Phantomfire707, let first separate the issues. One is the discussed topics. Another is the personality issues. And if I have done something wrong,
insult or whatever, I beg your pardon. I just suggested you might be an agent of RCC but now I see it is more likely the opposite - you are a sole
prayer warrior who do all of that voluntarily for God. As much as I do. I do not think it is a good behavior to post PM online and would not encourage
you to do so. On the other side, most of the things I wrote you in the past, later I posted for everybody, so I don't see the need either. BTW I
deleted all PM correspondence in this forum long ago, and keep deleting it, so I don't keep a single copy of mine or your PM. I don't have the need of
that, and don't think the public in this respected forum has the need of that.
(Indeed I didn't post for time travel tech that I informed you in detail, or other more scientific issues, but I could post it if there are willing
people to listen. It just goes beyond the everyday understanding how the space-time works, and some would definitely call me crazy if I post it.
The question of different ET races and negative ET races is not invented by me. Many say incl. ExoVaticana that some secret Vatican members, not
necessarily officials, do exactly that - contact with secret aliens that do not have best interests of humanity. This is ExoVaticana, now published
officially and everyone could read it. Perhaps I could add a few things more, but why to do so if it is already released and heard by many more people
than this thread would be ever read. I don't know the exact level of involvement of Catholic secret org. What is good or bad ET? Let define it first.
Draconians are bad according to all the rest. But not so for others.)
I am not "goading" you, as you put it. So please, stop bothering with me personally, and if you don't want to read this thread anymore, it is your
right to do so. Although the readers would probably lose your view. Or you can start your own thread on the topic, as you have some good threads. I
just don't know, all those are personal suggestions and nothing like pressure or whatever wording. It is just OK whatever decision you take and I
don;t see the point of further discussion on that exact matter.
2. On the topic that we discussed. Fatima already surpasses one century with promises, and is interconnected with politics, and in IMHO with ET as
well. There are a dozen of people who know it. I do not assume that my posts "attack, push, or blackmail" anyone of them. It would be ironic and
crazy if a forum poster could do so for those hi-rank officials who have the real secrets. Isn't it the vice versus. isn't it that the public, the
common citizen, like myself, asks for questions and never receives adequate answers, and therefore pours unending suggestions and speculations. Yes I
do speculations as everyone online. Because we are denied the truth in first place.
I have still hope that pope Fraincis will make the difference, that so many predecessors did not do, namely to say the turth the way it is. Both for
Fatima and for ET or any other truths of vital concern for humanity. As for ex. the truth of the creation and the original sin. They are not the naive
stories told by Moses thousands of years later, long after the Flood. Let we know the truth. Ancient Aliens say bits of it, and in the absence of
another more credible source, I start buying what Ancient Aliens are saying. Where is the official source then? Be it Vatican, Russian patriarchy, or
Jerusalem. Nowhere, it is not present to tell us the truth the way it is.
Sorry but raising these questions this is not anti-catholic and anti-pope. I am sorry if I have ever used stronger wording in that field, for anyone,
but I meant well. I cannot understand how the Catholic church with over 2000 bishops or are they 3000 haven't checked the statistics, could still
behave as if nothing of the above ever happens. When every common catholic and non-catholic could click online and see parts of the truth, incl by
former politicians as Paul Hellyer. Parts indeed. But pardn me, fr Balduci posted Neues Europa in Osservatore Romano, and later spoke of ET. Fr Funes
spoke of ET too, from catholic positions. Why don't you concentrate on that instead?
ExoVaticana presents some Jesuit views that apparently cannot be classified as very catholic. So let make the things clear - there is a catholic
position, although minuscule, on these issues, and the common catholic believer, or the common priests, or those several thousand bishops, could make
their conclusions even only based on Balducci and Funes interviews. If they want to embrace the truth.
If you don't want to discuss That, and instead build up other structures and theories, and then you are not happy why I discuss that (although with a
lot of failures of a human being), then I cannot help but wish you a good endeavor wherever you choose to be online from now on!
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18-6-2013 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)