posted on May, 13 2013 @ 04:05 PM
Well, to everyone I am The Lizard. I've been here longer than "Most" of you, so any assumptions you shall make will only add to my amusement. Just
to make the skeptics happy I will enlighten you of why I have a new profile and to explain to the mods so there is no incident.
I have been a long time user of this site and its been a mighty roller coaster. I have never been banned, nor have I caused any scene. I took time off
from ATS because it seemed to me (at that time) that it just was not worth the logging in and seeing threads created using "cut and paste" methods.
Usually the only things I would see is articles that I could find just looking at any MSM website. There was no differential between here and them.
To cut the story short, I've finally decided to open the garage and take out my beloved car for a test drive once more. But my mind turned absent
when it came to remembering my user name after years of neglect. So I tried the email recovery method, only to discover that my old email that I was
using the user name on had been deactivated. The only way to suffice would to create this account. I'm relieved to be back and hopefully an old dog
(even though I'm 21) still has some tricks up his sleeve.
Now to the suggestion. I've noticed the simplistic nature of creating a new account. Yet one thing I've noticed was that when you try to subscribe
on a mobile phone you can't. You need to have a computer to look at the terms and conditions. Therefore think of all the people that cannot subscribe
just from the reason that they do not have a computer. This day in age the majority of people either can buy a smartphone or tablet, or they could buy
a computer but budget restrictions forces them to pick one. Leading to the assumption that there are multiple people barred from even getting their
word out. More than likely leading to frustration and eventually not coming to the site all together.
In conclusion, I'm back and raring to go. I just hope the request will make it to the upper echelons and help those poor people that can't have
their voice be heard. Thank you for reading its been a long time.
Everyone have a wonderful day!
The Lizard