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maitreya is the antichrist

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posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 06:41 PM
he looks great, doesn't he? everything he says makes sense! it would be so easy to LOOOVE such a great person. unfortunately, the false christ is supposed to create a delusion, and you can't create mass delusion without deception, and you can't deceive everyone without being a great facsimile. this guy (or at least his "prophet"--see revelations for correlations to the antichrist and his spokesperson) will unify the world in the wake of the US's bloody swashbuckling BS in iraq, it's just what he needs to finally have his self-described coming-out day (on which, according to share's website, his face will appear on screen around the world and we will all hear his message of LOOOVE in our native tongue telepathically). his recommended transcendental meditations focusing on "light" ("angel of light") through our forehead "chakras" will enable him to flood us with his lies. in order to deceive the populace, you have to feed them something that's ALMOST right, but not quite. here's where his (and the prevailing newage community's) philosophies diverge fatally from judeo-christianity: will we all BECOME god by embodying this "holy" light. whups! what about that part in the bible where the original and greatest sin was to say "i will become like god"? the euphrates river is being dammed, to become dry just as the bible said. the jews in israel have begun to train the ancient sanhedrin sect to once again practice in the new temple. their ceremonial red calf (only the 10th ever born in history) has just been born, and sacrifices can again ensue (until the antichrist, like cain in genesis--who was also "marked" and cast out to wander the planet, much like the "prince of the power of the air" who rules the earth at present--reinstates alternative non-bloody false sacrifices). the mark for the hand, without which you cannot buy and sell, is being received swimmingly well in test markets. the UN has plans to fingerprint and account for every human on the planet. GPS tracking is seen as a "godsend" (it's anything but). people think at this stage of the game that people will stage a mass rebellion against the chip, but when's the last time you saw a mass rebellion against ANYTHING? you cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast. that means you will go hungry, you will live outdoors, and you will eventually be scooped up by the authorities, as homelessness has in recent years become an arrestable offense. once your dirty starving and considerbly meeker ass gets to jail, even if you made it that far without giving in to the chip (not likely), you'll have one forcibly put in you just as easily as the authorities now record your fingerprints. the church's long-standing fascination with the "rapture" is probably just wishful thinking, as true christians have not historically escaped persecution any more easily than the jews. you will not be able to, religious or not, "fight" the chip. you can choose to avoid the implant, but that will require a rare and exceedingly difficult fervor for the true god that will make you a martyr. direct deposits are already forced by many employers. as soon as everyone takes away hard currency (and they will), you will not have any other choice if you want to eat. better make your choice now--do you want to thrive here in the material world, or suffer here to avoid damnation in the next?


Mod edit: removed URL from thread title

[edit on 4-11-2004 by Spectre]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 06:48 PM
I don't think there really is a Maitreya. I think Benjamine Creme
has been pushing him (and selling books, etc.) for ... what ...
15 years, just to make some $$$$.

I don't think he exhists.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 07:03 PM
the time hasn't been "right" for him until now. why would he show up before his "mark" is created by recent technological advances? or show up before the middle east is in the perfect prophesied situation? a lot of people forget that god exists, too, because he's taken quite a while to show up. benjamin creme has been foretelling maitreya's arrival for 20 years. do you realize how insignificant 20 years is in history? in 20 years we've gone from being a country with relative freedom, prosperity, and anonyminity to our present situation. benjamin creme himself states that maitreya won't show up until the world is "ready" for him. the european community has just recently been united with a common currency (which will be in turn replaced by a cashless version). the revived roman empire IS the european union. don't be naive in believing that just because this guy didn't show up several years ago that he's not going to. this guy has been getting the world ready for his arrival just like the real john the baptist did for jesus. they "missed their mark", as some other websites note, but then god is really the only infallible one, eh? hitler didn't succeed perfectly, but he sure did a lot of damage, anyway. this guy will wreak the ultimate and final havoc on the world, even if his flawed human messenger missed the mark. as some other posters said, the antichrist is supposed to be universally loved. there is no world leader or religious leader (and CERTAINLY not GWB) who is universally loved. the antichrist will be like nothing we've ever seen before. that's what makes him so impressive. he won't just come shlepping out like typical mook, he will be a fusion of the natural and supernatural. there is nobody else out there talking about some being like this except for benjamin creme.

oh, and btw, benjamin creme isn't just some book-hawking hack. he is very closely affiliated with (read, professionally respected) the UN as a means for universal religious tolerance and unity and peace and security issues. THEY believe in him, even if you don't.

and if he just showed up out of the blue, without creating "signs" and "miracles" and getting everybody warmed up to the idea first, do you really think that people would be interested in calling him "god", or just "crazy guy who showed up out of the blue claiming to be god"?

[edit on 4-11-2004 by mellymai]

[edit on 4-11-2004 by mellymai]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:23 PM
This is complete bull dust and proves that the internet is full of rubbish

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:23 PM
This is complete bull dust and proves that the internet is full of rubbish

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:42 PM
First Bush, then Prince Charles and now it's this Maitreya?

OK, OK, I'll admit it. Enough of the guessing games.

It's me. I am the anti-christ...

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:42 PM
"This is complete bull dust and proves that the internet is full of rubbish"

you mean sites like "above top", right
did you get lost on your way to "proven beyond a shadow of a"? did you join a site that discusses conspiracy theories so you could post one-liner rejections of conspiracy theories? maybe "" or "i don't believe nuthin' unless i can poke it with a" would appeal more to you.

[edit on 4-11-2004 by mellymai]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:54 PM
"First Bush, then Prince Charles and now it's this Maitreya?"

yep, i'm lazy about using the "quote" feature, ah well...

bush is almost universally hated. prince charles is just a dork that thinks he's some woman's tampon.

the antichrist is supposed to be a totally powerful, inherently dangerous, and universally accepted persona. i wasn't interested in guessing games myself until a few weeks ago, when someone brought me an article about the verichip. i just wonder if "orwellian" is ever going to lose its appeal as a way to point to someone as a crazy far out loose cannon, since we are now living in a world that is far more monitored and controlled (and will be getting much more so) than anything george orwell could have dreamed up.

maitreya has the unique distinction of CLAIMING to be the messiah returning to earth. bush and prince charles and some other political and religious leaders (bandy 'em about 'till you're blue in the face) don't have that distinction. the only person around right now who is TELLING you he's the antichrist is maitreya. if you'd like to actually check it out, you can go to HIS website, not some third-party debunker's, and read his own stated dogma for yourself:

by the way, share international's website states that they are closely allied with the UN and plan to, well, blah blah blah, you can read it all yourself from the horse's mouth.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:10 PM
Interesting... Thanx.

[edit on 11/4/2004 by Assassin]

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 11:30 PM
Did everyone ever read my post about the anti-christ in the religious conspiracy forum?

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 02:52 AM
I think it is funny he came out for kerry

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:05 AM
Maitreya has been around alot longer than the internet, this isn't some story conjectured by a recent nut case though it is obvious some one has been using the name, look up the word before you try to present any opinions as the name can be found in hindu and other cultures as well. There's more to Maitreya than some nut case on the net.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by mellymai
here's where his (and the prevailing newage community's) philosophies diverge fatally from judeo-christianity: will we all BECOME god by embodying this "holy" light. whups! what about that part in the bible where the original and greatest sin was to say "i will become like god"? [edit on 4-11-2004 by Spectre]

Yes...where exactly does the Bible say that the original and greatest sin was to say "I will become like god"?

I know in Genesis it says,
"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

But it sounds to me like the gods were afraid man would cease to be inferior to them should they become immortal, so in order to maintain their position of authority over mortal men, the gods kicked Adam and Eve out of Paradise.

Consider also this passage:
John 10:33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

If Jesus declared that we are gods, then how can it be a sin to believe this to be the case?

Where in the Bible does it say that we shouldn't seek to be like God?

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by jimmyhellfire
This is complete bull dust and proves that the internet is full of rubbish

oh yeah, there was one other thing i found funny when i went to some of your other posts. you're in AUSTRALIA? not only do you post on other threads things like "america should support bush" and some other unclear blather about russia, but as far as the antichrist is concerned, you're not 1) in america, where we are unfortunately perpetuating our own doom and almost universal ill will with this senseless war, and 2) you're not in europe, where the ever-looming big brother of the european union is terrorizing my friends across the pond who live under it (people like my friends in italy who are finding it more than a little strange and disorienting to be now required to present a fingerprint for ordinary transactions).

if you're an expert on the US and the EU, i'm sure that everyone would love to hear a well thought out dissertation (read, more than four or five lines) on what's REALLY going on on continents other than the one you live on. but maybe you could also make it clear as to how much you've studied your subject and for how long, through how many sources and how much independent thought, and why your opinions are your own, unbiased, and original?

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:13 PM
Apparently the Antichrist has disable the ATS Search Function.

This topic has been discussed several different times.

Maitreya. Who Is This Man?

Who is Maitreya?

Maitreya- What Are Your Opinions?

Those are just a few. It's prefferable to add to those before starting a new thread. If you have questions about using any of ATS' features, drop me a u2u.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by jezebel

Originally posted by mellymai
here's where his (and the prevailing newage community's) philosophies diverge fatally from judeo-christianity: will we all BECOME god by embodying this "holy" light. whups! what about that part in the bible where the original and greatest sin was to say "i will become like god"? [edit on 4-11-2004 by Spectre]

Yes...where exactly does the Bible say that the original and greatest sin was to say "I will become like god"?

I know in Genesis it says,
"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

But it sounds to me like the gods were afraid man would cease to be inferior to them should they become immortal, so in order to maintain their position of authority over mortal men, the gods kicked Adam and Eve out of Paradise.

Consider also this passage:
John 10:33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

If Jesus declared that we are gods, then how can it be a sin to believe this to be the case?

Where in the Bible does it say that we shouldn't seek to be like God?

first of all, knowing wearily that you won't believe what i have to say because you have decided in advance not to, i will limit my answer to something succinct and simple. i'm talking about the sin that occurred BEFORE man, and thus the original "bad thing" that the bible makes clear to us happened in the heavens. that was when lucifer said "i will be like God" and was cast out of heaven. pretty heavy punitive damages, if it wasn't actually wrong, getting kicked out of paradise and all... therefore, it's pretty clear to me that it kind of ticked God off just a little bit. it's also clear to anyone who BELIEVES (and, again, this is a losing proposition with someone who has decided they don't, but i drag my weary carcass to the query, anyway, for the benefit of someone ELSE who might be reading the thread) that the fall of man was based on lucifer's cunning powers to convince early man that they, too, could be like God.

the bible makes it plain that we need God to save our poor disease-ridden smelly farting pimple-ridden bacteria and fungus-laden gossipy self-involved greedy narcissistic prideful (and that's the "GOOD" folks
a**es from ourselves. it makes it pretty plain that we are nowhere even close to being a god (God wouldn't have morning breath, for starters
, and that redemption and mercy are our only hope. for someone who reads the book remotely and without any desire to believe what is in its pages but merely to extract something here and there to "prove" their dissention with it, you will nearly always be able to take something out of context and make it work for your point.

i would never pick up a book of any kind, fiction or non-fiction, turn to a single page, read a random quip, and then turn to someone and say that that one blurb defined the entire book. reading comprehension is based on the concept of reading an ENTIRE book or passage, and only when completely finished looking back over to say what it was about OVERALL. the messsage of the ENTIRE bible is that we cannot BE God, we can only expect His mercy. we can invite Him into our hearts, but the difference in saying that we invite Him into us versus BECOMING that divinity ourselves is both at once as tiny and as huge as it gets. the devil is in the details. the difference is pride, and it was, in fact, the original sin, even if you look at it from the perspective of humans, not fallen angels. the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was about pride. lucifer's fall from grace was about pride.

from a new nonfiction book i just purchased: "One woman was picked up by a gale of wind and thrown like a stone into the window of Schrafft's candy store on Fifth Avenue." is this a book about terrible weather in NYC? it's actually about the race to build the early skyscrapers in NYC. i can take one half of a sentence that refutes the other half vis a vis the word "but" and say that the original part was the author's full intention, or that the "but" invalidates the entire argument, as the overall idea is contradictory. or, i can read the author's full passage or book with an open unrigid mind, so that i can allow the author's ideas the opportunity to teach me something new, and after i am finished reading i can look back over the entire thing and draw my own conclusions. the bible is about God's grace to a fallen race, and it makes, over and above anything else it says, it perfectly clear time and time again that man is to be humble before God, God indwelling IN him but not BECOMING him, and is NEVER to reach the point where he says "I will be like God".

and as far as THIS goes: "But it sounds to me like the gods were afraid man would cease to be inferior to them should they become immortal, so in order to maintain their position of authority over mortal men, the gods kicked Adam and Eve out of Paradise."--there were no "gods" in the bible, there was only ONE. and He is no more "afraid" of man, with our laughably limited resources (viruses are replicating faster than we can even begin to understand. we can't even cure athlete's foot!). He is ANGERED when His creations take this stance. if we were to actually be able to create artificial intelligence, which then turned around and said it would become equal to us, we would pull its plug and throw it in the landfill with our lean cuisine trays and old cell phones and dirty pampers. it's chutzpah, and it is out of place for creatures who, even if we believe in evolution (which follows the creation story perfectly, btw), still can't answer the simple question: "Where did the raw materials for the big bang come from in the first place?" i'm glad that man isn't God or even close, because as i've seen first-hand the worst side of people, even the ones that claim to be "good", i'm glad there is something better than our lowly flawed selves.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Bobbo
Apparently the Antichrist has disable the ATS Search Function.

This topic has been discussed several different times.

Maitreya. Who Is This Man?

Who is Maitreya?

Maitreya- What Are Your Opinions?

Those are just a few. It's prefferable to add to those before starting a new thread. If you have questions about using any of ATS' features, drop me a u2u.

apparently it's fine for another thread to start with such subject lines as "Bush is the Antichrist"... for those who don't live in the states or have possibly been under a rock for the past few years, who is this Bush guy? Prince Charles? whozat?

My original subject line had the URL to share international in it (read, THAT guy), but a moderator moved that URL to the base of my original post.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:22 PM
he can't be the antichrist because Mavis Analogue is.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:34 PM
Fingerprinting and ID cards have been a part of my life since the day I was born here in Singapore..What's new.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by mellymai
apparently it's fine for another thread to start with such subject lines as "Bush is the Antichrist"... for those who don't live in the states or have possibly been under a rock for the past few years, who is this Bush guy? Prince Charles? whozat?

My original subject line had the URL to share international in it (read, THAT guy), but a moderator moved that URL to the base of my original post.

Those threads are different- they don't pertain directly to Maitreya. they pertain to Bush, or Charles, etc.

all the threads I linked to are directly related to the same topic as yours, all have links to the Share Int'l website, and all discuss maitreya being the antichrist at some point.

Peruse them, and use the search function, prior to starting a new thread.

I suggest, since you're a relatively new member, that you browse the ATS Rules.

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[edit on 6-11-2004 by Bobbo]

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