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Pregnant Mom Of 4 Sentenced To Prison For Refusing To Serve In Iraq

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posted on May, 11 2013 @ 08:17 PM
To Yoda .. . ;

How the Hell did you Extrapolate that Conclusion?

Not one thing you listed there has ANY Validity.

The US Military is pretty damn selective.

To start off with Criminals regardless of Felony OR Misdemeanor records are going to have a Hard time of being accepted in.

Gang members are weeded out through the Psychological testing.

High School Drop Outs are NOT Accepted because you require a High School Diploma.

Drug Users are weeded out through Drug Testing.

Ego Maniacs ( the Guys who Want to Kill ) are weeded out through Psychological testing.

I find your last assertion to be completely Unjustifiable and Baseless.

I feel really sorry for you. You hate the world for "Whatever" reason and it has really diminished your capacity.

In Addition, I will bet that IF you checked the records on the female in the OP you will find that she might only qualify in the Low Income category. BUT, what the hell does that have to do with anything? Are you judging a person based on their income level? If you are you Really are Pathetic.
edit on 11-5-2013 by ShadellacZumbrum because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by milkyway12
There's nothing like seeing videos of Americans waving flags and saying support the troops.

I don't want to be called a hero and I'm not, I'm being paid.

However, I want to know the American people love me for loving them. You don't know what that does for moral in a war zone when you see flags, yellow banners, and signs supporting us.

Obviously, you were stuck in some kind of concentration camp.

Volunteering as a fighting man, and being loved for it, is he greatest feeling in the world. Such pride. You feel you can do anything as long as you have the people at your back. Youre invincible. This helps keep us the strongest military in the world.

Obviously, you wouldn't understand. Nor do you care too.

edit on 11-5-2013 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

Well, that is exactly the problem. You want to be celebrated for and through the values that are reinforced within society. You want to feel loved and respected for what you do. The problem is the values that society reinforce. If the current values were about saving lives instead of the contrary, if it was about eradicating famine, intelligent cooperation between human beings, research, exploration etc, you could also feel loved and respected, because what matters is the values that society chose to celebrate. You see what I mean ? The people that you think love you, celebrate you, they are not loving you or celebrating you, but they love and celebrate the values that society chose to celebrate. So, for example, if the values were about "how many children you can save in the world in one year", you would feel loved and celebrated if you saved more children than anyone else.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 08:32 PM
Holy jebus this lady has to deliver her child in prison?
That is a whole other level of disturbing. I can't imagine that happens often, so in my mind I see a lot of germs and dirt and the babies first sight won't be his mother but instead a butch jail nurse named Hilda

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Read Again:

I don't Support Wars, I Support Troops.

Let me ask, if you had a family member go to prison for whatever reason, would be there to support them, or leave them rot in the system?

The troops are not the ones who make the wars. Though they do stand behind the orders they are given, each and every member is there for a different reason.

Just like the girl in the OP. Some are motivated by the money weather it is a Signing Bonus, Or Finances for College, others are motivated by generations of their families. But regardless of why they are there, they are there and need the support of what family and friends they have.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum
reply to post by crazyewok

Read Again:

I don't Support Wars, I Support Troops.

Let me ask, if you had a family member go to prison for whatever reason, would be there to support them, or leave them rot in the system?

The troops are not the ones who make the wars. Though they do stand behind the orders they are given, each and every member is there for a different reason.

Just like the girl in the OP. Some are motivated by the money weather it is a Signing Bonus, Or Finances for College, others are motivated by generations of their families. But regardless of why they are there, they are there and need the support of what family and friends they have.

Well it depends what you mean by support?

If soldiers came back injured I would do what it takes to help them. I would give extra priority when looking for staff as comeing home is difficult to adjust.

Wont I wont do is cheer as they go off to war or do anything that show my support for the war itself.

Its a difficult line to tread.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum
reply to post by gosseyn

Working against her is the Fact that she completed 1 tour already. If she had in fact been a Conscientious Objector she would have never enlisted to start with.

My point is that is is VERY EASY to be motivated by Money, but, If you are going to take that money and sign a Contract, you are Bound by that Contract to completion.

I am sorry I have no sympathy. Not after seeing all of the other service members, both men and women, who have died and left their children parentless.

I actually would think completing a tour works FOR her. We've seen the deserters that take the paycheck, do their state-side duty, then object. I don't agree with those folks.

She did her tour. She did her duty. She saw the reality of the situation and made an informed judgement about the status of our occupation in the sand box. Unfortunately, she was given bad counsel here.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by milkyway12
reply to post by gosseyn

What this woman did was abandon her oath and the other mothers and fathers serving their country. Last I checked, you voluntarily sign your life over to Uncle Sam.

The sentence was justified.

What she should have done is to turn her self pity into pride. That she is protecting millions upon millions of baby girls. No, she abandoned her oath to protect the 310 million souls to the best of her ability.

I guess the children of this country didn't matter much, the ones she is protecting or rather was until just abandoned them.
edit on 11-5-2013 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

the ONLY thing our soldiers are protecting overseas are the monetary interests of a few. they're guarding poppy fields and killing women and children.

her non-compliance is very justified. following illegal/immoral orders is paramount to being an accessory.

would you say the same if she was ordered to fire on U.S. citizens? i doubt it.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:00 PM
Give her an other than honorable discharge, send her home to take care of her '2' children or her '4' children or however many 'children' she has. It's that simple. She should not be allowed to remain in uniform, since she can't honor her oath and she can't follow orders and she is a deserter. Get rid of her, and problem solved. She isn't fit for service in the armed forces. She is getting off pretty light for desertion during time of war, very light. She can go back to Canada and be a real American hero!

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by ooYODAoo

I doubt you'll be with us much longer, your singular opinion not withstanding the treads about an AWOL, not your little soap box.Go pedal prog hippy somewhere else, it don't sell here without decent conversation.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by milkyway12
What she should have done is to turn her self pity into pride.

Strangely enough I think that is exactly what she did.

Turned that event with the little girl in Iraq into pride sufficient to think that she could abandon her oath and run to Canada, and thumb her nose at the contract she signed with the military.

Her empathy is admirable, until it made her think that she could set a precedent of abandoning military oaths.

You serve your time and then leave. That's how it is done.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:25 PM
Having read the article, the following can be stated:

The question that first must be asked, is what do people think that any military does? Do they not think that they may have to kill, or do things that will weigh heavily on their minds for years to come?

This woman, and we can sympathize with her to a certain point, the reality is that she did raise her right hand, she did volunteer and she did sign a contract that states she will do what she is ordered to do as part of that job. that means anyone from a sergent on up to the President, can give her an order and failure to follow that order, is a violation of the rules that govern the military.

Many people tend to see war, not as it is, messy, and horrible, but what they see on the media. To most, war is where the bad guys are clearly outlined, the good guys do not make mistakes and everyone comes out alive. War, real armed conflict is different. It is messy, it plays on the mind and ultimately, causes problems for those who are involved, and the citizens on both sides. We justify it to ourselves, but ultimately there is always a shadow of doubt there.

But in this case, she has no one to blame but herself, she should have read the contract, and answered truthfully on the questions asked of her. The question on if she was a conscientious objector, as it would restrict what jobs she would be allowed to do. And if she did not understand the terms, why did she not ask about such. In short, she broke her contract with the Government, violated the rules and ultimately will have to pay the price for such.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Mountainmeg
I actually would think completing a tour works FOR her. We've seen the deserters that take the paycheck, do their state-side duty, then object. I don't agree with those folks.

She did her tour. She did her duty.

No, she didn't. She deserted while she was on leave during her first, and only, deployment. The websites dedicated to Rivera's narrative use ambiguous language like "going back to Iraq," to make you think she was being deployed for a second rotation. She never finished her first one.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by milkyway12

Originally posted by milkyway12
What this woman did was abandon her oath and the other mothers and fathers serving their country. The sentence was justified, she abandoned her oath to protect the 310 million souls to the best of her ability.

The Satanic rulers of this world have also abandoned THEIR oath to us as well.

Wars have absolutely NOTHING to do with protecting souls...

The real reason behind ALL wars is always concealed by lies.

If people KNEW the real reasons behind wars, they would never fight them.

"All war is based on deception." ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War

My working hypothesis is that most wars/conflicts are orchestrated by this satanic cult. The same people secretly manipulate events on both sides to undermine "all collective forces except our own" and establish world government tyranny (a.k.a. "globalization.") In other words, an Occult Elite is waging war on humanity and we don't even know it. How They Control the World

“Most wars are engineered by the Illuminati to weaken civilization and create a global police state" The Illuminati want to own and control everyone. They want to be God. They contrived all the revolutions, the world wars, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, the JFK assassination, 9-11, Iraq and Afghanistan and the "war on terror." Does A Satanic Cult Rule The World?

One group and one group alone is responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed on the face of this planet. The Synagogue of Satan

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:06 AM
i'm dumbfounded by how many people are objecting to a human changing because of her compassion for other humans. "she broke her oath" yeah, she grew a conscious.

she's quite guilty...of refusing to perpetuate senseless violence.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:20 AM
I know the Progs are going to hate this, but this is why women traditionally didn't serve on the front. This is why Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum opposed forcing women to fight on the front when Women's Liberation wanted "equal rights".
Women are designed to have natural compassion for life and for their offspring as a survival mechanism. It is biological, though for some maybe a bit less so, but in general, while we cannot blame her for her sudden change of consciousness, it should be a lesson to society. Women should be given a counseling session when they sign up and should understand what they are doing when they commit to the military and not see it as a fun career they can suddenly change from at whim or when motherhood strikes their hormonal responses to protect babies.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:27 AM
As many have already stated she volunteered to serve. You can't pick which wars you want to fight if you're a soldier. I don't care that she has four children she should have thought of that before she joined the military.

Now she's pregnant again?!? The lady needs to spend more time on her feet and less time on her back!

Too bad lady equal lose you go to jail.

edit on 12-5-2013 by billy565 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:41 AM
She looks like the girl that made that video about how they were training for the implementation of martial law and it was to happen soon. She seemed to have her own youtube channel she posted to often. It was posted here. Can't find it with the search engine though.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by milkyway12

While I understand the context of your post I would like to say that in no way was this woman protecting the lives of American girls (or any American not in Iraq) by not serving.

Iraq never posed a threat to Americans in the United States and no soldier serving there is protecting anyones life, liberty or safety here in the states. If anything they are endangering the lives of state side Americans and Americans serving in abroad by creating martyrs and terrorists out of the citizens of Iraq.
edit on 12-5-2013 by sdocpublishing because: Spelling Errors.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:47 AM
I dont see a problem...

She didn't want to go back, fine.

She object's, fine.

She openly admits she'd be a danger to the fellow infantrymen.

For every person like her, theres thousands signing up who actually WANT to go.

Let her go and get on with her life.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:56 AM
She can make any excuse under-the-sun for not deploying. Apparently, she did not learn anything while in the military? When the bullets and ordinance start to fly? The most important thing is your buddy in the foxhole next to you. All the politics go out the window. As far as I am concerned, she is just another yellow belly. Harsh I know, but she gets no sympathy from me. What about all the people with families that did go and honored their sacred vow to their buddies? Some of them lost their lives, came back maimed, and are suffering psychologically. She let them down! Shame on her, and all of her ilk. You get orders you deploy! Plain and simple! Furthermore, she volunteered. There was no draft in either the Iraq War or Afghanistan. Take some time to stew in the can. You earned it!
edit on 12-5-2013 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

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