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Is reality real? Simulated Universe and Holographic Reality (VIDEO)

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posted on May, 18 2013 @ 06:08 PM
Thanks for putting this up. I saw your last vid and liked it, so am bookmarking this one to watch later or on the morrow. Should be interesting reading the thread, which I'll do after watching the vid.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 06:12 PM
Our reality doesn't really have to be real. It could be something all together different than we can comprehend.

Even if this screwed up reality is real, only half of what we think is real is really real.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Aleister
Thanks for putting this up. I saw your last vid and liked it, so am bookmarking this one to watch later or on the morrow. Should be interesting reading the thread, which I'll do after watching the vid.

First, thank you for liking my other vid. I'm guessing you mean my video on the Technological Singularity . That video loosely ties into the one in this thread. So if you enjoyed that one, see this one as a complimentary vid towards that one.

Second- I hope you post after watching this video, I'm curious what you think and would love to read your thoughts on the matter. I think its clear I have some nutty views on these subjects, but I get there (I think) by observing science not silliness.

I hope you enjoy. But please, get your real world deal in order first, and only then return to watch some nuttyness.

Hugs bro!


posted on May, 18 2013 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
Our reality doesn't really have to be real. It could be something all together different than we can comprehend.

Even if this screwed up reality is real, only half of what we think is real is really real.

I personally think our reality is far more strange and complex than we can even begin to grasp.

Like if we were Mario trying to explain the real world. We would ask questions like "outside of our world, I wonder how big mushrooms make people, or how long their stars keep them invulnerable" While the fact remains, our world is far more complex than a world of breaking blocks with our heads and eating stars to gain power.

Ya...I think we have the inability to ask the correct questions of reality outside of our simulation because "real" reality is nothing like our simulated universe. Just my personal thoughts on the matter...nothing more.

If that makes sense?

Eh...if worries lol.

Hugs and thank you for commenting good sir!


posted on May, 18 2013 @ 09:30 PM
Another good video. I like it ;-p

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 09:35 PM
S&F, OP because I too love this topic. Perhaps I'm premature with that because I've not watched the video yet. Gotta wait for my 5 year old to crash first.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
Another good video. I like it ;-p

THANK YOU! As long as anyone enjoyed it, I didn't waste my time.

Thank you very much for watching and digging it.



posted on May, 18 2013 @ 09:57 PM
The truth goes the one holding the higher axiom that unifies the lower axioms. When presented with contradiction and paradox, the axiom that unifies the lower conundrums announces itself to be the higher truth. Since science continues to rise toward the Bible, the inverse square law reveals the winner in the argument. Light will focus on the screen of awareness by two pathways. Either our screen of awareness gets larger or the distance to the light approaches closer. Since science allows both realities at once, we are left looking at what is seen. For the sake of this argument, the Bible stands as the light shining in a dark place and always has. There is no rational argument that can show a cause of future knowledge appearing in our past. The Bible wins by showing both the rationally measured law and the madness of the quantum reality. No rules can show you why the quantum world allows for the precision of laws. Since the Bible reveals on both levels, it again takes the cake.

Originally posted by Mr Mask

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
reply to post by Mr Mask

Hate to say I told you so, but all my threads have said this all along. Case in Point.

No need to say you told me so lol. I've been saying this for over 30 years. Don't waste time convincing me.

Anyways, tho I do not support or suggest your religious ideas on the matter, I will say that if we do indeed live in a simulation, there is reason to at least allow possibility of your God or anyone's God(s).

This is also spoken about in some of Nick Bostrom's interviews.

But I don't think you would like the idea he presents. That God(s) if they exist within this simulation are simply more false programmed avatars within reality. Just as real as Mario, or Zelda or any other programmed thing within the system.

I allow your God a probability (admitted a low one), but if we are a simulation I suggest your God may very well be as fake as the rest of us within this false reality.

Of course you won't agree...but then again, you trust faith where as I trust science.

We can't agree without beating the crap outta each other least philosophically.

The good news is you forgive me...and I tolerate you...its our nature.

Hugs bro! I love you.


posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by BobM88
S&F, OP because I too love this topic. Perhaps I'm premature with that because I've not watched the video yet. Gotta wait for my 5 year old to crash first.

If you love this topic, I really hope you enjoy the vid. Once the lil one dozes off to lala land, please return and check it out. If you do end up enjoying it, I will rest knowing I did a good job.

If you end up hating can I do? lol.

Can't wait to see what you thought.


posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I've read the bible.

I like the bible.

And no...I don't see it as science is rising towards the bible.

In fact, I find much of what is in the bible already disabled by science, and much of it to be sexiest, barbaric and cruel. Specially when God sends two she-bears to render a group of underaged children limb from bloody limb for simply calling a man bald in jest.

If you trust that sort of thing as logical and proven by science...I guess we have to depart each other's views as two who do not agree.

ps- Oh how I wish I could star my own post...just this once.

edit on 18-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:45 PM
This theroy reminds me of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, 'Ship In a Bottle':

Data and La Forge are enjoying a Sherlock Holmes holodeck program when the two notice that a character programmed to be left-handed was actually right-handed. They call Lt. Barclay to repair the holodeck, but as he checks the status of the Sherlock Holmes programs, he encounters an area of protected memory. He activates it to find the artificial sentient Professor James Moriarty character projected into the Holodeck, who appears to have memory since his creation, including during the period while he was inactive (a feat Picard claims to be impossible). Moriarty wishes to escape the artificial world of the holodeck and was assured by the crew of the Enterprise that they would endeavor to find a way to free him, and is irritated at the lack of results on the part of the crew and their seeming lack of even the tiniest bit of effort. Picard, along with Data and Barclay, attempts to assure Moriarty they are still working on that goal, but Moriarty is dismissive of that.

Moriarty confuses the crew by seemingly willing himself to existence by walking off the holodeck. He explains this to the stunned Picard and Data by saying, "I think, therefore I am.". Moriarty creates a companion for himself, the Countess Regina Bartholomew , commanding the computer of the Enterprise to place another sentient mind within a female character of the Sherlock Holmes novels. Moriarty then demands that a solution to get Regina off the holodeck be devised. He takes control of the Enterprise through the computer, insisting that a way be found for her to experience life beyond the confines of the holodeck.

While assisting LaForge, Data observes that LaForge's handedness is incorrect, just as they had experienced earlier. Data determines that he himself, Picard, and Barclay never left the holodeck, and everyone and everything that appears to be the Enterprise are part of a holodeck program Moriarty created. At that moment, Picard realizes that he has unwittingly provided Moriarty with the command codes for the Enterprise. With this information, Moriarty takes control of the real Enterprise from within his simulation.

Data finds a way to program the holodeck's simulation of a holodeck to convince Moriarty that he and Regina can be beamed into the real world, though in fact they are only "beamed" in the holodeck's simulation. Moriarty, satisfied with the ruse, releases control of the ship back to Picard. He and the Countess use a shuttlecraft given to them by Commander Riker to leave the Enterprise and explore the galaxy. Picard ends the simulation and returns to the real Enterprise. Barclay extracts the memory cube from the holodeck and sets it in an extended memory device in order to provide Moriarty and the Countess a lifetime of exploration and adventure.

Picard mentions the possibility that the crew's reality may actually be a fabrication generated by "a little device sitting on someone's table." This unnerves Barclay enough for him to test the nature of his own reality one more time: he gives an audible command to "end program" to test whether he is still in a simulation. There is no response.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:47 PM

But Nick Bostrom has been quoted saying that figuring such a thing out may be the worst thing we could do. He says "the last thing we may want to do is hold up a sign towards the sky saying I know this is a simulation".

Cus then the simulators may turn us off lol.

The simulation might be designed to know the instant it is discovered and end. Or it might change and continue on, going to a new level, so to speak. The second would seem to be a more advenced system.
edit on 5/18/2013 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:11 PM
Digital or Simulated Universe vs. a real Universe in the end means nothing...

Real or Unreal you still have to have your needs met and pay the bills...

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:51 PM
Very cool
An imagination catalyst for sure and it makes me wonder about a few things, speculatively of course. What would the intention of the creators be, and purpose for us? Are we simulations or players/species set within the simulations and again, why? Are we entertainment, a science experiment, a genesis project?
Imagine of it were determined that both our reality and us are simulations, how would we feel and think about it?
Many questions....
Didn't I read that they have found computer codes in the universe somewhere?

Maybe we are students put here to learn and train for bigger and better things or responsibilities.
I thought this was relative and intriguing from the Rogan Show


Immortality from ability to affect ones own programming.

edit on 18-5-2013 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:59 PM
Finally got to watch it. Man, it's great!! Now I'm dying to learn more...any suggestions?

Thanks again for making it and sharing here

ETA: Just watched your singularity video also...I know even less about that, aside from the hosts of the mysterious universe podcast like to mention the singularity on occassion.
This is great stuff!

edit on 19-5-2013 by BobM88 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Love that episode of Trek...and yes, I see a strong resemblance to the subjects presented.

As always, thanks for watching. And again, thanks for subbing the channel bro.

Glad to have you in CampKill!



posted on May, 19 2013 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel

The simulation might be designed to know the instant it is discovered and end. Or it might change and continue on, going to a new level, so to speak. The second would seem to be a more advenced system.
edit on 5/18/2013 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

Sometimes when I'm drunk or deeply lost in thought, I wonder the same.

Since I am on the fence on this subject, what if reality turns off when I'm fully convinced?


Never know!

Thanks for watching my crazy lil vid. Big hugs.


posted on May, 19 2013 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Glad to have you in CampKill!

even tho I am one of those youre sworn to destroy? lol

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Finding computer codes in string theory is possibly what you mean. Mentioned in the vid around midway. Professor James Gates reported he found a self-correcting computer code from the early 40s within the fundamental equations of string theory.

Pretty odd stuff. Pretty cool stuff. Some folks dispute his findings as trival number games, some don't.

I personally can't argue with the man since he is world renown for his work within physics.

Thanks for watching and commenting. I also go wild with questions when I consider the implications of these subjects, and I welcome such thoughts openly in my little private world of thought.

I'm glad you enjoyed thinking with me. I hug you for that!


posted on May, 19 2013 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by Mr Mask

Glad to have you in CampKill!

even tho I am one of those youre sworn to destroy? lol

I told you man...there is a cure for camping. I still have hope for you!

You'll see!


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