posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:17 PM
No country with nukes has ever been on war, or atleast not directly. I dont know what people think about using nukes but i believe any country that
would be in fear to be outrun by enemy military and occupied. if had nukes on had they wouldnt use em? Russia very proud country Mother russia havent
ever been occupied, China goes same category this days.
Theres no possibility that such war wouldnt include using nukes and that means grand scale of em unless agreed to forget whole war. Country like
russia with amount of nukes makes war against it unlike in anyway, its self destruction.
Have to wait 50 years and hope lot of new tech that specially disable nukes before deployed or shoot down on air will be around, of course thats again
one arm race as now Russia, US, China all develop better, faster and all ways try to find ways to counter possible missile shield plans.
Conclusion is such war wouldnt ever exist for 50 years.
Future is only as its been now superpowers share world together and all fight their own little wars against mostly helpless countrys for their own
interests, but superpower collision is far a head and its armageddon.