reply to post by goldentorch
I'm not much use on construction methodology, the building seems orientated to the South West and as you say is somewhat offset to the courtyard,
given the precise angles that could be perhaps explained.
The general symbolism of the patterns on the main building can be to a large extent understood,
The colour scheme Black, Red, White, relates to inter-connectivity between the Underworld, Earth, Heavens respectively, it was the preferred dress
code of the Anuna Gods;
One also sees that the Throne Dais was constructed of a similar pattern and cone methodology, and there is the consideration that cones were used as
foundation dedications for all establishments.
There is mathamatical encoding involved in the patterns, the red outer squares consists of 40 cones, this decreasing by 8 for each inlaid square, so
This appropriate for the E-Ana relates to Venus cycles, 40 year periodics
Cycles = Earth years =Venus orbits =(Earth+Venus) =(Venus-Earth)
There's also a corpus of esoteric numerics derivative from this, which was associate with stepped pyramid progression or inlaid squares, it involves
sum of integers formulation, were if you want to know the sum value of any number you add 1 and multiply by half, for example the sum of intergers of
20 is 210, were 10 x 21 =210
(AC=80)& (BD=130)
80 Earth orbits =130 orbits of Venus.
(C-A=50) & (D-B=50)
It's a concern basically with pattern and harmonies within numerics that are reflected in the Heavens in terms of the Earth-Venus orbital
relationships, and how these can be set four square and represented by the pyramid.
The geometric formulation of the eight pointed star motif would relate to the to the above, and a general concern with the eight directions.
Heres an example of using half values of 40,32,24,16,8, as in 20,16,12,8,4
From that the numerics of the Earth/Venus relationship can be derived, a concern with patterns and ordering, the Anuna had a lot of time on their
hands...also of course these are the numerics of the Fibonaci sequence.