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Is Contact Under Way in India?

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 04:28 PM
I think wether there really is contact underway or eminent in India, is too open to speculation at this stage, without any corroborating evidence, we cannot really pursue this further. There is only one web site that is reporting this story, and it's the orignal one, India Daily, and it seems a bit unprofessional and unestablished for it to be taken seriously. I also find the comments "India is going to become the most powerful nation in the world now" a bit too patriotic and childish to be taken seriously.

It would not be surprised if India was in contact with aliens though, seeing as it is one of the established powers of this world and hosts 1/6th of the global population and is the spiritual capitol of the world, well at least was the spiritual capitol of the world, before globalization, capitalism and western pop culture took over.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:48 PM
From this link (

The object, described as a flying sphere emitting red and blue light, is said to strike in the middle of the night, leaving victims with burns or scratches on their faces and limbs, and earning it the name the muhnochwa (face-scratcher).

From unusedphoenix's accounts:

all I can say about the Memory Cleaner thing is a long tube with a blue light on the end

and I think he reported it as red, also, some of the time. Not saying they're the same thing -- after all, there's not that many color words out there, so blue and red could be a lot of different things -- but it's interesting that we have a lot of apparent ufo abductions in India reporting getting a nasty red and blue flashing thing in their face, and on our own board we've got unusedphoenix mentioning something pretty similar.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I wonder how the Indians would feel about cow mutilations there?

Local voodoo magic. Act of a jealous neighbor or God's way of punishing them for not paying the guy who does the ceremonies for the god. No UFO's involved.

Of course, you have to remember how superstitious some of these rural villages are.... They constantly get scammed by travelling yogis, and even in the cities they were recently running from "monkey men" (who were a gang using an old legend to terrorize their victims...very Scooby Doo....)

Recently? That was a long time ago and that was only in one city and for a very short amount of time.

Who isn't superstitious? Atleast they didn't kill 1000s of women and some men for being a witch.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 10:38 PM
It is interesting to notice the correlation between increase in the amount of UFO sightings and the westernization of the country. Maybe there is no causation.

In other words, it is just a placebo. *That is my anti-UFO side talking.*

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:56 AM
I know, I know, India Daily and Steven Quayle, but it's still interesting to note and I think there is something to all this rampant "speculation and sightings" by India Daily.

UFO Sighting and Strange Signals Reported Again in Indian Ocean – Sub Tectonic Experiment?

People are again reporting heavy UFO sighting in Nicobar Island, Andaman, India, Maldives, and Sri Lanka coastal areas. The animals in these areas are again showing strange behavior. The fishermen and their families this time are taking these signs seriously and are refusing to move near the ocean. The tribal people of Andaman Nicobar Island have again moved to the high grounds. The sea birds are also showing strange signals.

The UFO sightings happen at night with strange lights. The continuation of tremors of 6 or less Richter scale seems never ending. The ships traveling between India’s mainland and the Andaman-Nocobar Island as well commercial fishermen in Indian Ocean are reporting strange signals as well as jamming of their radio channels.

According to some experts, these are signs of possible experimentation with tectonic plates by some entity. People in Nicobar island complaints something is going on under the ocean – deep underground – a few miles below the water surface.

The pattern of aftershocks is also strange. Normally on plotting the same they show a gradual decrease in the moving average of Richter scale reported. This time no pattern can be found. After one large aftershock, a considerable time lapses before the next one. It seems someone is controlling the after shocks and making sure plates are not over stressed. Andaman and Nicobar islands has experienced 121 aftershocks between 5.2 and 6.2 Richter scale. The Geologists in India are closely tracking these aftershocks and cannot find a pattern. The only pattern that can be found is a large lapse after a considerable aftershock.

A sailor in the Shipping Authority of India Limited who also sailed in transatlantic shipping routes says, this aprt of Indian ocean resembles now Bermuda triangle region.

In Burmuda triangle ocean manifest strange behavior and ships as well as aircrafts vanish.

But there is a difference. Here the disturbance seems to be coming from the tectonic plate levels.

One explanation can be some entity doing underground research with moving plates. It is known that some countries have research projects on creating artificial earthquakes. The other possibility is bizarre. Many in Indian coastal areas now believe that the UFO sighting before the Tsunami had something to do with the Tsunami.

This time they believe the extra-terrestrials are doing something out there deep under the ocean. There are UFO researchers all around the world that believe in UFO underground bases. These bases are mostly suspected in areas where one tectonic plate goes on top of another plate. This provides a thicker crust of earth to build bases that needs miles of deep crust of earth.

What is really strange is that during low tide or any time when recedes leaving a wider beach area, the sea birds have a feast on the fishes left in the beach. But these days the sea birds actually fly inland when this is happening. The number of wild animals in the coastal areas also has diminished. Why are animals not coming back to the ocean coastal areas? Are they sensing possibility of another Tsunami?

fascinating stuff to say the least.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
At the very least, it's interesting... It might be worth a gander at some of the more respected UFOlogy sites to see if there is something to this...

Here's something....

Still sounds pretty out there though...and like more speculation than anything else...

Another story about this...

[edit on 5-11-2004 by Gazrok]

oh you forgetting about the one with the remote viewing monks that see future disaster and alien intervention. Anyway, it might be possible because the himalayas and the area are pretty much empty, devoid of life, except with very few nomads living there. All though, i don't believe it's true, humans still love hoaxes, and we will never grow from them and actually take it all seriously.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 11:33 PM
The Himalayas have always been a place of mystery and awe.Its a belief that the ancient Himalayas are the abode of Gods.Its always been said here that its a place of Yaksha's and Yakshini's ... supernatural beings.
There are tales about tourists and mountaineers never returning from a trip into the deep Himalayas or being abducted by these supernatural beings.There are Indian military bases at these great altitudes and the soldiers positioned there usually have a tale or two like these to tell.
There's definitely something unusual going on in these places if not UFO's.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Aryan
The Himalayas have always been a place of mystery and awe.Its a belief that the ancient Himalayas are the abode of Gods.Its always been said here that its a place of Yaksha's and Yakshini's ... supernatural beings.
There are tales about tourists and mountaineers never returning from a trip into the deep Himalayas or being abducted by these supernatural beings.There are Indian military bases at these great altitudes and the soldiers positioned there usually have a tale or two like these to tell.
There's definitely something unusual going on in these places if not UFO's.

Yes naga loka or serpent lake is there, its the home of some reptoids accourding to myth and sighting reports....
have you heard of flying serpents or nagas there in the abduction reports?


posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 09:31 PM
I've been in Indian cities. In Jaipur, there were large monkeys (about three feet tall if standing erect) waiting in the bus station rafters for anyone who took their eyes off of what they were eating, at which point one might leap down and grab it. In Rajasthan a group of monkeys approached us as we climbed the hill to the old Raj's palace. I tried to "engage" it--by batting my eyebrows playfully, a habit I picked up from Vickie Bonnell, a prof. from Harvard, of Russian pol. sci, but the monkey didn't like that. A friend who worked at the primate center at UC Davis told me monkeys see batting of eyebrows as a hostile gesture... Lucky for me, I wasn't accosted.

So, monkey men could easily be actual monkeys. In Indian lore there are monkey dieties, of a sort. In real world, modern India (hydrogen bombs, space program and high tech, plus Nobel winning physicists), the old lore is set aside in the way that we set aside the 7 days of creation myth, of course. BUT, aliens are a serious subject. They aren't fiction. India probably has its share of actual abducting aliens, which is a very high level government concern. It is global.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 10:14 PM
I have an idea.

I know there has to be some individuals here that would be willing to sponsor somone to go to india, set up a base camp in the mountains near this activity and get some footage. I think the sonorasightings guy would be a good candidate.

If we all want proof so bad lets go get it. It could be an ATS exclusive!

BTW, I get 10% commisions for comming up with the idea

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot

Is Contact Under Way in India?
Why are Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and China National Space Administration (CNSA) tight lipped about recent encounters with UFOs?

Persistent stories out of India indicate that something extraordinary is happening there involving UFOs. An Indian engineer working on antigravity propulsion has described studying advanced technology in "package" form--technologies ready made to be analyzed and duplicated. But where are they from?

Sumit Chatterjee reports that despite the military?s usual tight lipped response on account of national security, some officials have responded bluntly and confirmed the presence of UFOs in the area. Indian ufologists suspect that the flurry of activity is related to the local rumor that beings from Sirius will land in the area within the next seven years, though not reveal themselves until 2012.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Maybe the Aliens wanna try a curry dish and all they wanna do is find a place to land.

Maybe they are eyeing the curry as a possible new fuel source for their UFOs.

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