posted on May, 7 2013 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by purplemer
Germany has no natural gas or oil deposits but is planning on meeting its energy consumption targets by becoming one of the greenest countries in the
Germany becoming the greenest country in the world by replacing their nuclear plants by coal & gas plants?
Come on, give me a break.
I myself live in Germany.
First of all, the ecologist party (die Grüne) had an agreement with the SPD (socialist party) when the SPD was in power, that they would shut down
their nuclear plants at some point.
Then came the CDU (Christian democrats), who first pushed the end of life of the nuclear plants further in time, then after Fukushima they suddenly
went backwards and want to close everything soon.
All this is being done in a rush, as a reaction to Fukushima - I agree this is not German to simply react to the event without real planning.
Renewable energies are being looked at, but even German people and companies agree today that these energies are extremely unefficient - at the
moment. I fully agree that we should continue to push to make them working properly.
This poorly planned action is going to cost billions of € (yep, with my taxes), electricity price is going to rise (it is already high and steadily
rising, German people are getting miffed about it).
And the skies are going to receive even more soot and CO2.
You may not like the nuclear energy, that is another debate, but please do not say that Germany will be the greenest country in the world.