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Paul Hellyer Claims Two ET's Are Working With The US Government!

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posted on May, 6 2013 @ 10:38 AM
These UFOs and aliens and yes the grey aliens who are solid and real might be demoic forces and angelic forces of good and evil.I saw an amazing UFOs back in the 90's.But don't jump the gun on what could be a trick and being decieved by what ever these things are.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by MisterMiyagi

If this is the truth we have the wrong 2 ET's working with the US government, because things are screwed up.

ET's doesn't mean compassionate, caring, or looking out for the good of the entire earth.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 11:59 AM
Could anyone tell me when he talks about the two different E.T's in the video plz? I really don't spend my bandwith.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Completely unremarkable. As already stated....he is selling a book and he has zero first-hand knowledge of anything. He also subscribes to Corso's dribble. Stories which changed from aliens to time travel.

Once again, nothing to see here folks.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Jobeycool
These UFOs and aliens and yes the grey aliens who are solid and real might be demoic forces and angelic forces of good and evil.I saw an amazing UFOs back in the 90's.But don't jump the gun on what could be a trick and being decieved by what ever these things are.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

What about fairies and goblins? Gremlins? Howz 'bout the gods on Mount Olympus? Yeah....just as imaginary as angels and demons.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by WilliamOckham

Zero first hand knowledge he is willing to divulge, at any rate.
As a former Minister of Defense, you can take it to the bank that he has loads of info he is not at liberty to discuss. On a wide variety of topics.
The fact that he is pro ET visitation speaks volumes to lots of people, myself included.

ETA: My biggest question with the guy is whether or not he is still working in some official capacity to disinform people.
edit on 6-5-2013 by JayinAR because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:07 PM
A few of the responses made me chuckle.
We live in a world where you have to be 'qualified' to tell the truth.
Unfortunately the people who apparantly by your standards, 'are qualified' to tell you what is and isn't, are the ones who have little to no stake in anyone finding out said truth and most likely are just as ignorant and attached to the system than any tom dick or harry.

Give people a chance. All you have to do is trust your instinct and your understandings to know bull#.
Maybe you don't believe him, but that doesn't mean he is wrong.

The evidence that aliens have been around for a while is overwhelming. And anyone who looks up to the night sky and contemplates the universe, you already know half of the truth


posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:12 PM
Well at least we got an answer on : Are aliens benevolent?

No they are not because they collaborate with the most evil, destructive and corrupted government in the world.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by MisterMiyagi
reply to post by MrJohnSmith

The thing I have noticed on ATS is this, no matter the credibility or background of any eye witness or whistleblower in relation to UFO's , and there are hundreds of names we could quote that have spoke out about the reality of ET's visiting Earth, each and every one of them is ridiculed, debunked and attacked by an element of the forum.

The point I am trying to make is this.If we dismiss these eye witnesses accounts at every turn then we diminish human testimony that would, under normal circumstances, be considered good enough for a conviction in a court of law.

Yip ,and to think that those doing the attacks that not one of them was in any position of credibility like those coming forward , but they really do feel they are justified in these rebuttals despite being in no real similiar positions of those talking out.If that was the other way round we would never hear the last of it.

It all boils down to who you considered to be in the better positions to justify what they are claiming.
There will always be the main justifications of these attacks that will manifest in either...

1. Whistleblower has a book coming out.
2;Was quoted from a dodgy web site.
3;Disinformation shill ect.

For me personally the average of credible sources that have spoken out outweighs those who have suspect agendas.Too many have came forward an i expect more in the future.

edit on 15/07/2010 by K-PAX-PROT because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:29 PM
I watched the entire video and am convinced that the guy was just their to gain some kind of notoriety for his own benefit. I think he felt there would be like minded individuals there (fellow conspiracists) who would lend a sympathetic ear to his cause. ETs working for the US gov't was just a tiny footnote on an extended diatribe relating to TPTB. He was just selling his and others' books from the sound of it to me.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Sandcastler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:59 PM
Later on he goes on to tell the audience about this incredible investment opportunity that he was emailed about in Nigeria....

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:04 PM
Are the ETs... Ernie and Edna Toivonen?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:18 PM
I feel ATS is swarming with trolls(agents). People who want to discredit and people who just say no.

Regarding extra terrestrial life; opposers have no clue what they are talking about.

So this is a thumbs up for you out there who know the truth!

I say this to all of you out there on this forum. There are many websites out there like this. Thousands. And many of them are alot better than ATS.

ATS is lagging extremely when it comes to breaking news, and information. I think the majority of people that have knowledge have left ATS, and are now evolving and gaining knowledge on other websites. There's even alot of posts which talks about conspiracy’s that are no longer conspiracy's!!!!!

The NWO is not a conspiracy
UFO phenomenon is not a conspiracy

Theese things are being talked openly about on the internet, and even in some news!!!

Wake up!!

Alot of people on here are mabye sceptics that wants to confirm something for themselves, and because of that you get a lot of negative comments.

I suggest all who take UFO's, and all other subjects for real to check out other forums and channels. Alot of things is happening !!!!!!

If only 1% of the reports about UFO's were true, there would still be thousands of documents that would confirm it. In my opinion; if you dont belive in them. U are a nutcase.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:19 PM

Is this what it is all about? I was watching and this part distracted me....
Is he just trying to sell a book?


Edit: Still watching....It is interesting.....
edit on 6-5-2013 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by hy9nos
I feel ATS is swarming with trolls(agents). People who want to discredit and people who just say no.

Regarding extra terrestrial life; opposers have no clue what they are talking about.

So this is a thumbs up for you out there who know the truth!

I say this to all of you out there on this forum. There are many websites out there like this. Thousands. And many of them are alot better than ATS.

ATS is lagging extremely when it comes to breaking news, and information. I think the majority of people that have knowledge have left ATS, and are now evolving and gaining knowledge on other websites. There's even alot of posts which talks about conspiracy’s that are no longer conspiracy's!!!!!

The NWO is not a conspiracy
UFO phenomenon is not a conspiracy

Theese things are being talked openly about on the internet, and even in some news!!!

Wake up!!

Alot of people on here are mabye sceptics that wants to confirm something for themselves, and because of that you get a lot of negative comments.

I suggest all who take UFO's, and all other subjects for real to check out other forums and channels. Alot of things is happening !!!!!!

If only 1% of the reports about UFO's were true, there would still be thousands of documents that would confirm it. In my opinion; if you dont belive in them. U are a nutcase.

I'd be more than happy to agree there's alienz visting long as there is actual corroborating evidence. All the blah blah blah in front of the press and UFO community means nothing. Nothing whatsoever. The only people who base their beliefs on hearsay and pure faith in what someone says, are the crazy, religious and members of cults.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by WilliamOckham

Originally posted by Jobeycool
These UFOs and aliens and yes the grey aliens who are solid and real might be demoic forces and angelic forces of good and evil.I saw an amazing UFOs back in the 90's.But don't jump the gun on what could be a trick and being decieved by what ever these things are.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

What about fairies and goblins? Gremlins? Howz 'bout the gods on Mount Olympus? Yeah....just as imaginary as angels and demons.

Not gonna jump the gun on something we don't understand.Also this idea that living breathing aliens from another planet is all friendly and they want to help us to stop fighting wars and want to help the planet from global warming and none of these aliens are bad, this idea that they are all so friendly and sweet and nice is insanity and ridiculous to assume such nonsense.The aliens just want us to stop the wars and get rid of nuclear bombs and have global peace and they will take us on trips to outer space and give us free energy,Some of this stuff is ridiculous cult like beliefs.I think they are real but don't have a clue what they are or why they are here.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)
The other thing is they all are selling books off this to make some money.I still believe some of the people are telling the truth.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:41 PM
Ouch, that was painful to watch. Hellyer is not a good public speaker.
For a minute there I felt bad for those former members of congress, having to sit through this old geezers sleep inducing book reading, then I remembered they were paid $20,000 each to be there.

What a farce!

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by 2012newstart
He names 5 ET races/civs:
Zeta Reticuli

Whoever's choosing these stars as homes for the aliens isn't too good at astronomy. I suspect they choose them for the coolness of the names. A star named BD+59°1915 doesn't have that same, New Age poetic ring to it like the Pleiades.

But the Pleiades are a stellar nursery, our Sun is 20 times older than those stars. They are too young for an advanced civilization by far. And Orion is a constellation of unrelated supergiants that happen to line up in a formation when seen from earth. Altair is a single supergiant, maybe a fifth as old as our solar system. Yes in theory an advanced civilization could move in there for some reason, but it would be strange to identify any of these as your homeworlds.

Zeta Reticuli (a pair of sun-like G clas stars but much older) are the most plausible stars on that list that it would make sense to look for intelligent life on. Which is why it figures so prominently in Marjorie Fish's calculations etc.

The Andromeda constellation also has 16 stars but again they all just happen to lie in a certain direction in space as seen from our solar system. There are some K and G type stars including one with a large earthlike exoplanet there, but why would you say "We're from Andromeda", which is like saying "We're from the northern hemisphere", when you could be more specific, like 14 Andromedae b...

Is it because those exoplanets weren't known to astronomers and thus to ufologists until now?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by MisterMiyagi
The former Canadian Minister of Defence comes across as a very credible source in my opinion and the implications of this are immeasurable

edit on 5-5-2013 by MisterMiyagi because: spell

edit on 5-5-2013 by MisterMiyagi because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-5-2013 by MisterMiyagi because: spelling

Unfortunately, although the man himself is credible, he himself has not seen any ET or UFOs. He is simply reporting what other people have told him. He indicates he believes the "reports". We can believe that he believes. But, apart from that there still is zero evidence of ET and UFOs. All the stuff he talks about are the myths and propaganda that has been floating around for ages.

Here's something to think about. Earth has no central government. If aliens came to earth, who would they contact? If they have been here for thousands of years, then why only now are they talking to some of us? How do they pick the individuals they decide to talk to. Do they only talk to the rich? Do they fly over the land, spot the largest house, and swoop down to talk to the homeowner? If so, they should be talking to the Queen and Donald Trump, etc..But, they are not. So, who are these people on earth that have contact with the ET?

Are they top graduates from MIT, Harvard, etc.? How did ET find them? Were they scared when ET first approached and said, I see you're one of the most intelligent individuals on earth, lets' chat.

Do you see the difficulty?

There are 6 billion people on earth, and only a very small number have any contact with ET. That small number has to be "selected" in some way by ET for contact. How did they go about deciding who to contact?

Even the Canadian Defence Minister wasn't contacted by ET. A guy who read a book, contacted the Canadian Defence Minister, and sent him a book about ET, written by yet another person. Words are very powerful things, especially when they appear in print.

The Defence Minister finally got around to reading the book, was impressed with it, probably because he knew the names of some of the places and/or people mentioned in the book, so he felt the contents could be true. Then checking with other people he knew, who also knew the names of places in the book, they, believing also, corroborate the story once again. Believers helping believers to believe. But, no evidence forthcoming anywhere.

The only testimony that matters, is the testimony of someone who's had direct experience. The testimony of reports of others having direct experience is no testimony at all. All this shows is that a very intelligent high ranking Government Official can be easily duped, to believing anything. He is so convinced himself, that there's something to these ET and UFO stories, that he's willing to testify that it must be so. It's a good thing he's no longer the Defence minister, because wars start on the same basis. "Sir, I've see them use Chemical Weapons" "Right, lets send in the bombers." In this way, an Israli agent, making a false report, could easily get the defence minister to attack Syria, for them.

edit on 6-5-2013 by SQUEALER because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Nicorette

For argument's sake, could it be that these hypothetical aliens have been monitoring our planet and know what we have named the stars and then self identified with them in language we would readily understand?
Couldn't be, huh? Because then we would have to concede that a species barely capable of traveling beyond its own moon doesn't understand half of what its internet forum skeptics think they do.

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