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Are humans created to be the perfect food source for a carnivorous alien race?

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posted on May, 14 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive


I believe you are correct in most of your theory.

Except i believe the (aliens) to be inter-dimensional beings, so i don't believe they feed on our flesh.

They feed on our energy!

Which is why we are kept in a state of fear and anxiety, being the most preferred and potent energy for them.

In the Popol Vu it states:

(( Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us ))

Something to chew on.... (pun intended).

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

The sci fi was called The Outer Limits. And the series was called To Serve Mankind. It was a very
insane movie and scary too.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 09:51 PM
Crossing a galaxy is an expensive way to make a meal.

I figure any beings sophisticated enough for space travel, would be able to grow their food with bacteria. We're almost to the point we can grow limbs from genetic material - so why not a steak?

Makes for a good movie, but not unless aliens were using us as a hunting preserve - which sounds kind of silly. After all, if they seeded a planet just for recreation -- then that would mean Faster Than Light transportation because light speed or slower means a long tedious trip.

I find it hard to believe a society that sophisticated would still be hunting. Virtual worlds would be much better to enjoy primitive urges -- but how do you invent FTL if you are still involved in in primitive actions.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 09:58 PM
Well I must say this seems very possible. My thoughts on this idea though are kinda different.

The simple fact is no one will ever know and never will understand the truth behind mans history. Well at least in my time though.

See we are just another species in the over all picture of things. We eat other animals as well other animals and possible Extraterrestrial beings feed on us. Weather it be emotional,physical or eating our souls. No one can claim your ideas are wrong or right. The general population of the world has been taught that free thinking on this level is absurd and crazy. Very possible that our creators have major players all over the world in multiple governments. Religion I think is good and bad at the same time. As for the human sacrifices and references to the "harvest" we were not alive so it can go either way. They can just be like hey lets mess with our great great great and so on grand children. Then again it could all be true we will never know. That like china taking over America and wiping out any trace America ever existed 5000 years from them people would never know we were hear. For the simple fact history is just that his story.

Now as for the theory. Anything is possible when it comes to free thinking. Man thinks he is very intelligent and top of the food chain when in reality a simple spider the size of our pinky nail can kill us. We are not above any food chain. our creators possible just picked a planet that had life and threw us on it to see what would come. To see if we could adapt and prosper or if we would fall and the our own demise. Then again they could just be using us a food source. I personally have never eaten another human being and dont plan on it but i have heard that we taste pretty good. Theirs alot things that also play into aspect when it comes to the food theory. Could they just be picking up a certain amount at a time to taking them back to home plant till those can no longer be used as a viable clone source since we dont know maybe once you clone someone their clones cant be cloned.
It is a very nice idea and makes alot of logical sense. Their is alot to powder here about this theory.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by cornucopia

there is no such thing as satan..

If I had any doubt at all you worked for *the dark side*, now I have none whatsoever.

You were also for gun banning and support Obama come to think of it.

there is a Source though

We are of it

think back...remember?

ALL souls are of/from Source and so we are ALL family

a little occult knowledge for you

You are yanking my chain again?

if people would listen they would free themselves mentally, spiritually and then physically...

there is a plan by the "dark" side to create fear about ET's, that is their last straw...

I also know that some members on this website are a part of their mission, lol

some "extra-terrestrials" are good and some are not. you seem to be oblivious to "basic stuff".

I must say it is a waste of time and not being a responsible Human being..

I pray karma is real and I feel in a way it is..

thanks God..

I AM ALL about justice..

Thank YOU

Being responsible means exposing the dark side as much as humanely possible and working against them, something that you do not do at all. You say satan does not exists, there are no bad aliens, etc. and that is all lies.

You should practice being responsible!


you think I'm on the "dark" side?

there is a name for people who are the way they are and to defend themselves project that way onto others..

hmm..i forgot the term

a spiritual person knows that there is God/Source/Creator that goes without saying, lol

you can deny this fact, but.. it's still there, you just don't remember this at this moment..

you will

whatever so there are good and bad ET's, more so good..only a couple rebel groups, but that is changing in this universe as we create peace here..

by having all soul groups incarnated here on this world and us learning to come together and create peace we are creating peace in the universe

this is the big show here on earth

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
Crossing a galaxy is an expensive way to make a meal.

Crossing the Atlantic Ocean was an expensive way to setup farmland in the Americas.

But, over time, the voyage became easier and easier, as technology developed.

I figure any beings sophisticated enough for space travel, would be able to grow their food with bacteria. We're almost to the point we can grow limbs from genetic material - so why not a steak?

Sorry, no bacteria for me. I'm passed that stage where I think of bacteria as my food. Too far evolved for that.

I need to eat some intelligence. Any brains out there I can chew on?

I'm tired of reading books. If only I could just eat a brain, and get all that knowledge stored in that being's memories. That's more efficient way to acquire knowledge.

Makes for a good movie, but not unless aliens were using us as a hunting preserve - which sounds kind of silly.

Not so silly. Many ancient civilizations have been found that built caves and lived underground, as if they feared some danger or predator that had the power of flight over the land. They needed to be hidden from the eyes in the sky. Suggesting that there was at one point in time an alien presence that hunted man the way we hunt animals on safari today.

Man was once hunted by beings with the power of flight. There is no doubt.

After all, if they seeded a planet just for recreation -- then that would mean Faster Than Light transportation because light speed or slower means a long tedious trip. Like the Royal Family in England today have their fox hunts.

Much more fun hunting a quick clever animal, than a slow dumb brute. Who would hunt a cow?

I find it hard to believe a society that sophisticated would still be hunting. Virtual worlds would be much better to enjoy primitive urges -- but how do you invent FTL if you are still involved in in primitive actions.

Can't beat the real thing. Who would prefer virtual sex to the real deal?

Why should hunting be any different?

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:22 PM
NO, JUST NO...REALLY? LOL...Sorry but NO......LOL
Second line.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

So...the "elite" consume Monsanto/Roundup foods to poison their meats, and those of us who eat natural foods are the suckers who are the most desirable foodstuffs for the pending harvest? Maybe its time I get myself some McD's.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by kurthall
NO, JUST NO...REALLY? LOL...Sorry but NO......LOL
Second line.

this is a pretty poor example of that a post should look like. i mean really? lol? why not give us a little insight as to why you think it sooo unimaginable?

and really? "second line" might have been cool back in 2011, but these days we try to put a little substance into our posts.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:30 PM
I'm surprised that this is a foreign concept to so many here. It's not about eating our bodies; it's about consuming the life-force energy that human beings naturally produce day by day. It's the main reason behind everything the dark cabal does. It's why they want us to fear, they eat the expelled fear. Sporting events? Consume the highs and lows of emotions as they are expelled. Rituals? Collect the energy. War? Collect the energy of those who die. Pedophilia? It's about the purer energy of the child. Animal sacrifice in the OT? The life energy is in the blood and it was collected for consumption. Human sacrifice, same deal. Technology has advanced since then. Now our energetic currency is collected by corporate sigils as we pay our attention to them. Earth is a loosh farm.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:37 PM
Interesting hypothesis and I too have also entertained the thought. However given the fact we are polluted with chemicals, big pharma drugs , street drugs, polluted and fluoridated water , alcohol , obesity also being at an all time high... I would imagine we would taste pretty awful now. Besides wouldn't it be much moire efficient for an advanced species with unimaginable technology to just clone human's off planet? Perhaps white meat or dark meat whatever they prefer, for instance they would select the most healthiest humans lacking diseases genetically even hybridize said humans just as we do with modification with GMO's and just grow them in a test tube?

Well there are cases of human mutilations in abductions, in these cases there are certain organs in humans as well as cattle removed like the tongue and glands in some cases sexual organs removed. So either it is for research or more sinister agendas. Not to mention all the blood drained from the carcass ?

Ahhh the dark side of ufology, there is a guy named Butch Witkowski a MUFON volunteer investigator and ex police officer has been trying to get the word out on this. Makes you wonder where the thousands of people that go missing every year really go, I mean vanish in thin air. One would think bones a femur or something would eventually turn up but this is not the case over all. So something is afoot, what that is may be too disturbing for the masses to deal with. If our leaders were to learn of this and they probably have they would probably think it would be a disservice to inform the masses. Because who wants to live life knowing you could end up on ET's dinner table and there is nothing our Military's combined could do to thwart them. And maybe this is the reason for a cover up, maybe they mean well after all to keep us in the dark? And maybe they spread disinformation by mixing the truth with lies to keep us confused like a dog chasing it's own tail.

So the alphabet soup or MAJESTIC what have you have people go out and claim they experienced a close encounter of the 4th kind and tell people the greys are here to help. Or the Humanoid Nordics ect are beings of light bestowed some spiritual gift to them and it was a wonderful experience ... while all the while operating in a covert manner. It's why i have always figured these beings doing the abductions, hybrids and removing fetus from abducted women have ulterior motives. Because it would be just as easy to just ask for volunteers or even clone humans as I mentioned earlier. Because the applications are limitless when you are a space fairing race.

Or maybe there are some factions of malevolent ET's that see this planet as a nature preserve and humans are a delicacy on the menu. After all if they are humanoid they probably require nutrients like we do. It is said the greys use blood plasma of humans and rub in on their skin and ingest it through the skin and pores. Abductees describing vats filled with a slurry of human body parts. It was Phillip Stone that discussed observing a downed disc in some Asian country ( Nam I think ) country that was recovered and it had human body parts on board. Another story about the Aztec NM UFO crash with the same contents of human body parts as well. Then we have descriptions of a reptilian like race intervening with human's in many cultures and tales of lore. People seeing the same beings on divided continents. I never bought the "its just a coincidence" excuse.

A Deer does not contemplate what a hunter is up to it just darts off due to instinct. And for some reason there is this resonance when it comes to snakes, lizards and reptiles that install fear and makes humans uneasy. Perhaps a ancient fear that is embedded in our genome due to years of being hunted like game by such beings. This could be all nonsense, perhaps I am over analyzing this phenomena. But maybe there is some little truth to it and if so that is disturbing enough to ponder on.

Bon Appétit
edit on 14-5-2013 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2013 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

Only one issue I have with this theory, if the aliens are that far advanced that they can travel to earth, they would have no need for meat period.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Well with my 2 cents I will give it a shot. Some day we may become inter galactic colonialists and if that happens Humans may still or most likely be eating meat still. Maybe not as much of it as our body only requires a few ounces per day. But the distances involved and amount of energy used would be comparable to getting in your car and driving from Los Angeles to New York city to buy a soda and a bag of chips. Unless they are closer then we think, perhaps from Mars or even from inside the Moon? Or even sub subterranean species indigenous to this planet , perhaps a branch of dinosaur went under ground and evolved in to some bipedal form as people have described as Reptilians or Draconian's what have you. I guess with that being said one can also throw in Hollow Earth theory as well.

Who knows

edit on 14-5-2013 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

Only one issue I have with this theory, if the aliens are that far advanced that they can travel to earth, they would have no need for meat period.

I donno. Maybe they need meat when they get here.

You know, sorta like placing food at the destination, instead of traveling with it. The best plan, when a species starts moving out into space, is to plant crops all around the universe, so that they can just stop off and collect some fruit on the way, as they go hither and thither about the galaxy.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:11 PM
I don't think the theory is so far out there or as unbelievable as some members. I think RealTruth has a good point. They obviously had to be able to create sustenance for themselves to get here - assuming it takes them any lengthy amount of time to travel here...

So perhaps not..

But lets look at this realistically. Scientists are beginning to grow organs from stem cell research in the laboratories. If they can begin to achieve this, creating food/meat in the laboratory isn't far away...

However, an inter-dimensional alien entity that feeds upon either emotion or our actual physical body - could very well be possible. We have plenty in our religious and mystical books, to suggest that this might be occurring. What is more, high strangeness events - and witnesses have come forward suggesting this very possibility. It could be occurring. I'm certainly not writing the theory off. The possibilities of what we don't know - are to large in magnitude to not at least entertain that notion we are - an energy source to something.


posted on May, 15 2013 @ 12:15 AM
I cant see why any one would want to eat a human! why not a perfectly cooked pig!!!

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by happyzodiac
reply to post by chiefsmom

The sci fi was called The Outer Limits. And the series was called To Serve Mankind. It was a very
insane movie and scary too.

Nope, 1962 - The Twilight Zone, "To Serve Man" Classic, I just loved the alien's book on the table that the guy picks up, "To Serve Man" ....... it was a cookbook!

Hell, let's just link it! To Serve Man

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 12:35 AM
Didn't Whitley Streiber or John Lear comment that the aliens referred to humans as "containers"? The aliens never explained what we were "containers" for.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 12:41 AM
No. There are A LOT of more efficient ways of creating food.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by seeka73o
I cant see why any one would want to eat a human! why not a perfectly cooked pig!!!

Those pigs are disgusting. Do you know what they eat?

At least, the humans eat fruit and berries. Much cleaner stuff.

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