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Underwater Aliens

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:22 AM
I know this has been posted before but I want to let the people who have not heard of this theory know about it.

Many people think that Aliens could be from outer space and have spaceships. There is a possibiliy that this is true but there is also one of them coming from the sea. The Grays as they are normally called have Grey skin and big, black eyes. This could meen that they do not get as much sunlight as creatures living on the land. The big, black eyes are probably just a big pupli that would be vital to getting as much light as possible. Grey skin means they do not get as much light as creatures on the land. ( As Sharks and fish do) Mnay alien encounters are of small, normally about 3 feet tall, grey beings with big, black eyes. Their small size would help against the emmense pressure on their bodys in the deep sea.

If some of this does not make sense its because im feeling bad today and if anyone does not agree, remember this is only one opinion out of 6 billion.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 06:02 AM
I have never heard that before, but i've got to say, it makes sense to me.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 06:09 AM
Also, why is the goverment focusing everyones interest in space and not on our own planet. We have been further into space than we have or won oceans!! Maybe the govermnets know that the aliens ae down there so just try to get people away from the seas of our planet and into the seas of space.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Zanzibar
The Grays as they are normally called have Grey skin and big, black eyes. This could meen that they do not get as much sunlight as creatures living on the land.

wrong.all the creatures that live in dark places have smaller or no eyes.for example ants that live under the earth have very small eyes because they don't need them and only rely on smell (lasius flavus),whereas mound ants live outside and have big eyes and so a very good vision because they don't live only under earth (formica rufa for example).

another example are fish that live in underwater caves,they have no eyes not bigger eyes than other fish.

in low light conditions eyes tend to be smaller or inexistant.

Grey skin means they do not get as much light as creatures on the land. ( As Sharks and fish do) Mnay alien encounters are of small, normally about 3 feet tall, grey beings with big, black eyes. Their small size would help against the emmense pressure on their bodys in the deep sea.

sharks are fish!and most fish don't live in deep waters so do get enough light and there is a big difference in between creatures on earth and the creatures in the sea.

the small size does not help against the pressure in the deep sea's,even submarines will implode at certain depths and the ones that don't are very tough and are designed to resist the pressures.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 10:43 AM
What of giant squids? Largest eyes on the planet

I think more in the general low-light theory though, not neccessarily underwater... Just look at nocturnal land animals.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 10:53 AM
giant squid have big eyes but they don't see the same way as we do.I can't remember what they said but in a documentary they showed what they see and it's detailed like our vision but made to see their prey especially.

but big eyes mean lots of light,and small stature that their homeplanet is big and that there is a lot of gravity

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 12:39 PM
Most people who have studied the greys will say that their eyes are covered by black contacts of a sort to block the light. There minds are most powerfull and they are tele-impaths to a great extent. I would agree with both of these , tho I find the underwater ship thing sort of a cover of the truth somehow.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 05:51 AM
Why? it could explain so much. its better than the antartic explanation

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 06:03 AM
I have always thought the goverment was dumb for not exploring the ocean. It's on our OWN planet and we know almost NOTHING about it

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 06:13 AM
Well, if the greys for instance, live in the ocean, would it still be correct to label them as aliens???? Or are you saying they really are from another planet, but they're just taking up temporary residence underwater?

Interesting theory though, and just as plausible as most others I might say. And darkside, there are creatures who have larger eyes for the purpose of absorbing as much light as possible in environments where there's not a lot of it. Plus, if one explores deep enough under the ocean, you get to a level where it's very dark, and tons of the species light up, I guess like fireflies do. They produce their own light, and in fantastic bright colors and they are even flashed in different sequences and patterns along their bodies. So to me, this would indicate that, for these lights to have a purpose, they would have to be seen, and thus creatures down there would have eyes, and larger ones potentially so they could pick up on the lights emitted from other creatures more easily.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 09:39 AM
I wrote before and I will repeat myself again here are the words:
We are safe and secure there is no equipment made on Earth that can reach us we are in your water's in the deepest of your water's. Been there the ships of the one's I go to go under and they enter a large docking area of the large ship I think you use the term mother ship.
There are many human's there working with them.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by DarkSide

Originally posted by Zanzibar
The Grays as they are normally called have Grey skin and big, black eyes. This could meen that they do not get as much sunlight as creatures living on the land.

wrong.all the creatures that live in dark places have smaller or no eyes.for example ants that live under the earth have very small eyes because they don't need them and only rely on smell (lasius flavus),

Sorry you are wrong --- read more -- chapo

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 02:04 AM
according to info in the vario edition of the case for the ufo, there is a whole chain of cities on the atlantic seabed used by aliens. Not saying its true but an excellent read. Some very intereseting explanations to various ufo cases and unknown persons replys.

check it out on this also interesting site, for a free download of the case for the ufo

p.s saw this going on amazon once for �180 only ever printed in 1954, and that was only the normal edition not vrio edition which sent to AAF with anotations from annonamous persons

hope this is of interest to some peeps

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Huria86
I have always thought the goverment was dumb for not exploring the ocean. It's on our OWN planet and we know almost NOTHING about it

No incentive too. Exploring space is romantic, space the final frontier, the last frontier and all that. Ocean, really big water, nothing else.

Not only that Space holds more mysteries than the ocean.


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 02:22 AM
The sighting I had in the Indian Ocean is relevant to this thread-
This sighting of a USO, while serving aboard a 'research vessel' changed my perspective on our world's oceans. What better place? Than the depth's of our oceans, where we do not go-

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 06:33 AM
how in the world do they counter act the pressure? they must have some really strong materials to go down that far. perhaps they create a gravity field around their perameter so that the warping of space time creates a safe enviroment. wouldnt it be feasable to lower a telescope into the ocean with a nightvision spec, or infared or what ever would do the job, and zoom right into their base??? in theory this is a great idea i do say.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I wrote before and I will repeat myself again here are the words:
We are safe and secure there is no equipment made on Earth that can reach us we are in your water's in the deepest of your water's. Been there the ships of the one's I go to go under and they enter a large docking area of the large ship I think you use the term mother ship.
There are many human's there working with them.


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 03:52 PM
ok ur all crazy,,, lol j/k if there is intelegent life down there, itz really smart, and really good at hiding itself. and thats ok, they dont bother us, and we dont bother them, if we knew about them then we would want to know more. The reason goverment always surpresses things is b/c we will know one day, but we arent suppose to know yet.

Oh and one more comment about eyes... we dont know enough about the human eye and how it relates with the brain to process images, but eyes of extraterrestials would be complex and no man would understand how they actually work. i was goin somewhere with that lol

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:16 PM
I heard a story from a friend of my fathers when I was little. I remember asking everyone if they had ever seen a ufo. The friend said when he was in the navy, which would of been in the 60's, he was on deck on a submarine smoking a cigerette with a buddy of his when he saw one come out of the water. I remember him saying he saw the green light under the water before it surfaced and took off at an incredible speed. He looked at his friend and asked if he had seen the same thing, of course he did. They both decided to tell nobody about this because they thought know one would believe them.

Did they have nuclear subs in the 60's? He was always bragging about being a Seal, do they even go on subs?

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:06 PM
You said...

"but big eyes mean lots of light,and small stature that their homeplanet is big and that there is a lot of gravity "

Not to harp, really. According to accepted science (or our understanding) Large eyes are usually tied to a low light environment, for creatures the are visually dominant in perception. Owls as one example. Small light and thin bodies is thought to be indicative of lighter gravity worlds. A heavy gravity world requires that it's creatures be stocky, with stout legs to counter act the effects of a heavy world. I think therefore the supposed Grey's physiology indicates a smaller world than Earth and about as half as bright. Not pitch dark, however- then I think they'd have no eyes at all, and no pigment. Unless of course, they were engineered for spaceflight.

As to underwater? Well why not I guess. But it sounds too much like The Abyss (director's cut) to me!

[edit on 11-11-2004 by Der Kapitan]

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