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White Britons "In Retreat" from Minority areas

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posted on May, 6 2013 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by destination now

Britain has probably been invaded more than any other country in the world throughout history.

Britain hasn't been invaded since 1066, nearly a thousand years ago!

There are some justified concerns being expressed in this thread and to be honest I share quite a few of them - but there's also a lot of nonsense and inaccuracies being used to support them.

That only serves to give ammunition to those who would deny that we do have a problem in some parts of the UK and it fails to get to the core reason why so many 'White Britons' and indeed many second and third generation Afro-Caribbean Brits, (I hate that term!) are moving out of inner cities and other urban areas.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

I agree, that statement was more of a tongue in cheek response to someone else's comment

It is a very real issue though, and I am astounded that Demos have extrapolated that white British are retreating from areas with ethnic minorities to prevent integration, when it is simply not true. There are a whole host of reasons for people moving and I think it is wrong for Demos to suggest that White Britons moving are the reason for lack of integration with immigrants.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Pinke

Pinke you are an American .. right ?
You are talking about how you see things in America .. right ?
You are also extrapolating from your anecdotal experience and applying it to Britain .. am I right ?

Every voice is welcome, I was not trying to shut you down at all, but It is not quite the same issue .. although there are similarities.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by HelenConway

Helen, you make some valid points and I understand your concerns etc but your credibility is harmed by spouting complete bollocks at times.


Dear Pot, Thanks for your considered response - love Kettle !!!!!!

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by resoe26

I do NOT have bad teeth and have been regualrly to the dentist since I was 3 years old. What are you on about.
British people are not obsessed with falsely whitened teeth - true. However - my teeth are healthy thank you

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Chill out yo..
It was only a joke.

Only reason I'd go to England... is for the women.
I dig that accent.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by destination now

There are many social and economic reasons why 'White Britons' and some other groups are moving out of inner cities.

But there can be no denying that one of the major contributory factors is the influx of groups of immigrants who have absolutely no desire or intention of integrating with established communities and in fact have the explicit intent of spreading and imposing their culture upon the incumbents.

This is partly due to the policies of succesive governments who place the pursuit of an agenda over that of the interests and well being of the citizens of the UK.

The why's and how's of all this are far reaching and can be discussed forever and a day, but these issues will never be resolved until the problem is approached with a degree and level of honesty and openness that most seem unwilling or incapable of showing.
edit on 6/5/13 by Freeborn because: grammar and clarity

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by Pinke

Pinke you are an American .. right ?


You are talking about how you see things in America .. right ?


You are also extrapolating from your anecdotal experience and applying it to Britain .. am I right ?


I can describe parts of the UK for you if you like.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Pinke because: stoopid quote tags

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

But that's the whole point Helen, mine was a reasoned and considered response to your posts which amounted to nothing but emotional and unsubstantiated claims and wild exaggerations - I'd be delighted if you replied in a similar manner.

There is much truth in what you post and you are obviously passionate about what you believe, and that must be commended - but you detract from all that by coming out with ridiculous exaggerations like comparing the UK today with East Germany of yesterday, it's sheer nonsense.

But if you believe that at least try to give some evidence or reasoning to support your claim.

And if you think I am spouting complete and utter bollocks please show me where and explain why - I assure you I will not be offended in any way shape or form.
edit on 6/5/13 by Freeborn because: Add ETA

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:51 AM
Ahhhh the UK, the preachers of tolerance and how backwards Americans are....... Having white flight problems now are we? Well hello hypocrites, nice to meet ya!

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by jheated5
Ahhhh the UK, the preachers of tolerance and how backwards Americans are....... Having white flight problems now are we? Well hello hypocrites, nice to meet ya!

Err What??? It's usually Americans spouting off about the success of the multicultural melting pot of the US, not the other way round

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Freeborn - It is correct and right to compare the United Kingdom of Great Britain with the great Stasi police enforcement agency of East Germany.

This thread is not about that - but care to start a thread about it and I will explain why with evidence,

Which is not hard to find - start with 'common purpose' which has infiltrated all major organisations in the UK such as the police force and education, the legal system and health.

Next we can talk about fifith columnists, an expression that was first coined during the Spanish Civil war to indicate those from within who are aiming to destroy the system, take down the country and confuse.

Then we will end with Bilderberg and the undemocratic unrepresentative EU.

You don't think you will get arrested for speaking freely - then I challenge you to book a place at speakers corner and discuss immigration. How long before you are arrested ? I give it 30 minutes !

Plus someone in the Isle of Wight was arrested for singing 'Hong Kong Phooey' on a Kareoke machine in a pub at a Kareoke night.. it is a hate crime apparently !

Less of the insults though please.

edit on 6-5-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 10:02 AM
i will not be "forced" to do anything much less integrate with those i want nothing to do with.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by destination now

This approach seems to land the blame for this on white British people, when in fact, many ethnic minorities would rather not integrate and prefer to live in their own communities.

Nice thread S/F

I think about this a lot - I think people just naturally, innately, want to be among their "own kind."
Haven't read past the OP yet - but that's my thought on it.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

Freeborn - It is correct and right to compare the United Kingdom of Great Britain with the great Stasi police enforcement agency of East Germany.

No it isn't, it's just plain ridiculous - please supply some comparisons and examples to support your claim.

This thread is not about that - but care to start a thread about it and I will explain why with evidence,

So why did you mention it in the first place?
You brought it up without any supportive evidence at all - convenient that you backtrack when asked to supply some.

Which is not hard to find - start with 'common purpose' which has infiltrated all major organisations in the UK such as the police force and education, the legal system and health.

Yes, I agree that Common Purpose is an insidious organisation whose agenda is at odds with the interests of the majority of the UK population but likening it to The Stasi etc is best described as a bit of a stretch to say the least.

Next we can talk about fifith columnists, an expression that was first coined during the Spanish Civil war to indicate those from within who are aiming to destroy the system, take down the country and confuse.

Those who control this country can hardly be described as 'fifth columnists' - their aim is to maintain the stauts quo and the system that allows them so much control etc whilst 'fifth columnists' seek to undermine the system.

Then we will end with Bilderberg and the undemocratic unrepresentative EU.

Two nefarious organisations.
But again, their purpose is to manipulate events and policy to enable the elites control - but this is nothing new.

You don't think you will get arrested for speaking freely - then I challenge you to book a place at speakers corner and discuss immigration. How long before you are arrested ? I give it 30 minutes !

It's been a very long time since I've been to Speakers Corner, (these days I try to restrict my visits to London to Camden Town or drinking establishments en route to concert venues - London is a cesspit), but I've got to say I don't know of anyone being arrested for speaking about anything there as long as they have stayed within legal bounderies - I could quite easily be wrong about that though.

I suspect that if I took you up on that challenge - which to be honest I have absolutely no intention of doing, public speaking is something I have no desire to partake in and I doubt very much that I could talk for 30 minutes about anything other than music and drinking - I'm reasonably certain that as long as my speech didn't include any 'hate speech' etc then I wouldn't be arrested - we'll never find out.

Perhaps you have some instances where speakers have been arrested?

Plus someone in the Isle of Wight was arrested for singing 'Hong Kong Phooey' on a Kareoke machine in a pub at a Kareoke night.. it is a hate crime apparently !

And millions up and down the country weren't arrested for singing the same song.
One example of stupidity is not evidence that it is endemic or typical - surely you know that?

Less of the insults though please.

A difference of opinion is not an insult.
If you think it is well...............?
Please show me where I have insulted you?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

Helen, you make some valid points and I understand your concerns etc but your credibility is harmed by spouting complete bollocks at times.


You are deluded if you think your replies are reasoned and balanced - a delusion is a fixed firm belief. Continue - I see you.

Last response from me to you on this thread, where you are employing ad hominem attacks on me.
Not acceptable.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by skalla

the sun is not out where im from in the un-uk its chucking it down

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

I've asked you once before and I'll ask you again - please show me where I have made any personal, ad hominem insults or attacks?

You seem to be taking my disagreeing with your fixed yet unsupported perspective of UK society as a personal attack - it's not, I just disagree with you.

You made several claims then backtracked and shouted 'off topic' when asked to supply evidence or offer reasoning.

It's nothing personal I assure you - it's called discussing and debating.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:26 PM
LOL why do we lie?

Whites don't move away from "minority" neighborhoods

They move away from specifically Black, Muslim and other 3rd world cultures and behaviors.

In America... The West Coast, Asian Immigration has just shifted to the #1 group, I price houses in the Asian neighborhoods all the time lol.... I never price houses in Compton or Oakland...

Some "minorities" are violent jerks to a much high percentage than others, some minorities work their asses off and value great neighborhoods...

Come on now...

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:28 PM
To be honest, I think people here in Britain both white and minority need to chill out over this particular matter.

The simple truth of all this for newcomers is that this is Britain - it's great that you want to join us, but you no longer live in your home country. We love seeing the cultural bits and pieces that you bring with you, but you have to accept that you can't just transpant your entire lifestyle and values from home and continue it over here. You also have to accept that your kids, and your kid's kids will be different to you as their upbringing will be very different. Luckily British folk are very tolerant so we'll be able to work something out - hell, if we like something from your culture, we'll make it part of ours. A Friday night curry is about as British as Big Ben, after all.

On the other side of the coin...

The simple truth of all this for 'indiginous' Brits is that this fine nation of ours is a mongrel. Fact is, barely any of us come from here originally, and the folks arriving here today are not much different to your ancestors who rocked up a few hundred years ago - bringing their own identities and culture. You don't get to have an Empire without the breadth of that becoming reflected in your own people. You just need to let them adapt, and help where you can.

All this will come right, but it takes more than one generation to achieve. Black folk might as well have been aliens when they turned up in the Wind Rush, but I doubt few non-rural white Brits don't have black friends, or at the least contact with trusted black professionals. All that only took a few decades.

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