinton in 96, so they tried (and failed) to oust him using scandal. Seriously, do you guys ever switch playbooks? Your tactics aren't working.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

I'm not "right wing"!


posted on May, 19 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Keep on being sick, cause we are sick of the corruption that the Obama administration is neck deep in.

But don't worry, when the Republicans are in, we will call out the same bull# when it happens. Not all of us are partisan.

edit on 19-5-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by elouina

Next time consider some facts.

Facts? Like the 200 million a day & 10% of the Navy, india trip for Obama "facts"? I can make up just as many "facts" as you all do. How can you possibly think that the right wing can take the moral high ground of "facts"?

Please, don't lecture me on slander, that's 90% of what hate-fuel FOX News uses on a daily basis. Course shows like Hannity duck behind the 1st Amendment and call themselves "Opinion" shows disguised as "news".

After 6 years of lies and hate, do you honestly expect me to care one iota about whatever claptrap "scandal" you all have come up with? It's going to get investigated, and more than likely it's going to be found out to be far overblown. Some will loose their jobs. But not the president.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

You are right on there! I truely have no political party myself. And I just vote for the better person irregardless of their party. The first time, I wanted Obama and his great speeches to win. But then I realized just what he was really about. Hope and change my arse... Grumble grumble....

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 08:15 PM
Now that the tide is shifting it might be time to reintroduce the Birth Certificate/Eligibility Issue (with different players, of course - sans Donald).

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 08:31 PM
HauntWok is correct. Where all of these supposed scandals are occurring is in the echo chambers of the right wing halls of nonsense. The Republican Right has always used these tactics dating back to the Lee Atwater days and his students remain ensconced in the fast-oozing sludge that has become the minority thought in the U.S. Any tiny bit of news that involves the U.S. Government is all of sudden an Obama-connected conspiracy to do some evil or "unAmerican" activity that validates all the past Right failures to create mountains out of molehills.

It has become increasingly desperate lately but these too will fade into the obscurity from whence they came. And then, of course, the Right will claim that yet another conspiracy is happening to distort or cover the "truth" as they know it. When it is simply opinion and the Right's version of "hope and change."

How any person can continue to subscribe to such overt attempts to find any nugget of dirt to prove they were right all along is a special kind of madness. Fear, retribution, lack of intellectual balance and the need to fit a complex world into a tightly wound box of beliefs and ill conceived values perpetuates these actions and thoughts to create the projections of a fantasy world.

Mistakes will be made, every President (and person) does so. And perhaps one day a "true" scandal against Obama (or Hillary since she could be the next one) will actually happen...but it will be lost in the noise of those crying wolf over everything.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Beaux

Mistakes will be made, every President (and person) does so. And perhaps one day a "true" scandal against Obama (or Hillary since she could be the next one) will actually happen...but it will be lost in the noise of those crying wolf over everything.

I am getting sick of the word scandal...but I guess it makes for a good news story. The other side during the Bush era tried to do the same thing but it didn't take, maybe because they were culpable or perhaps they didn't shout loud enough.

But I am seeing LAWS that were broken at the highest levels with THIS admin. Someone must pay (Preferably those that are proven guilty). I say this based on rational thought process, not on a ideology based emotional response.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
Now that the tide is shifting it might be time to reintroduce the Birth Certificate/Eligibility Issue (with different players, of course - sans Donald).

So you think the right should continue with all their lies about Obama's birth certificate/eligibility? Even though a court has declared Obama is a natural born citizen, and birfers have lost every single silly court case that they have attempted, over 200 of them so far....

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

Originally posted by Beaux

Mistakes will be made, every President (and person) does so. And perhaps one day a "true" scandal against Obama (or Hillary since she could be the next one) will actually happen...but it will be lost in the noise of those crying wolf over everything.

I am getting sick of the word scandal...but I guess it makes for a good news story. The other side during the Bush era tried to do the same thing but it didn't take, maybe because they were culpable or perhaps they didn't shout loud enough.

But I am seeing LAWS that were broken at the highest levels with THIS admin. Someone must pay (Preferably those that are proven guilty). I say this based on rational thought process, not on a ideology based emotional response.

Which laws have been broken? Have prosecutors been appointed, grand juries convened, indictments handed down even formal (not show) hearings scheduled? All we have seen are efforts to make it appear as such with nothing posed but speculation and prognostication based on "if". People are seeing tiny crumbs of possible wrongdoing and creating whole scenarios punctuated with personal desires. Will Obama resign, be impeached, be brought up for treason and high crimes?!?! Is this the ONE to bring him down?!?! As I said, hope sprinkled with the projection of "what if" stimulated by sensationalism.

Ever since Watergate, when a truly lawless act was committed by the insiders of a sitting President, there are those that see some major infraction in every detail if....if...they are opposed on principle to the one in the White House. Reagan had 138 members of his administration (not low level IRS or EPA civil servants) investigated, indicted or convicted for federal crimes. People went to jail as did those tied to Watergate and Iran Contra. Scooter Libby did time for the Plame outing.

The Republicans seem so intent on finding some major scandal even close to those that they are grabbing every single speculation and expanding it 100 fold into what they hope it will become so that they can be proven right. The problem is that in doing so they discredit every future accusation as it gets lost in the shadow of past Kenyan Muslim Socialist Sharia U.N. gun-grabbing God-forsaking idiocy that cheapens every incident to the point of ridiculous. And instead of actually convincing anyone of anything, they simply make themselves look petty and ignorant.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Beaux

It's still in the investigative phase. I guess we'll see how that goes. But I am sure that if another un-named POTUS (Oh, hell...Bush), were accused if such actions, then it would have been a full blown circus.

I don't really want Obama impeached as I think it will lead to riots. That's just my opinion though.

BUT...there are some shady shemanigians going on. And at the highest cabinet levels. These "scandals" could not be conducted without the signatures of those in charge.

Obama may not have known...
, but he should have since he appointed them. I see this as more Chicago style politics. And while a city may somehow continue to run based upon a corrupt political can't run a country like that.
edit on 19-5-2013 by TDawgRex because: Had to add.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
What will the 'pet peacock' (MSNBC) will have to say about this latest development? [snipped] will be having melt downs all across America pretty soon. I wonder if our mental health system will be able to accomodate the rise in patients ....

edit on Sat May 18 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

Gotta give you a star for that one. Bold emphasis for game show DING*DING*DING!
/flicker rate zero/ Yeah, I'm an experienced contributor, and forget stars. I want this
post to count for even people who will never believe in conspiracies or normalized evil.

/flame on/
The mental health system is being administered covertly, and by color of law.
We're all going to become fourth or fifth class citizens of Hokumburg soon.
Trust me-- I'm personally twenty or so years ahead of the curve.

C'mon get with the program. 'Outpatients' (dissenters and other undesirables, see Trotsky)
with 'designations' make money for the system. Inpatients cost even more than convicts,
so why not just call them crazy and make them so poor by denial of priveliges they can't
pursue legal recourse, much less argue a logical point after being intellectually discredited?
And forget about physically defending yourself, that's been legislated away too, hasn't it?
Was that the Fifth Protocol? I lost track because of so many apparently working so well.

Welcome to Chicago... it's gone global and the Lawless Armed Thug School is the new cool.
Get back out there in the snow and walk to your job-- you should be grateful you're not
lobotomized and cared for. Just rhetorically, of course, Fan. So who's on with DaveL later?

If I sound reasonably lucid to you today or ever, there's a 75% chance you're on a list...
and It's a sure thing I'm on several. And easily half of them doing the typing are making a
lot of money at it. Can't it make you wonder just a little how many PhDs had a large wad
of Eli Lilly Preferred in their portfolios starting in the '80s??

I read a lot... it runs in my family. Some of that stuff is almost unfindable anymore-- and I've
got a really good memory even yet. There are a couple of good reasons I threw my TV out
two years ago (five or so overdue) beside some distant relative invented a medical procedure.
And no, I didn't jump on the table when I was four and ask for a freebie.

There are finally a couple good ones why I voluntarily and slowly ramped off the total pink
poison 19 years ago.

/flame off/
Thanks Fan, I mean it because you just described and accurately characterized the biggest
cash cow since cancer.
You can shoot me up, I'm the messenger LOL.

Finally-- try to imagine this paraphrased and undocumentable exchange at the cocktail
hour of an awards banquet long before we were born... it's viable and presently SO hilarious:
at least if you're a psychopath (aka wordcrafting for evil).
Young reporter: "You've just explained doing something like removal of the soul!
Did any of the patients exhibit symptoms troublesome for them??"
Doctor: "No.... to us." laughs all around

Is there enough wholesale, simply described total evil being perpetrated for most of us to
notice what it is yet? Let's call the real world Lechters what they are while it's not illegal.
Have a nice class action: but remember they can get sealed up as easily as can we.
It's a bitch being too old to sign up for Mars.
edit on 19-5-2013 by derfreebie because: typo -- typical for an adjudicated incompetent

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Every U.S. President comes with a Teflon-coating because the American public wants the U.S. to be viewed by the rest of the world as the most right, just, honorable, caring and honest (to the extent that it benefits us) nation on earth. And if we did not vote for the current president, we want to justify the rightness of our vote by making him appear less. And the opposite also applies. "He's not MY President!" This is true with every administration and how they are viewed by the general public. Then they are whipped into a frenzy by others to believe that the other side is always wrong and their side is always right. Politics in the U.S. has turned into a sporting event, it no longer seems to simply be disagreement. Every opposite offense is egregious, every action is criminal, every word is a lie, every move is scrutinized for some element of conspiracy or failing.

Most U.S. Presidents survive unscathed and even if painted by scandal, history remembers the good with only passing reference to the controversial. It is when that balance is so swayed by later facts that a President is judged as worthy or not. For now, the Obama Administration can be criticized for many things but the continual hope by those that did not support him that some major crime will be laid upon him personally is becoming a daily aggravation and detrimental to the country. We have a congress that argues or filibusters every niggling detail of every minor action and proclaims its importance with great volume and hang-wringing like it is the single most important action in American history. And they use fear and manipulation of the press, some of them more willing than others, to espouse their posturing through verbal blathering. And if they don't, then some member of the media does to make themselves appear relevant (and sell advertising).

We become so intent on who to blame for something rather than simply fixing it and moving on that we paralyze every phase of politics with continuous bickering like children fighting over a favorite toy. And then act like it is the end of the world as we know it when we lose the debate. We can watch, discuss, evaluate, even speculate but to act like every negative thing that happens in government is cause to act like our hair (or Obama's) is on fire belittles the entire process. We should be better than that because this too shall pass into history and the nation will still be standing.

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