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What are these crazy wildly spinning "atoms" what is see with my eyes?

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posted on May, 12 2013 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'll say when I first discovered I had high blood pressure (remarkably high back then) on the truck, the doctor I went to had asked me if I saw visual artifacts like you're describing. I hadn't, but I can induce that by just holding my eyes shut for 30 seconds or so with real light pressure on the outside of the eyelids with my palms. Open my eyes, and it's a few seconds of that.

Anyway... the questions the doc asked seemed to indicate blood pressure could also generate it, but not constant and bright daylight had been the context she was asking. If that helps any?

Spot on - High blood Pressure exaggerates these these spots/worms/threads - also resting your ring fingers allowing slight pressure on closed eye lids stops heart palpitations for a while. Try it next time you have too much coffee.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 05:23 PM
Reminds me of Ed Leedskalnin -

This is for biologists. I can see chromosomes without a microscope. To see I close my eyes and then I open one eye just a little to look at the blue sky. Then I can see chains of beads floating in the liquid in my eye. Some chains of beads are longer than others. Most of the chains are folded over in irregular shapes and between several beads in a chain there is a bigger bead and sometimes there is one, two, or more beads floating separately. Each bead’s center is light, and the outside rim dark. If I open my eye a little more and look sharper, then I can see round shining things running in every direction in jumpy paths. Each shiny thing is many times smaller than each smallest bead. They are not crowded, they all use the same speed, but the speed is a little too fast for good observation. To see finer things yet I look in a gray cloud with the eye open until I see a darker spot. When the spot begins to boil in the middle, then I can see tiny multi-colored streaks running out of the middle. The scene lasts about a minute and when it is gone then nobody can know when the next scene will come around.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by DocHolidaze
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

to many mushrooms in your diet, believe me i would know

Doc, I couldn't stop laughing for a whole minute. But that way's
kind of expensive. I just forget my first one and slug down a second
Centrum Silver in the morning with the black coffee..oops .
Good for a couple dozen orange, yellow and red 5mm Yangs/sec. anyway.
Forget it tho, mine spin slo.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 07:55 PM
You have to remember that science or medicine does not recognise the fact that some people can see energy in its various forms. This means that they (as well as us) make up and validate stuff which they believe is true. Of course, some people are suffering from these medical conditions like high blood pressure, and some are seeing the blood cells moving along the vessels and some are mistaking floaters for what is being described and some are even seeing the pinpoint lights of cones and rods firing in the eyeball..

The way I look at it is that we are energy beings projecting our 3D reality movie onto an energy screen in front of us and that way it would be natural for some people to experience other rates of vibrations and frequencies of energy.

However, if you like to believe the way science describes it, then thats fine too. Ultimately, everything is a belief which can be modified.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

I know exactly what you are talking about. They aren't the molecules, but I often wondered if we are actually seeing the cells, sort of like when you have a video camera with a macro feature, sometimes you can see some odd things when close up.

I thought they were the cells floating through my eye fluid, because when I blink they seem move around. I can usually see them when out in the sun.

Glad to see i'm not alone, never bothered telling anyone about it, didn't think anyone would know what the hell I was talking about

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

Hello RhinestoneCowboy,
I have seen what you are describing for about 40 years and am aware of what they are. First of all, they are not floaters. I have been plagued with floaters since an early child and what you are describing is different. What you are seeing is Prana, the life force. I became aware of this after reading "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramanhansa Yogananda. If you have not read this book, I recommend you do so.
I can see the Prana best in direct sunlight. Not looking at the Sun, but indirectly or away. Sometimes i watch in wonder
for quite a while. Brilliant pinpoints of light seemingly moving in and out of dimension, dancing feverishly. If I relax my vision, they seem to be in focus at about 2-4 feet away. The in and out of dimension is my assumption, maybe someone has a better explanation.
I would love to hear of any other possibilities. I have talked to many others about this and few have seen what we are talking about. Consider it a gift.

fair winds and following seas


posted on May, 12 2013 @ 09:27 PM
Hey good idea using ATS instead of seeing a Doctor or a shrink.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 09:42 PM
You see floaters best when looking at the sky or other bright things, because you aren't really seeing the floaters, but rather the shadow of them on your retina from the light you are looking at.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 09:57 PM
I very rarely post but read everyday. This one caught my eye,lol.
I have also seen these things alot in my lifetime and wondered about them.
Since birth I have been extreamely far sighted. I have been diagnosed with have a condition called Keratoconus.In laymans terms this means that my corneas are almost straight up and down with little curve. Another Dr told me last year that my eyes are slightly twisted also. I have worn the classic Coke bottle glasses all of my life along with hard contact lenses.
But what I see looking at a blue sky is different that what you all have described so far.
This will sound odd but what I see look very much like sperm swimming under a microscope! Tails and all.. I see them and can follow them for a short time.They are brilliant in color and have a violet almost ultraviolet tint to them.
I do notice alot that I will tend to see them more clearly if I have gotten little sleep the night before.
I am 46 now but when I was youngerI did have my time w/ hard drugs. The kind that keep you awake for days at a time. On that second or sometimes even third day these were so noticable that they would inferfere w/ my vision not looking at the sky even.
I've have also seen that some of you were speaking about putting pressure on your eyes w/ your fingers.
I've done this since I was a kid and will always see bursts of color,purple looking fog,geometric and complecated shapes and patterns,,lightning looking pulses,etc. Sometimes moving fwd and sometimes in reverse.
Dr tells me that these may be phosphene images. Googling this finds a decent amount of good info. Mine just seem so detailed that as a child I used to find them very entertaining while trying to fall asleep. &sclient=psy-ab&oq=phosphene&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=795277e234375b59&biw=1120&bih=591

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 10:01 PM
Floaters are quite common and have many "normal" explanations for their appearance. I believe what the OP is describing is something different. There are three visual "phenomena" I have experienced myself. Floaters, the tiny white moving light and what is known as diffraction effect from eyelashes. In my experience these are three separate things.


Diffraction Effect


Although many may reject spiritual or metaphysical labels I have found the best term to describe these particles of light as Prana as a previous poster also suggests. The scientific term that may best describe these might be Photons.

Of course this is all debatable. But I would pose the question: Does a fish know what water is? Can a fish "see" water? How would a fish who discovered water go about explaining this crazy new concept to other fish? It would seem we humans are "swimming" in energies that can be described with both spiritual and scientific labels and it is not out of the question some were born with different perceptions or have opened new perceptions through some experience in one's life. The link between the brain and perception is also very fascinating and could play a large role in all of this. - Imagine seeing a projection of the neurons firing in your brain... How wild would that be?
edit on 12-5-2013 by veritaslibertas because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 10:26 PM

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 10:49 PM
funny this got posted. i was just wondering what all those little dots where squirming around in my vision when i look at the sky. its like looking at single cell organisms under a microscope or something.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 10:56 PM

I have seen them since my childhood. First of all they appear if you look at the sky when it's bright. They look like if you are looking at sperm under a microscope. That's the best way to describe them. Sometimes I see them when I have an asthma attack too. So it could be related to a medical condition. Who knows! The picture shown in this post I have also seen that. This is either marks from looking at the sun or debris in your eyes. Just my 2 cents.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

Prana is the answer in short ,
dont let anyone tell you they are floaters Prana being life force if you can see these which I have been able to since I was a child not so much now due to' life experiences' or block out , you should be very good at what is known as Nuclear Implosion , this involves thought projection using symbology . The ancients used this as creation mechanisms , in short starting say with an image of an apple [to enhance your imagination skills] move this apple around in your field of vision,see, feel the texture etc of the apple , then when you've accomplished this move on to symbols two circles entwined is a good start. Move this symbol upon your projected 'want' good intent is crucial
Using a tick symbol like a tick from a teacher yes push the tick symbol up through your projected want the energy thus released from your implosion can be immense so ensure that energy is used for good ie; peace truth etc, this is a sacred and powerful majick use it wisely or you will see ramifications soon thereafter . PEACE

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

We are just discovering the dodgy contracted out repairs to the fabric of the universe / underlying matrix / little 4 dimensionally herniated superstrings from the Nth dimension...

Cant find decent tradespeople anywhere anymore!


posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

okay in continuation to my nuclear implosion reply I would think a very good start for all of you whom see prana would be to conduct your 'majick' implosion on an ATM [Bank teller machine] using good intent start with a couple of hundred more than you should have in your account , using the banks own symbology which you will find on the ATM [logo]and feeling the inerts of the said machine , usually a low humming , stand and put yourself within the machines workings you will feel its energy use this then put the said symbols over the machine , also picture clearly the balance you would like start small as your consciousness will only allow you to do so at first using good intend [your benefit] do the majick , I managed to allow my entire town to withdraw the daily limit without the people having the actual funds and this caught on was on the news and of course the banks stepped up the energy within their machines , so keeping that in mind you need to feel the energy everytime you do this , please humour me and try it it works this is how reptiles do it et I trust you all will be using good intent.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:54 AM
Shesh...answered on page 1. white blood cells are the cool little glowdots going around now and then. very cool to look at, but yep, that's about it.
The floaters (looks like bits of old tiny hairs) also are seen on plain surfaces..leftover stocks from when your eyes were being can see those almost all the time on a plain surface..kind of annoying when your a bit tired and it distracts you.

No, they aren't interdimensional beings, vortex energy, or anything else like that..its simply science..and don't buy books people are telling you to get on this of how its actually some mystical gift...these same people will tell you if you cut your finger, the red stuff coming out isn't blood, its magic soul juice that is totally special and you need to buy/read a book by some mystic yogi to understand how awesome and super duper special you are.

one born every minute as PT Barnum said.

Anyhow, so yeah..thats it...still, cool lightshow, huh?

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by sushanna
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

Prana is the answer in short ,
dont let anyone tell you they are floaters Prana being life force if you can see these which I have been able to since I was a child not so much now due to' life experiences' or block out , you should be very good at what is known as Nuclear Implosion , this involves thought projection using symbology . The ancients used this as creation mechanisms , in short starting say with an image of an apple [to enhance your imagination skills] move this apple around in your field of vision,see, feel the texture etc of the apple , then when you've accomplished this move on to symbols two circles entwined is a good start. Move this symbol upon your projected 'want' good intent is crucial
Using a tick symbol like a tick from a teacher yes push the tick symbol up through your projected want the energy thus released from your implosion can be immense so ensure that energy is used for good ie; peace truth etc, this is a sacred and powerful majick use it wisely or you will see ramifications soon thereafter . PEACE

Its a Vorpal net.
It is a dimensional locking device keeping our ethereal body locked into the physical form..occasionally you see the field trapped, making sure no part can escape. It is the curse..the bars on the jail that is our cosmic prison.

See, I can make up wild stuff also

What say you drop the Prana thing, I drop the vorpal net thing, and we allow science to decide what it is

Repeatable, scientific fact.

but ya, it could be a vorpal net pretending to be white blood cells

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

and we are spose to believe you cause you posted a youtube vid?

I myself noticed these things when I was young and then I got to biology class and figured it out. at the same time science always changes and there is weird things that go on that science cant quite explain, hence all the scientific "theories" and or "hypothesis's".

I would suggest instead of trying to explain everything with a youtube vid, or a published scientists words, understand that some things that we now believe as scientific fact now will inevitably be proven wrong by the next scientist that claims to know more than his/her predecessor's. Its been happening since the first "scientist" rubbed two sticks together.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by DocHolidaze
reply to post by SaturnFX

and we are spose to believe you cause you posted a youtube vid?

I myself noticed these things when I was young and then I got to biology class and figured it out. at the same time science always changes and there is weird things that go on that science cant quite explain, hence all the scientific "theories" and or "hypothesis's".

I would suggest instead of trying to explain everything with a youtube vid, or a published scientists words, understand that some things that we now believe as scientific fact now will inevitably be proven wrong by the next scientist that claims to know more than his/her predecessor's. Its been happening since the first "scientist" rubbed two sticks together.

Tell you what.

Down the road, you may find a sudden sharp pain in your heart and a numbing sensation in your arm. now science has determined this to be a heart attack, but I am sure you can dismiss that also and instead consider it maybe a spiritual awakening.
Will you so readily dismiss science and the recommendations then of getting to the hospital know..scientists.what do they know with their studying and observation, etc.

I don't understand the mindset, nor do I care to...the white blood cell thing is observed, repeated, known can believe it or not, it doesn't can also dismiss gravity if that's your choice..I am here to give the info out to people whom want to learn stuff verses just make up some crappy new myth about common biological functions. Deny Ignorance and all that.

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