posted on May, 10 2013 @ 04:23 AM
Hello everyone, I've been a lurker for almost half a decade now... but this is my first actual post. I think I might have a dark view of life. I feel
almost detached from it, yet at the same time in my moments of drunken stupor, everything just seems to resonate on a plane of higher reality.
Sometimes I miss my childhood I suppose... the first girl I've ever loved, the town I grew up in, the whole atmosphere just seems so far from reach.
I'm now a military officer away from home, thinking that this was the solution to get away from past mistakes... however, I find myself longing to
relive those things that I find myself running back to in my own mind.
Long story short, I am an aspiring autodidact... I feel like this is the only legitimate way to live life anymore, as I almost can't trust anything
that is offered up to me. I need to seek the answers for myself, in only this mannerism can I discover the satisfaction that I desire. I honestly
don't know if I thought any of this out, but a subconscious force told me to join up and get some of my wording out to the world... Well, the world
that might understand me at least. Sometimes, I just feel like I'm at a loss for words. Anyway, please tell me about yourselves (anyone who reads
this for that matter) I'd be awfully glad to learn about you all and what your stories are... I can't seem to find anyone who can relate to me by
other means, so I figured I would use the opportunities at my fingertips to try and grasp some perspective!
Btw I was drunk when I wrote this, much of what I've written seems awfully unclear to me, so I understand if you all are curious as to why there are
so many damned holes in this post.
- Sc00b (I drive a wrx, haha... subie pride!)