I don't know if this is connected, but for the past two days I'v been getting HTML/Frame virus warnings when ever I visit YouTube. I'm from the UK
if that has anything to do with it.
I don't get the message at the top of the screen, too.
Am I doing something wrong linking this national anthem by Phil Ochs here? Why is there a knocking at my door? Why do those who have power over many
want to reign it in even more? I dunno.
Here is an early one by Phil Ochs. If you don't know who he is, educate yourself before logging on here again, for this is an experiment and we are
all mice in a very nice maze (wait, look, over there, a hole in the maze! run towards it, there is light just outside!!!!)..
I yahoo'd for a change and found this in the questions. Someone was asking what the banner was about, cut & pasted the text. Someone replied with a
link to twatter.