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When is a conspiracy theory no longer a theory?

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posted on May, 8 2013 @ 09:56 AM
At what point do you consider a conspiracy theory lose its theory status? Ie, Factual information to back it up? Because it seems to me, everything is a conspiracy theory......with SUBSTANTIAL evidence? doesnt the evidence negate a theory?

Science, form a hypothesis, and prove. Well, it seems to me many conspiracy theories are either close to being proven, or is getting proven. Where do we draw the line and stop calling it a conspiracy theory?

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 09:59 AM
when sky crafts reveal
in PEACE of course

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 10:08 AM
how about when people, stop using language wrong?
or when they start calling "theories" what they usually are

conspiracy HYPOTHESIS

you see there is this thing called the scientific method. Apparently people need to read wiki about it since they obviously don't read science books of the basic sort. Anyway, the same method applies to ..... well .... everything really

You see, first you Hypothesize .... this is really the same as having an idea

then, and this part is usually the important part, you EXPERIMENT ..... that is when you test your idea, over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until .....

you can theorize ..... now it's important to note here that THEORIZE is STEP 3 of the process .... a theory means you have concrete, repeatable with the same outcome, experiments and evidence, based on your hypothesis and the supporting experiments ..... NOW YOU HAVE A THEORY ..... GRATS !!!!!

and if that theory holds up under scrutiny it may one day become a scientific LAW ..... sometimes it stays a theory for a very long time, like evolution was a theory for 100+ years ..... then one day we discovered genetics, ran the gambit of the scientific method with that and then evolution became a scientific law ..... but it took 100+ years and a new science to get there .....

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by mactheaxe

I like to use the term "alternative theory".

The establishment/media has trained people to dismiss those who simply mention the words "conspiracy" or "conspiracy theory".

Alternative theories will sometimes remain just that, a theory. Mostly due to the fact that the general public is denied access to relevant information.

For example, some have said that vaccines may have cancer causing ingredients.

It was then revealed that about 100 million people had been injected with a vaccine containing the cancer causing virus SV40.

The CDC admitted that SV40 has been found in human cancer cells but says that "it has not been determined that SV40 causes these cancers", which really means that it very well could have.

So we may never know the truth meaning that it may always remain a theory/hypothesis.

Ultimately, you the individual will need to make a decision as to what you believe.

Just be able to justify your position in an educated and articulate way.

edit on 8-5-2013 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 10:22 AM
Some conspiracies are pretty much falling out of favor such as contrails. Even hardcore theorists are not believing in this anymore.

Others such as the NWO have been with us for centuries, I've found writings about that as early as the time of the creation of the Silk Road so it will probably never go away. Funny, before it was the bankers it was the merchants from the Middle East and Asia.

UFO's and aliens of course have always been around but this one won't go away until we actually see one land on the White House lawn probably. Interesting how there has never been one found or captured and shown off to the world.

Then you have the daily conspiracies which only last a little while then simply fade from memory. Just read the daily newspaper and look at any of the school shootings or some conflict that is the first shot of wwIII...luckily people forget about these relatively quickly as soon as the new story pops up in the media.

Then you have the category of dreams, predictions, and prophecy which will really never be proven as its just in people's minds so hard to tell.

I can really only think of one conspiracy that's ever come true that was widely circulated and that was the theory that Vietnam was started by our government under a false flag and of course that was accurate with the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Things like Operation Northwoods were true but it was really never widely circulated so I don't really count those. Most people never thought about it until they heard about it.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by davznothere
how about when people, stop using language wrong?
or when they start calling "theories" what they usually are

conspiracy HYPOTHESIS

you see there is this thing called the scientific method. Apparently people need to read wiki about it since they obviously don't read science books of the basic sort. Anyway, the same method applies to ..... well .... everything really

You see, first you Hypothesize .... this is really the same as having an idea

then, and this part is usually the important part, you EXPERIMENT ..... that is when you test your idea, over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until .....

you can theorize ..... now it's important to note here that THEORIZE is STEP 3 of the process .... a theory means you have concrete, repeatable with the same outcome, experiments and evidence, based on your hypothesis and the supporting experiments ..... NOW YOU HAVE A THEORY ..... GRATS !!!!!

and if that theory holds up under scrutiny it may one day become a scientific LAW ..... sometimes it stays a theory for a very long time, like evolution was a theory for 100+ years ..... then one day we discovered genetics, ran the gambit of the scientific method with that and then evolution became a scientific law ..... but it took 100+ years and a new science to get there .....

Finally someone who says it what rials me since ages! The misuse of the word "theory". Seems it is much more common among English speaking countries. During my time in engineering school our professors would always the: Theory to Practice ... explanation. "In theory this looks fine... BUT will it work in real live?"

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 10:36 AM
Im talking about what point does the line get crossed? because i see many "theories" well over the established line into fact. Like 9/11. It was a conspiracy is proving time and time again it wasnt a theory. Maybe its just like anything else. You reach a critical mass of people before its accepted as fact, not theory.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by mactheaxe

Usually, people who conspire against others are trying to keep that secret. So... the people that find this out will be attacked by the people conspiring against them. They will deny the conspiracy...

(not guilty your honor)

down play and minimize it

(ever watch the News?)

and blame and or accuse the "whistle blowers" of lies or being delusional... after all its only a conspiracy "theory".

Sometimes 50 years has to transpire too. Look at JFK and Vietnam. They "sealed" records.

Theres your sign...

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by mactheaxe

It's a theory until it's been proven. Data to support the theory is just that, data. you can get to a point where so much data points to it being true that you can declare it as good as true, but it's merely a theory until it's completely proven.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 11:55 AM
When is a conspiracy theory no longer a theory?

There is a way to be brief about that one ...

A conspiracy theory is no longer a theory when it is proven that the conspiracy is a conspiracy..

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 12:40 PM
Good post op, something I have often wondered myself, specifically how many of the many conspiracies out there and on here have been proven true? Can't think of many.I personally think on a sub conscious level we don't really want the truth, all the fun is in the not knowing...

Regards your question OP, well I guess physical proof is heeded, I.e. ET flies in and says hello. But even then people couple could say its a government cover-up...all the big conspiracies probably will never be proven.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by mactheaxe

Some things will always remain a theory because the majority of people are too scared to believe they might be true.

How scary is it when you let yourself wake up and open your eyes to the idea that maybe the people we think are there to protect us probably aren't.

It firmly puts you into your insignificant place in the grand scheme of things, and for a lot of people, that is not a place they want to go.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 01:24 AM
One man says to another: shes a figment of your imagination. Another man says: She loves you: And yet another says there is a big world out there. How much history was covered in these three sayings?

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