Aguy at GLP let us know about this:
I took some screen shots of an object seen near the Cenapreda volcano in Mexico. This object hovered around for 6 or 7 minutes then jetted almost
straight up out of frame.
I got luck and was able to catch "it" in the act:
this is NOT a HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first pic shows a strange structure comming from the object. Bug leg, craft door, antanae?
Interesting, I bet it was exciting to actually see something.
The slopes of the volcano are in focus, so in order to appear that big in front of the massive volcano, the bug would have to be very close to the
camera, and would be WAY out of focus. This object seems to be almost behind the volcano. I will keep watch. I actually have BMPs that are much better
quality, if you want to see them.