in looking thru the 'his story' of the world i have noticed some of the tactics that have been used to write, or rather re-right past events and the
ways that they are used to shape our world and control our belief systems.
the desire for a universal religion to make mankind easier to control seems to be a recuring theme in popular PTB lore, and there is the possibility
that the plans for a new religion that would replace the current problematic abrahamic offerings with a singular, newfound faith that might unite east
and west have already been made and are now enfolding before our very eyes, without our awareness.
my take, on what was attempted in the founding of the new testament, was that there were many divisions in religion and a decision was reached to
combine them into what we now call the catholic, or universal religion.
well, things didn't go that smoothly, even after the extermination of all those who refused to follow the new faith. there were factions of
christianity that could not coexsist, so Islam was invented for a millitary force to try to retake Rome.
whether by design or accident, these two faiths are still in conflict today, and the solution needed to bring these two together in a more managable
fashion may perhaps be found in the personnage of our glorius leader... Barack Hussein Obama II.
this is not something that would happen overnight, but imagine if you will, a hundred years in the future...
the name Obama is easy to confuse with the name of Osama, as in Osama Bin Laden.
not to mention that they look quite similiar in appearance!
with the deplorable, and perhaps, corrupt state of public education these days, and the fact that we have a mainstream media that twists the truth and
spreads lies and the like, it would seem quite concievable to me that the powers that be would be able to merge these two figures into one identity
over time with careful manipulation, on their part.
could he become a historical figure who would be known as both the leader of the 'free (christian) world' and whatever they would twist al-quida
into representing, essentially coming together as a new, compound character, who is now depicted as the leader of both chistianity and islam, merging
them into a single faith.
they could call him Osamba.
we knowingly give both Osama and Obama a hard time in our comments here and from a current perspective, this senario may not seem reasonable.
but with the passing of time, if this would actually have been preplanned by the twisted minds of our controllers, i'd think it entirely possible.
and their is much evidence of identities being swapped or hidden in the past.
could we be living in the new biblical times, in the presense of a to be great religious Icon?