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Real-Life Superpowers Under A Bush Regime

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:33 PM
A long while ago we had a thread called "Real Life Superpowers", & it was a very cool discussion.

Now I have some reflections on the topic, post-election.

Just to explain again what "real life superpowers" is -- it describes people who seemingly have extraordinary talents like psychic ability, telekinesis, "magical abilities," etc. Remote viewing, clairvoyance, etc.

While I do take a more moderate view of the Bush regime on many things--I really don't think he's the Anti-Christ--I no longer think it is a good idea for some Americans to be telegraphing to the world their"real life superpowers" at this point.

An administration & political majority who are very religious and can believe that "God works through world events" like elections are also very open to believing in the possibility of real-life superpowers. I think that if you are capable of taking the Bible literally you are pretty openminded in the sense that you can believe in the supernatural.

Unfortunately, though the far right & the Fundamentalists are very open to the idea that supernatural things take place, they feel such activity comes from the Devil.

But it is not so much this Christian backlash that I am worried about.

The type of political climate we are in now, with less civil rights due to the Patriot Act PLUS the rapidly emerging/quickening extra-sensory abilities in the populace is a really dangerous combination. I believe that at some point within the next 5 years it is going to be impossible for us (and the media) to ignore the existence of extra-sensory perception. What happens to a person in America who is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to have some telekinetic ability? How does the govt handle something like that? With the Patriot Act, they can handle it any damn way they choose.

My abilities are crap, for the most part. But if there is anybody out there who truly is "gifted" -- now is not a good time to devote a website to your talents. Lay low. Wait until we get a less religious, more "worldly" President again who doesn't really believe in God other than it being an abstract concept.

I know some people read this & think I'm talking about an issue of the X-Men or something, that's ok. It's just that with new species of humans being found & unexplained energy sources entering the Mars Rover & a bunch of other things, I think it's safe to say that there is more in heaven and Earth (and Mars) than is found in our philosophy. And I think this administration is going to handle such discoveries by freaking the hell out.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
I believe that at some point within the next 5 years it is going to be impossible for us (and the media) to ignore the existence of extra-sensory perception.

I wish I had a dated list of everytime someone has made this claim.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
I believe that at some point within the next 5 years it is going to be impossible for us (and the media) to ignore the existence of extra-sensory perception.

I wish I had a dated list of everytime someone has made this claim.

I wish I had a dated list of everyone who has posted a one-liner like yours yet has no proof whatsoever that extra-sensory perception does not exist. You would have been a hoot in Gallieo's time.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:20 PM
Any presidential administration would be unnerved by overwhelming evidence of magick or telekinesis. But it is to our advantage to have our leaders believe in a higher power and who sincerely pray and strive to live by The Golden Rule. If they are only pursuing these things for appearance, then any semblance of ethical behavior is also only embraced superficially. Former Presidents who were not inclined to believe in a higher power and live by The Golden Rule were eventually exposed to be spiritually retarded -- which is a pleasant way of putting it.

Citizens who have unique telekinetic ability would only be arrested and incarcerated if they somehow posed a threat to the government. For example, suppose a group of �X-Men� broke into an underground, top-secret government installation, took pictures of live Grey-aliens working alongside the military, and rescued hundreds of citizens who were kidnapped and who were being detained indefinitely for medical experiments, breeding, etc. Then you would have covert facets of the government scramble to cover it all up and eliminate those who broke in and brought the aforementioned nefarious activities to the public�s attention. Outside of something like that happening, I really don�t see any witch hunts occurring over Uri Geller types.

I would also not make the assumption that the Executive Branch is aware of all that happens in top-secret government installations as well as all that is happening and will happen with the so-called "X-Men" who have gone public on the Net.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:38 PM
I see your point on how a God-fearing president could be more understanding about these things...

It's just that with Russia & China doing things like conducting extensive psychic-training of adepts--and some of this training rumored to be not that far off from a "Scanners" scenario--would this ever occur to our govt as being something they should look into?

I think your comment about secret branches of govt/intelligence is probably the answer.

At any rate, I feel less and less comfortable about being open about these things--tho it's always cool to bait skeptics

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
I wish I had a dated list of everyone who has posted a one-liner like yours yet has no proof whatsoever that extra-sensory perception does not exist. You would have been a hoot in Gallieo's time.

Here's my proof:

I am going to read your mind.



Anyway, you are using a faulty assumption. It is impossible to prove a negative, so you must prove the affirmative.

And by 'skeptic', I assume you mean "Not a blind bleever"

[edit on 11-5-2004 by Esoterica]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica
Here's my proof:

I am going to read your mind.



[edit on 11-5-2004 by Esoterica]

With all due respect, this explanation signifies everything that "Deny Ignorance" fights against. But I realize that with all the advancements in quantum theory and a world that every day is yielding more & more wonders, it can feel kinda scary. It's safe to stick to what you know. So I understand. But you must realize the day will come when such an attitude is going to be outdated. And if you do some reading concerning contemporary physics, you'll see that this day has already arrived. But this is all rather off-topic. Much like your first post.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 04:53 PM
I think alot of ~TRULY TALENTED~ in the phychic phenom are allready pretty quiet about the reality of all they can accomplish.
Learning from telling close friends that then want them to PROVE themselves, and then friends being utterly terrified by seeing the outcome of said PROOFS......the adept learns fast not to divulge to much. All people need companionship and friends, and sometimes informing others will cause them to distance themselves from the closeness.

I agree with Cassy saying it COULD become a political ploy in some sense, and shutting your mouth would be wise.....unless you DESIRE to become some kind of 'governmental batterie' locked away from any kind of a NORMAL life.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
I see your point on how a God-fearing president could be more understanding about these things...

It's just that with Russia & China doing things like conducting extensive psychic-training of adepts--and some of this training rumored to be not that far off from a "Scanners" scenario--would this ever occur to our govt as being something they should look into?

I think your comment about secret branches of govt/intelligence is probably the answer.

At any rate, I feel less and less comfortable about being open about these things--tho it's always cool to bait skeptics

The "extensive psychic-training of adepts" that you refer to, if done in a traditional context of psychic development, will not enable any of them to become powerful enough to become "scanners" or "X-Men." An ironic or perhaps poetic justice twist to the spiritual-psychic arena is that only those who are on a very selfless path (above and beyond the saintly types who live by The Golden Rule and serve others) will be able to access a level of telekinetic or magickal energy whereby they could be considered truly dangerous -- beyond the martial arts (e.g., dim mak) soft style practitioners and telekinetics currently in existence around the world.

But that's just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
An ironic or perhaps poetic justice twist to the spiritual-psychic arena is that only those who are on a very selfless path (above and beyond the saintly types who live by The Golden Rule and serve others) will be able to access a level of telekinetic or magickal energy whereby they could be considered truly dangerous -- beyond the martial arts (e.g., dim mak) soft style practitioners and telekinetics currently in existence around the world.

But that's just my opinion.

I hear what you're saying, but I have to disagree. I think the reason this mystic stuff has been kept so secret over the centuries is because the wise knew that this power could be harnessed for destructive means. The energy is there. It can be used for good or bad. The energy is amoral. Specifically, what I read was that these people in China were being taught how to give people brain hemmorages & seizures & stuff like that. Whether they have actually achieved this is another story.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay

I hear what you're saying, but I have to disagree. I think the reason this mystic stuff has been kept so secret over the centuries is because the wise knew that this power could be harnessed for destructive means. The energy is there. It can be used for good or bad. The energy is amoral. Specifically, what I read was that these people in China were being taught how to give people brain hemmorages & seizures & stuff like that. Whether they have actually achieved this is another story.

It is true that the The God Force is in a sense, amoral. However, if you misuse that energy, you lose access to it. That's the moral clincher.

An excellent example of this principle is Sai Baba of India. Many used to consider him to be "The Christ of India" because he could duplicate every miracle attributed to Jesus of Nazareth -- who I consider to have been a prophet. Unfortunately, over the years many of his devotees have come out publicly to expose his sexual predatory nature of young men and boys at his ashram. Consequently, his various Gifts of the Spirit have significantly lessened over time, evidenced by a former devotee that reported the look of anguish on Sai Baba's face when he tried to manifest something and the old power wasn't there for him like it used to be.

The Light Of The God Force is nonliving and infinite. But if you misuse it, you lessen your ability to access it, directly and/or indirectly. Hence the importance of always striving to live by The Golden Rule.

That is why those who are training to become "scanners" will ultimately fail...BIG TIME.

[edit on 5-11-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:33 PM
I liek how you latched on to the first part of my statement- the joke- and not the second part, which was the real logical arguement. If you can't argue with the facts, argue with the person

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
With all due respect, this explanation signifies everything that "Deny Ignorance" fights against.

I see humor is lost on you.

But I realize that with all the advancements in quantum theory and a world that every day is yielding more & more wonders, it can feel kinda scary. It's safe to stick to what you know. So I understand. But you must realize the day will come when such an attitude is going to be outdated.

So some day, questioning outlandish claims, requiring proof, and 'sticking to what you know' are going to become outdated? And what do you mean by 'sticking to what you know'? You mean, sticking to what's been shown to be true and not some fairy-tale that stretches science to cover it?

This is a common tactic. Anyone who questions some claim is labeled as 'Fearful fo the truth." I would be estatic if ESP were real. But my feelings on the amtter don't make it so.

And if you do some reading concerning contemporary physics, you'll see that this day has already arrived.

Care to provide with this plethora of information proving ESP exists in the form you described it as, such as telekinetic abilities?

But this is all rather off-topic. Much like your first post.

If questioning the existence of ESP in a thread where one asks about the likelihood of of someone going all Jean Grey is considered 'off-topic', then you didn't have a topic to begin with. You had a self-serving statement.

[edit on 11-5-2004 by Esoterica]

[edit on 11-5-2004 by Esoterica]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:38 PM
Esoterica; While I understand your skepticism, you must not close your mind as it appears you are. History shows the one with the close-mind is pitied, while the one who dares to leap is great. Consider Newton, if you will.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by iceofspades
Esoterica; While I understand your skepticism, you must not close your mind as it appears you are. History shows the one with the close-mind is pitied, while the one who dares to leap is great. Consider Newton, if you will.

Newton oberved a repeatable phenomena. If ESP is not repeatable or controllable, what good is it anyway?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:42 PM
Here, let me make my stance clear-

I do not categorically deny ESP. I do not also categorically accept it, and will argue with either of those two viewpoints if they fail to provide solid reasoning for that belief.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica

Originally posted by iceofspades
Esoterica; While I understand your skepticism, you must not close your mind as it appears you are. History shows the one with the close-mind is pitied, while the one who dares to leap is great. Consider Newton, if you will.

Newton oberved a repeatable phenomena. If ESP is not repeatable or controllable, what good is it anyway?

I'm sorry but your argument is weak. Quantum physics was not something controllable, but when it was researched we began to understand it. The situation here is comparable. Sure we cannot control ESP for the use of lab experiments in a constant way, but does that mean we abandon it? No, of course not, that's just backwards.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by iceofspades
I'm sorry but your argument is weak. Quantum physics was not something controllable, but when it was researched we began to understand it. The situation here is comparable. Sure we cannot control ESP for the use of lab experiments in a constant way, but does that mean we abandon it? No, of course not, that's just backwards.

Except people claim to be able to control their ESP powers. If this isn't the cas,e then the ESP people claim and the ESP that may exist are two different things.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica

Except people claim to be able to control their ESP powers. If this isn't the cas,e then the ESP people claim and the ESP that may exist are two different things.

Well, I'll give you that. Many who claim to control it simply want to appear powerful. So on that front you are right.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica
If ESP is not repeatable or controllable, what good is it anyway?

I dunno, it's served to be quite fun on a number of occasions.

I could give you a long list just on my own experiences alone, but you can just shoot back that I'm lying about them, or that they are all coincidences. However, it has been my experience that the people who get the most hostile & closeminded on these topics are the ones who are secretly scared of these things--there is no other reason for the level of hostility. And there is no other reason to jump on a thread with nothing better to say than an insult to the thread itself. It frankly shows insecurity.

Do the paranormal boards a favor & post on a thread if you have something on-topic & of value to the conversation. Or start your own thread on why you feel the way you do about paranormal topics, and start a productive discussion there.

Yeah, I was gonna post a list of all the major psychic/telekinetic experiences I've had--it's a long list, and I absolutely guarantee you would react with complete flipped-out hostility & derision. This happened on another thread on this board and the "skeptic" got so incensed & abusive he was banned from ATS. But I'm sure you wouldn't go that far. Nevertheless, you've hijacked this thread long enough. If you have a on-topic response, great; if not, I'll use the "ignore" button and you can just keep on posting.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 09:42 PM
I have tapped into controling my vibration and inner mind.
I have experienced in different strengths on a regular basis since the age of 14 differnt forms of ESP which include.
Telepathic communication
Astral projection

I have regular telepathic communications.
I have regular Precognition.
I have had two Clairvoyance experiences.
I have had two Astral Projection experiences.
I have never experienced PK or telekinesis

It takes mass amounts of energy through meditation and spiritual prayer to reach vibration levels which open up the extra sensory perception. From the way it works for me I cannot control if I get a communication with another higher being. All I can do is open up and hope someone is listening. Most of the time I do receive communications through the mind. I have had eternally forced spiritual revelations, forced utterances, and Angelic visitation.

[edit on 5-11-2004 by Raphael]

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