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What Are These Weird Street Signs Being Installed in Las Vegas?

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posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Those signs are to notify drivers of freeway/interstate locations. As a long-time resident of Las Vegas, I can vouch that we have one very, very messed up freeway system. I do believe I know the exact location of the street sign pictured above, and it's about 100 feet away from one of the I-15 South entrances. The I-15 connects to the I-515/US-95 freeway, and the on-ramps can actually be very confusing. Even being in this city for 10+ years, I've accidentally mixed up which was the proper exit. If you veer to the right, it will take you onto the I-15, but if you veer to the left, it will take you to the I-515/US-95, but it looks like the exact opposite of that. It is VERY confusing from a street view, and there usually is too much traffic to get to the proper exit.

This is what a local that lives in Vegas has to say. It is a comment on this site:

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:41 PM
Looking at the sign I thought it could be the badges of police and firemen. The mic would pick up the siren of the emergence vehicle and post it if one was in the area.

They could use the police badge to indicate marshal law and the fireman badge to indicate the city is under attack.

edit on 16-5-2013 by d8track because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by seabag

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by seabag

stoopid O.J.

I tried several different image searches, just to see if I could find any other source, but everything I tried gave me a few pics of signs, and a bunch of pics of O.J..... I give up.

All I found was this→
but it's the exact same article, just re-posted on a different site.


I made a thread in January about a DHS and Secret Service Request for Information (RFI) posted on the FedBizOpps website seeking information on commercially available gunshot detection technologies for fixed site surveillance applications. At that time I speculated they were going to use this technology for eavesdropping and I got flamed!

That technology has the capability to record but I was told by more than a few people that I was paranoid…..NOW THIS!

I don't think there is any doubt about their intentions now.

Well as the old saying goes, just because your paranoid doesnt mean people aren't out to get you!

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 11:23 PM
Paintball would black out cameras, smoke too.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by seabag

Gather groups of friends and at night go out in packs and smash ALL OF THOSE BOXES! Smash them to pieces! It is not recommend to steal them as they may contain GPS trackers and batteries.

Destroy this waste of tax payer funded electronic eye!

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by seabag

Originally posted by Dumbass
It looks like a sign that shows how fast you are driving.

Even with a badge to scare you if you exceed the limit with 1 mph..

Got to love the blinking lights in Vegas

It’s not just Vegas unfortunately. According to this source, this deployment started in 2012 in other large, high crime cities.

The US is about to have a brand new type of spying lamp posts which can spy on the public by listening into conversations, taking their picture or even giving commands with it’s in-built speaker.
The first of these spying lamp posts will be installed in Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh with more being planned in the near future to erode our civil liberties.

It’s strange that we never heard about those installations. I wonder if they actually happened?? Things like this usually get picked up by ATS quickly.

There are parts of Chicago where new stuff the city puts up doesn't enjoy much longevity,
especially when things years ago resembling police phone boxes and the like were turned into
modern sculpture. Also surely a couple of generations (or DEgenerations) later... hoo.

I'm confident that something smaller and lighter is at least going to get a good physical testing
for impact strength and other physical properties, maybe even thermal shock resistance.
You get far enough off some main drags on the South Side, bare sidewalks crumble in July.

Got offered a job interview in Broadview (about 5mi WSW of Midway Airport). Checked the
Mapquest, and transit schedules... found out I'd be transferring buses at 61st and Harlem
Ave. for the last 3 1/2 miles of the trip. I'm the wrong shade to hop off anything down there
without my protector sign packing a hi-carbon katana and a BAR with 8 or 10 spare mags.
Just sayin', there are some cleanly picked skeletal suits occasionally tucked behind a few
garbage cans next to the rib joint 25 years ago. so now.... No Thanks Susan: "Valley Meat".
Smaller pets have steel mesh muzzles and safety chain leashes, you got the idea.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:14 AM
Hi guys. I don't have much to add other than this is some freaky smurfing #. I wanted to comment so that it's easier to access this topic. I was telling my girlfriend about this and she looked @ me like I was crazy. I'm used to the look but this time I'm not crazy. I have proof thanks to ATS!

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:21 AM
That looks like one of our electronic signs attached to light posts which is like a speeding sign. If you are exceeding the speed limit of the road it lights up. I have seen these located on all types of road (except for motorway and dual carriageway). They do not contain cameras, just light up to remind you of the speed limit and that you are exceeding it.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:57 AM
It wouldn't surprise me to find these are part of the Intellistreet project.

The Feds have massive amounts of data storage and processing capability now thanks to the trillions invested in Homeland Security and the new NSA data collection center in Utah.

Now, in addition to the ability to monitor every form of communication they are working hard to add full video and unknown audio coverage.

The rush to make it legal for drones to fly over the US lined up nicely with the development of a video imaging system that let even a single predator monitor a huge area of the ground below and track / process events in real time. (The capability to offload some of the data processing to the collection devices enhances the overall system performance greatly). That's why seeing a video and audio broadcast and listening device that obviously has a great deal more hardware on board than needed for those jobs fits the program.

These people are nothing if not patient. How long ago did the cameras start going up at pretty much every intersection? Welcome to a new America where every person can be tracked everywhere at anytime (and will be) without probable cause or warrant.
edit on 17-5-2013 by ecoparity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 05:04 AM
America is drowning in an alphabet soup.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 05:23 AM
The UK has had CCTV in some shopping centers that have speakers in to help enforce law and aid in emergency, i do not think they have mics in but i would not be surprised what so ever.

Also with the Mics, the technology to have long range listening devices, or directional mics has been around for a long time, i bet they were listening way before these signs.

How safe do you want to be?

Lets take all sharp objects, pointy shoes belts and heavy items off all of you, in fact lets just flip the prison system around, protect us by letting them go free and locking us up!

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I'm kinda missing the connection on that. I hunted around a lot for specifics on that make and model of digital sign and so far, nothing definitive. The stories that do connect it to the street light program as well as DHS, seem to link back to Infowars/Alex Jones and Paul Watson specifically and exclusively? I couldn't find a story out there connecting the display boards to the light post issue which didn't eventually track back to their first one?

After digging deeper last night I couldn't find a connection between these signs and intellistreet either. The intellistreet lamp posts definitely have alarming features and a connection to DHS but until we can link these signs to the lamps we are simply speculating.

From the intellistreet web page:

Harwood said his phone is ringing off the hook since the light first came to life in October, 2011. Initial interest starts with lighting efficiency but then extends to massive notification. He's currently talking with The Department of Homeland Security, and is having conversations at "very important levels" with the cities of Boston, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Lansing, Detroit, San Francisco, Sacramento and Oakland. Unlike sirens, the system can actually tell people what the problem is and what to do about it.

We simply don't have enough info about the signs to make the connection. I wish someone in Vegas could more closely examine these signs and look for a manufacturing label or other markings....

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Biigs

Lets take all sharp objects, pointy shoes belts and heavy items off all of you, in fact lets just flip the prison system around, protect us by letting them go free and locking us up!

I sometimes feel like we're heading in that least towards a digital surveillance prison. I'd sooner return to the American Wild West days than continue on this path. Whether there is a connection to these signs and the intellistreet concept or not I'm sure it won't be long. The writing is on the wall and we've basically given TPTB permission to move forward. We certainly haven't tried to stop them in any effective way. Those that do are dismissed as conspiracy nuts and cast aside.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Biigs
The UK has had CCTV in some shopping centers that have speakers in to help enforce law and aid in emergency, i do not think they have mics in but i would not be surprised what so ever.

Also with the Mics, the technology to have long range listening devices, or directional mics has been around for a long time, i bet they were listening way before these signs.

How safe do you want to be?

Lets take all sharp objects, pointy shoes belts and heavy items off all of you, in fact lets just flip the prison system around, protect us by letting them go free and locking us up!

The Gulag is electronic, TPTB never needed to put us behind bars, because there's
nowhere we can go they can't track us. It started with RFID... now almost every new
item we buy has a chip in it and as soon as our bank's routing number and our credit
/debit is matched up at Literally. Why bother with skin when we all
wear shoes outside-- unless ... well, they DO love redundant controls.

And boyOboy, they take my hammer away and I can't do my job. Sounds like it would
be time to enter commerce and show up as a creditor with a couple of invoices in court...
Besides all the chefs I know are too temperamental to be getting a Class2 open carry
permit for their cutlery LOL. And one of those chefs is a rotated SEAL. HEY HUTCH!!

They don't have to lock up whom they can go Pick Up while he's supporting the system.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 07:01 AM
I found another photo of one posted on the internet, this one is from March 31, 2008. In the photo you can see Mandalay Bay in the back ground. Photo here


This odd detour sign is posted after the Interstate 15 trailblazer on the right side of northbound Las Vegas Boulevard (Nevada 604). The sign contains shapes for Interstate and U.S. shields, so it must activated during times when certain roads are closed or traffic clogged. Photo taken 03/31/08.

Full page here.
Google Street Maps Location.

So that would mean these have been used for at least 5 years.

And while looking for the one above on Google Maps, came across another one, here. (I-515 & Las Vegas Blvd.)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by seabag

All I can say is: I HOPE NOT.

I figured the UK would be first in line to try this new device anyway...

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:22 AM
Finally found a news article detailing the signs. Took a while because I wasn't sure on the installation time frame or what the signs where called. Turns out they are part of a system called "Trailblazer".

The article is from 2007 and there is over 100 of them installed, the article also contains a map.

I can not link the article, but it is from a Las Vegas based news website. If you would like to read it just do a google search for "Messaging systems to help drivers avoid gridlock".

Mystery solved?

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:33 AM
No, mystery is not solved.. there MUST be a nefarious person behind these scary signs! The citizens of ATS have stated that quite clearly so it must be true.

In all seriousness, they are freaking electronic road signs... get a grip people.

Well I put a link and it marked the whole message as illegal... what gives ATS?

It is on review journal. com
edit on 17-5-2013 by DoubleDNH because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by akalepos
reply to post by seabag

Shoot them from the side where you can't be seen with larger caliber pistols. Destroy them. Protect Society.

You can also put those heavy duty earth type magnets on their sides to mess up the circuitry.

Sounds a little extreme there and why over compensate? If these devices are what the OP claims then we have a serious issue. However, truth be told, there will be countless people who will find ingenious was to shut them down or worse flip the script. One thing that seems pretty common is how the government creates things like this, or drones or electronic voting machines and it only takes a simple code to turn it's purpose on its head.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by DoubleDNH
Well I put a link and it marked the whole message as illegal... what gives ATS?

That's why I didn't post the link!

You can get the back story on that from this article.

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