posted on May, 17 2013 @ 07:12 PM
So, the craziest thing last night, it was unexpected.
While trying to go to sleep, naturally, as usual what ever this is started climbing
up the bed again , i was not feeling well igot a new/used motorcycle, the day before,
new to me, very used to the world. But drove it home , about 50 miles, flooded it at the start
so i had to kick the crap out of it to get it going again, (old school kick start).
So i was hurting, so i just ignored it. Didnt care what the goofy lil thing did, i was not up for it.
It slowly climbed up the bed, got near my feet, felt it touch my feet, then it moved back a little
bit and stopped, i didnt think much about it. and passed out, woke up a bit later to roll over
because i hurt so much i could not just roll, had to lift up to make it easier on the body,
and moved my foot across the foot of the bed, and bumped it... what ever it is...
its small, light and fuzzy, it was sleeping at the foot of the bed...
didnt feel much after that, i passed out, but what ever it is, i actually felt it, felt soft.
Was a bizzar thing.. though i would share.