posted on May, 15 2013 @ 02:40 AM
Would this be a possibility?
With most of the banks stealing our money I don't feel safe anymore putting my money in their hands.
Western banks get to loan money from the IMF world bank with a ridiculous interest rate of 0,000001% so they don't need to attract new customers with
alluring interest rates. No because of this option the interest rates for customers are higher then ever before and they keep finding new reasons to
charge US money for storing our money in their banks.
What I have read about is how banks in Muslim country's so-called Islamic banks do no charge interest rates as it is forbidden by the religion.
Coincidentaly these banks did not have any trouble with their finances during the collapse and none of them needed a bailout.
The matter is however that the word Islam or Muslim is perceived as negative for the majority of the western population but the system works and you
can use it without naming it after a specific religion.
A quick google search teaches me that it's similar to setting up a small business and has less risk then say starting a restaurant with a fail rate
of 1/1000 which is a pretty good succes rate if you ask me.
The rules will differ per country but from what I can tell you need a few sugardaddies to get started.
I don't know if it's possible but it would be great if you can get a cheap 0,000001% interest loan from the world bank and use that money against
Any ideas or suggestions?