posted on May, 12 2013 @ 06:22 AM
I usedto consider myself a news junkie, but that's changed recently. It's all too depressing and your just left with the feeling of hopelessness.
I used to listen to BBC and LBC in the morning then watch Channel4 news and Newsnight. I still watch channel 4 news, because its normally when I have
my dinner and I consider it the best presented of the evening news options.
But out of the thousands of news reports that come out each year, very few effect me or my family or friends, so I don't see the point in engrossing
myself in it all now. Maybe ignorance is bliss, but there's no point in watching the daily fear mongering comming from the talking box, only for it
to have a negative impact on your life.
If there is something major happening, it will be on ATS, if there's something major not happening, it can also be found here. I get to choose
whether I open the thread or not.