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Which one are you?

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posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
2.The aliens are really angels/demons
4. There are life on other planets and some drop by from timew to time but do not interfere in our lives
6.They abduct us often and have been meddling in our history since the start.

is todays status, more or less, and;
2. It does not matter if they are intelligent folks from other stars or angels. Many of us want contact with them no matter what.
4 and 6. Today this is true. But when they first came here many thousand years ago they lived among us and started schools to teach us humans about all they wanted to know. So they did 'interfere' our lives and history. But later they obvious changed their minds and left us to develope on our own, most of the time. They have been meddling with our progress all the time and are behind our greatest religions on Earth. Misunderstood tecknology from our parts.
Abductions; they are rumored to change our genes or some such. To wait for nature to do it would take alot of generations to do it so it might be preferable to let them speed up the process. I just don't understand why they don't use painkiller stuff or some such.
I dobt the 'greys' and the 'nords' are enemies or work against each other. It is just we who do not understand what they all do. They seem to live under common rules and they seem to wiew each others as equals.
There are only few of them that indeed bother coming to earth. Most people want to stay home, right? Maybe much like people on earth; Possibly about as many (read; few) europeans or americans that choose to go to Afrika to help them. Most of us stay home.

Consider this; Venus could have had life, if its atmosphere had been just slightly different (would not become so hot). So with Mars, if it had some more gravity so the atmosphere did not escape out to space. And Titan is very much alike an early earth so if its orbit had been different there might have been life there too. This is 4 planets with the possibility of hosting life in just our Sol system. This hints strongly toward the possibility of life at a planet to be the rule rather than the exeption so there must be alot of interesting planets to visit out there.

[edit on 6-11-2004 by Ghaele]

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:02 AM

I think that there is intelligent life out there, but I don't think they have travelled the huge distances involved to cut circles in our crops and to talk to people like Billy Meiers

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:09 AM
Personally, like others, I'm with you in the 4-5ish range. I think that there is a reasonable amount of evidence to suggest that we've at very least been visited. However, I simply cannot believe that any species that is drastically more advanced than us would have any interest in manipulating us or our culture. I also can't believe that they'd need us for food or genetic diversity, nor can I believe that they'd have any interest in enslaving us for any reason whether it be material or spiritual. Seems to me that in their eyes we'd be the equivalent to wildlife. We seem amazed when we watch a chimp craft a simple tool from a small twig and then use it to gather food or when they build a bed for themselves at night. I imagine that they view us in a similar manner.

One reason that I feel this way is the recent changes that we've made in OUR approach regarding observation of creatures in their natural environments. Over time we've become more and more concerned with not having any impact or interaction with the wild animals that we oberve and study. We've learned to cover footprints, mask our scents and even make ourselves "disappear" to some extent through the use of camoflauge and disguise. Does any of this sound familiar? When I think of it that way, it seems these guys may not be all that different from us. They just got a headstart

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:32 AM
Earth has been and continues to be visited by several extraterrestrial intelligences.
Motives vary.One reason would be to simply monitor our progress and gather
intelligence.It's just tactical to know our state of technological progress, when we
are able to leave the solar system and introduce to the Galaxy what we here on
Earth do best, namely fight amongst ourselves.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 05:59 PM
Number 2 please, with a medium Dr.Pepper.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 06:19 PM
I am 99% 3
with a 1% 4.

It's the whole distance problem. that puts me at a 3.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 07:13 PM

Now since the election is over we can get to the important stuff ALIENS

LOL, that made me laugh!

Which one are you and why are you right?

3.There is life on other planets but none have visited us

This is the only one i tend to lean towards to, although i always wonder why everyone assumes they live on planets, if they are so advanced as many people believe so, then why couldnt aliens reside in "Motherships" or virtual cities.

Anyone seen "Dark City"?

Absolutely Amazing Film!

Basically these aliens have created a virtual floating city in space and the habitants are humans but the aliens change the memories every night to find out more about the humans emotions/soul.

But I dont understand why the majority of people havent thought about aliens living in places other than planets.

I dont believe that millions are abducted and that we are being controled by shapeshifting lizards either

I dont believe this BS either, and if anyone truly believes this i would recommend them booking an appointment with a pshrink.

Also, at last we can now get back to discussing aliens and ufos and all the other wacky topics

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by markjaxson
But I dont understand why the majority of people havent thought about aliens living in places other than planets.

Actually, quite a few people have tackled this concept. I've had a number of conversations about possible "colony" ships. This does indeed sound quite probable, as it's most likely what our first attempts at leaving this system will be like. I think they're usually referred to as "generational" ships?

As for the distance issue... the newer quantum physics suggest options that wouldn't require conventional "travel" across space as we know it. Actual distance may be irrelevant to these guys. The real trick is finding us in the midst of what is possibly an infinite universe.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 01:16 AM
They might have just out-grown planets too.

All the resources needed to live can be found in space, they could just be big traveling "world" ships. There is nothing saying they HAVE to live on a planet, or us either.

The generational ships wouldnt look so crazy to people born and raised on a space station.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 01:20 AM
I believe the gods and angels in religious texts are actually Aliens, but because of their abilities and long lifespans, they are godlike to humans.

I also think it's pretty simple.

You can't see heaven, or hell...but you CAN see other planets.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
They might have just out-grown planets too.

All the resources needed to live can be found in space, they could just be big traveling "world" ships. There is nothing saying they HAVE to live on a planet, or us either.

The generational ships wouldnt look so crazy to people born and raised on a space station.

Good point. Hurtling around a giant ball of burning hydrogen on a big chunk of rock, metal and water... is just about all that we know or understand. Others might consider such a lifestyle to be primative. Kind of how we view ancient cave-dwellers lol.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by veritas93
Others might consider such a lifestyle to be primative. Kind of how we view ancient cave-dwellers lol.

If you think about it, it is.

We are tied to the life cycle of our planet and our sun, so many things could happen to wipe us out.

A "World Ship" could have a civilation MILLIONS of years old. They could just move along when there Sun novas or the just run out of resources

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
We are tied to the life cycle of our planet and our sun, so many things could happen to wipe us out.

That's probably the best arguement I've heard for getting the hell off of this rock

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 03:10 AM
well, I suppose I can reply that if there wasn't any other life out there, the universe would be a large waste of space, lol, and if there is something out there, donno if it came here, but if it does, the probibly havethe technology not to be found out so I guess

50% 3
25% 4

[edit on 7/11/2004 by dusty1031]

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 04:09 AM
My personal belief is that we are surrounded by all manner of super-material beings who administer our planet, while we humans do our best to find the will of the Universal Father in our own lives, recognize ourselves and our brethren as the sons of the Universal Father and bring our planet to its ultimate destiny of Settled Light and Life. The Midway Creatures are an interesting example.

The evidence for mortal material beings coming here from elsewhere is scanty and unconvincing.

[edit on 04/11/7 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 05:38 AM

3.There is life on other planets but none have visited us
4. There are life on other planets and some drop by from timew to time but do not interfere in our lives

Maybe 3.5, because I do believe that there is life outside Earth, but I never saw any real proof that some of them came to this planet at any time.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 06:00 AM
personally-numbers 4 and 5,i mean who actually knows? If some of the others were true aswell i wouldnt be suprised!

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 06:27 AM

3.There is life on other planets but none have visited us

I find it hard to believe that we are the only planet with life on when there are billions of stars in the universe that could have planets with life.

I don't think we've been visited yet due to the massive distances involved, but maybe if they used wormholes, who knows??

Maybe i'll have to change to 3.5 like ArMaP

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 06:37 AM
Thanks Veritas and Amuk nice thoughts.

Good point about living on planets could be primitive to other beings, which if you think about it is very true.

I personally think that looking for other planets to live on would be more out of the question than building a huge "City" that just floats in space, the resources, technology, intelligence etc on earth at the moment could build and launch one of these "Cities". (I would think)

I mean we already have the ISS which can sustain life for a certain amount of time, all we need is to build onto the ISS with bigger and better "Add On's", i think the major problem with a self sustainable "Floating City" would be, Oxygen water and food.

Two of these could be easily done, Food can be easily grown, well not easy but its possible, and although my science is not up to par with many good scientist i know that plants/trees etc produce oxygen, so a huge room full of plants should be able to provide some oxygen to a certain extent, add a carbon scrubber and surely this could last as long as you wanted it to.

The only problem would be water, the only way i can think of is to recycle, i dont know how good we can recycle water currently to healthy standards but this seems the only way.

Hmm, A "floating city" would be far more practical than finding other planets and trying to terraform them or even get there in the first place.

This would be a good research project actually.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 06:44 AM

4. There are life on other planets and some drop by from time to time but do not interfere in our lives

That would be my pick of them, although I think they do tend to interfere with some peoples lives. But then that makes me think if people being abducted are alien related, which I have no idea if that is true. So then its wishful thinking on my part that Aliens come to our planet to see us, but I do believe that there is life on other planets. Hmm I cant explain my self well in posts, its so hard to type every think I think in a nicely formed sentence. Thoughts flow to fast to catch them

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