posted on May, 14 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by TheDoctor46
Let's just say I know a bit more about this than the average Joe. NONE of this is consistent with actual practices...this is like some kind of bad
practical joke or something.... There is something really, really weird here. Letter agreements? And no case officer would make first contact without
fully investigating and observing the would-be agent for some time, to ensure he/she isn't a lure. (and why the hell would you need a wig in a country
where everyone wears the same damn hat?)
The "spy" life is made out to be a lot more glamorous than it really is. I used to be convinced this was my life's calling, but the more I got
involved in the process, the more disillusioned I became. For starters, just getting into a program took months, numerous interviews, a lengthy
background check, exams and aptitude tests, and this was just for a student trainee program.
Plus, you, as a case officer, aren't really the spy. You're basically a manager. Your job is to recruit agents (foreign nationals to do the spying),
and you then pay them (through an intermediary or drop) and collate their information into your reports to your superiors back in Langley. Like this
guy, you typically work out of an embassy or some front company. While "first contact" (when first approaching a likely agent) is the time you are
most likely to be caught, things like wigs, offer letters, etc. don't enter into it. Subsequent communication is coded "dead drops". I can't imagine
trying to use e-mail in a relatively closed nation known for e-warfare. Might as well wear a sign. There are also several ways to have messages that
once read are destroyed, so can't imagine having some letter on him.
Mr. Fogle certainly was in the right position to be a CIA case officer, but he's pretty young for the role (typically, you'd use someone who's been in
country for years, for someplace like Russia), and either he is the most dimwitted spy ever out of Langley, or the "gear" found is completely false
and made up. I really hope it's the latter, because if Mr. Fogle represents the spy masters out of the CIA today, then we're in a lot of trouble....
edit on 14-5-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)